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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. WHATEVER! Hockey is not ballet. Why don't we have "no touch" hockey? Go watch figure skating if that's what you want to see. There is no place in the game for what Simon has done,but Don Cherry would NEVER condone his behavior. As far as the "clean up or die", turn on the tv once in a while. The UFC is more popular than ever and I can't even watch that. Too brutal for me but that sport has grown like gangbusters. I think they need to get the cheap shots and stick work out of hockey, but if two good ole boys want to go, that's hockey. I also agree with getting rid of the instigator rule. too many are taking liberties with the stars of the game. The Sean Avery's of the league may think twice if they know there will be some consequences to their actions and Derek Boogaard (aka Boogie Man) brings it to their attention. I think the game would surely benefit if everyone isn't constantly worried about getting mamed by a career ending cheap shot they likely didn't see coming. Where would Gretzky be without Semenko? Oh, one more thing douG, "driving cars at the limits of their ability and the car's mechanical limits" is great fun as well. It should be kept off the streets and on a track,whether it's oval track,drag racing or road course but cars are fun too .......... and not just for shining. Everyone is obviously not of the same opinion douG.
  2. He should be the first one permanently kicked out of the NHL. It's too bad really because for a slugger he's pretty talented. Alot of the old-time fighters were there for one reason only,but Simon's pretty good out in front of the net and can play some minutes. That said, there is no place in the league for the crap he's pulled in the last couple years. I say oust him and set an example.
  3. That was a great report!! Thanks for sharing. Maybe when you hook up with fatherof3 (Brad) I'll be tagging along. You definetely had a great year. Nice muskie(s) and nice treble in the finger. Yikes!!!!
  4. Very nice! Looks like you caught a couple nice ones. I'm not asking for your honey hole, but what area were you in? Close to Arnprior? My dad wants me to go muskie fishing in the Ottawa with him. Thanks for posting.
  5. It is a great deal, although there is no percentage off on sale or "special". Sometimes that's to THEIR benefit. For example I'm looking at a Scientific Anglers flyfishing kit. Now it's $124 in the book regular price. So do the math. Take 20% off and that's $99.20. They put it on "SPECIAL" for $109, so no deal. Isn't that "SPECIAL"? The stuff you don't want to discount 20% ,put on sale for 10% off (or so). Although I think Irishfield (sorry if it wasn't you) posted that they ship out of Quebec so no PST as well, so that should basically pay for shipping. It's still a good deal, just a little sneaky.
  6. I'll be the one going 120mph in my Buick Roadmaster wagon (yes,Grandma's on top). C'mon Leaf tickets. What a great Christmas present that would be!
  7. What a great thread. I was going to post a similar question today, but as a Christmas present for my father who mentioned earlier in the year that he always wanted to fly fish. I was looking at the starter kits online at Cabelas,BPS and LeBaron. Anyone else have one of these? I think I'll go to the local shop in Paris and see what he has first. He's a fly fisherman, so I'm hoping he has a few choices. Great thread guys.
  8. I guess I''ll go with Lecavalier too. What a line in Tampa! Imagine Sid the Kid on that line. I heard one of the big three from the Lightning is going. Lecavalier would look good in blue and white,don't you think? I can't believe nobody has mentioned Luongo. The guy's unbelievable, and in this day and age the way the game is being played, goaltending is incredibly important.
  9. Very sorry to hear of your losses. It's always horrible to lose a loved one, but two and at this time of year is very tough. Coming together with your family will help all of you get through this. Take care.
  10. Only 89% but $125. I don't know anything about "doubling down". Dumb luck I guess?
  11. WOW!! Awesome fish. I wish my wife wanted to go fishing all the time .................... or not LOL .
  12. I have a 14 foot tinny now and did exactly what you are saying, albeit with a narrow twelve footer as well as putting a 16 foot canoe on top at the same time (just fit). Shouldn't be a problem as far as I'm concerned. I'll be taking one or the other now that I have the bigger boat though.
  13. Sorry to hear that Gary. Very sorry for your loss. That's gotta be tough bud. I dread the thought that someday I will lose my mother. I'm hoping it's MANY years away. Take care.
  14. Another beautiful day of fishing. By the way, I think we must be related LOL. Seriously, I feel for you. You must have been ready to burn the lot! Better luck next time. I guess it can't get much worse. Well,you shouldn't need a battery or the one tire. Maybe you should change the other tire and put LOTS of gas, just incase. Poor guy ......YIKES !!!
  15. Looks like a pretty good year to me. Lots of time with the kids too. You gotta love it. Good on ya Mike.
  16. I read about this in the paper and knew it would be an OFC'er. Very sad news. My condolences go out to his friends and family. I didn't know him, but to those that did, take some comfort in the fact that he lived his life the way he wanted to and experienced more in his short life than some will in ten lifetimes.
  17. I used to smoke and when people I knew came back from Cuba I'd get some Monte Cristo's, #1 or #2's worked for me. Very reasonable to buy them like that. Tried quite a few, but I guess I wasn't hardcore because I'd never pay $20 for a puff. I'd grab the odd five bucker from a local cigar shop. I do miss the odd cigar. I said I'd smoke a cigar after I had quit for two years (a few months from now), but I'm not going to (scared) . Maybe after ten.
  18. Speaking or should I say not speaking of that place here's a funny article............. you know about that place we can't speak of. I think someone else is protective of your secret place (read the article LOL). Here you go shhhhhhhhh http://www.fish-hawk.net/hawkshow/wilmot/wilmot.php. Oh Chickenhawk,thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see the pics.
  19. Yep.you're right. Here's an ad for new 2004 Merc 4 stroke 9.9's for $1595 new,never fired (NOS) http://www.smalloutboards.com/m99984strk.htm .
  20. Good for you. I did it the same way when I smoked. I figured I was the bonehead smoking. Why should my kids have to????
  21. I can't win this one but I've been clean for over a year and a half. I think a year and eight months actually.There are times when I can still feel the craving. If you're going to work, grab a coffee and roll down the window ...... here comes the rush. I've even grabbed for the darn things a few times. It's getting easier all the time, but I still have weak moments. I'm not giving in though. They say it's harder to quit than heroin ........................... I can believe it.
  22. I'm no expert, but it seems like that woud be the going range for a "newer" small 9.9 outboard. For example there's a 2002 Yami on E-Bay with a buy it now of $1299. If you know who you're buying it from, that's a bonus for sure.
  23. Thanks for standing up for the blue and white. I've been a TRUE unwaivering fan of the Leafs for a very long time. I understand the frustration that some of you feel, but our time will come. The time for a Canadian team winning the cup is coming soon. Having a cap has levelled the playing field substantially. Whether is Ottawa, Calgary or any other Canadian team I'll be glad to see it happen. Bring the cup back where it belongs. For those who jump on and off the Leaf bandwagon who needs you. If everyone (especially Leaf management) just let the Leafs really suck for a few years, collect young talent and draft picks they could build a great time instead of trying to patch it together, constantly trying to do a balancing act between building and putting a good (or at least acceptable) product on the ice every year. Does everyone remember how bad Ottawa was? Look what they've done. Are they inline for a cup this year? I think the Leaf management could take a lesson, although the pressure and expectations in the two cities were completely different. Toronto and Montreal are constantly under the microscope. Pressures to produce are different and much more intense than anywhere else. Management are constantly trying to appease stockholders and always put on the defence. They seem to almost be required to spend more time saving their behinds than building a team. I wonder if Bryan Colangelo knows anything about hockey? They need to give complete control to someone like Scotty Bowman for ten years. What a different orginization it would be! It has to start from the top and work it's way down to the bottom. That said I feel that this team with a couple more solid defencemen would be the best team they've iced since the Gilmour years (love that guy) and that under the extenuating circumstances John Ferguson has done a pretty decent job. Honestly put yourself in his position. YIKES!!! I would be curious to see what he would do if he was actually given control and he pulled all the strings.
  24. The pics turned out good "father of 3". Glad we didn't bring the tinny LOL. If it was warmer it would've been good conditions for surfing Hawaii style. I guess we could have stayed in Caledonia, but you really need waders there to get in the middle and ahead of the current so you can hold the bait in the "fish highway". I need to put them on my Christmas list, with a new pole (mine got a little shorter a couple weeks ago). Had a good time anyway I guess. Good company anyway.
  25. Nice fish Joey!!!!!! Maybe someday it'll be my turn. I'd still be vibrating too. Man is that big'n clean looking .... like green chrome baby. You gotta love it!
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