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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. He whistles and the fish come in droves. He really is the Pied Piper of Paris .... really.

  2. UNBELIEVABLY HELPFUL. Way above and beyond the call of duty. Thankyou so much Andre.

  3. Hey Tangled Lines I wasn't mad at all. I really mean the mods can delete if they have even an inkling to do so. I have no emotional attachment to this post or thread and if it's going to confuse people just get rid of it. Now, I wanted to make it clear that I didn't post the subject after the original post and I knew not everyone would look at the dates. I guess I didn't and still don't want to look like an . I'm sorry you interpreted the post that I was angry. I really wasn't. I guess I'm sorry for the misunderstanding too.
  4. I think all of the shows have a place as long as they have an audience. Xtreme Angler is probably the first one with LOUD music that comes to mind. I think that's a pretty darn good show, but better on a Friday night than a Sunday morning. Hard to go to sleep with that on. Now,at least this show has some instruction. I would prefer if it had one long segment with more emphasis on one species, one body of water per show, with techniques on how to do it right. Instead they break it up into different segments with less depth. What really annoys me is that you can see that sometimes they actually are teaching and they blare the music right over themselves talking??? Talk about a hookset though ....yikes! I can't believe Fish N Canada got thrown into this discussion (everyone sing the theme song in your head). Not exactly hard core music unless you're talking about that blooper show ..... is that still on? I'd love to go fishing with Pete Bowman. Now, I agree with the comment on Bob Izumi. I like his local shows the best, but man that peacock bass fishing would be fun if you had way too much cash. Usually my favorite shows now are the slower paced more methodical ones, like "The Fishful Thinking Show with Charlie Wray" and "Fish TV with Ron James and Leo Stakos" and "Shaun Rickard's Urban Outdoor Adventures". I guess because they're fishing local I can relate more to these guys. Actually just making a point here, on Saturday morning when Chronzy's over and Bob comes on I know to switch to channel 58 for Mr. Ron James (I think fishing with this guy would be a blast too). Now when I'm really in a "gnarly" mood I like to watch Pete Maina on the Next Bite. To me that's the ultimate adrenaline rush. I'm not sure I'd be relaxing at all muskie fishing. My heart would be beating right out of my chest. I've only ever caught the one little guy and I was pumped just knowing it was a muskie. Sorry,getting off topic there, but I guess my point was loud music may go with muskie fishing if you're in a headbanging mood. Now since Christmas ( I bought my Dad a fly combo) I've been paying more attention to the fly fishing shows (this is very strange for me,am I getting old?). While Shelley and Courtney still put me to sleep "The New Fly Fisher Show" is an equally mellow but very interesting and well done program especially when they have Grindstone Angling on fishing the Grand. So I guess I appreciate almost all genres of fishing shows. If it's good, it's good. If it's good AND local it's better.
  5. If this thread is going to confuse everyone just delete it mods. I didn't re-post an already existing thread. Mine was up here first (a day before the other thread) and I wanted to know specifically about the seminars. Like I said if it's going to confuse everyone (NOW THERE"S THREE ) just delete this one, I won't be offended. P.S. I still want a full seminar schedule, especially for Sunday.
  6. This makes me wonder how many times he has gotten away with it? I bet tons!!! So where is the deterrent? I think they should take the value of the fish over quota and give him a fine of double that amount + seize his boat and pull his license for a year. I mean,it's not like he came in and was 150# over quota, this was deliberate abuse of the system and our resource. His actions affect everyone and he should be made to pay. At $6500 he's still turning a profit, so why wouldn't he repeat? It's like like gambling $6500 and only one time out of ten you lose the money. The other nine times you make $10,000. Those are pretty good odds. Who wouldn't do it, especially if you have no conscience. The MNR had better smarten up or we'll have no fish left except asian carp and gobies.
  7. So sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.
  8. This is unbelievable. I really wanted to attend this show. A seminar list would be nice. Am I being unreasonable? If anyone gets a list please let me know. Thanks guys.
  9. Just deleted mine!!! . This site has nothing to worry about. There isn't a better site on the net.
  10. Speedorama is okay IMHO, but Performance World (International Centre) seems twice as big and has free parking. I can't tell you how many times I've worked both of these shows. Years ago Performance World was called Motion (run very well by a guy called Dizzy Dean) and there was a third spring car show called Speed/Sport. Now I'm showing my age .
  11. Thanks to everyone who replied,but especially Dartee. Wow! I can't tell you how much he's helping me. Way above and beyond the call of duty . It's incredible how well he knows this park !! Here's hoping I catch some fish now. Thanks again. Added note: FYI I just booked in at the park for our July holidays. Thanks again everyone.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. That lure is a piece of art. I hope the fish appreciate how beautiful it is. They'll be lining up to jump on the hooks.
  13. I've tried all over the net,the International Centre's own website and tried numerous searches and haven't found the seminar schedule. I'd like to plan my day around it. If anyone could post the schedule or a link to it I would be grateful. Thanks.
  14. That is an UNBELIEVABLE pic. It looks like it's out of a travel brochure or a postcard. You have a great eye (even if you didn't like Tom Petty LOL). Who wouldn't want to go there? Where exactly is that?
  15. I keep thinking of the "alien" from MIB. I'll have to show the kids tomorrow.
  16. You deserve the praise Wayne . I also look forward to your posts. I can only imagine how many people you've helped ............... or at least entertained. I think you can safely assume you have earned the respect of many here. Thanks for making this site better Wayne. Along with countless other valuable contributors here, you really add to the credibility of this site. Thanks.
  17. WOW!! 50 lakers ! That's pretty impressive. You da man .
  18. I've stayed at Bon Echo before Mike and it was nice. It was a pretty short stay though. I wrote about it last year. Here's part of what I wrote: We also went to Bon Echo last year. I have a funny story about that. We were going to spend two days at Bon Echo (all we could get on our schedule) and then continue up to Murphy's Point for the rest of the week. Well, my wife is soooo organized usually I trust her explicitly. She keeps everything and I mean everything in our lives on time. The kids school trips,homework,dance lessons and competitions,swimming lessons, she works and takes care of the housework and somehow finds time to volunteer at our local conservation area every Wednesday and at the kids school on a regular basis. She's basically Superwoman (is this normal?). Anyway,this woman who could run a small country on her own,me and my two kids get into Bon Echo a little later than we would have liked to. We were getting rained on during the drive and it was nice enough to let up for a little while so at least we weren't setting up our new trailer for the first time in the pouring rain. It was around supper when we got done, but we had a great evening on a beautiful site with a campfire,marshmallows,weiners ...... life was good. We get up in the morning and have a blueberry pancake breakfast and decide to go for a paddle in the canoe. The view is breathtaking. If anyone here has not been to this park,make a point to do so. So back to our canoe ride. We canoe across Mazinaw to the Cliff Top Trail, which is a nice little hike complete with gorgeous views and blueberry bushes along the way. This was a wonderful memorable morning. A couple or three hours later we're back at the parking area where I'm loading the canoe on the roof of my Pathfinder when a park "ranger" (who was waiting for us to return apparently)asks if we're from site so and so. We reply yes and he says you better get back to the site and pack,the people are waiting for it. Now, we tell him we're booked in for two nights and we'll show him the paperwork. He follows us back to the site and sure enough, we had the dates mixed up ( I couldn't believe it,my wife,messing up dates!!?). We had to pack up immediately!Kudos to the ranger, he was great about the whole thing and found it quite humorous I think. We did so as fast as we could and got on our way to Murphy's point where we had to set up in the dark. That is an absolute joy when your a complete novice. I was not a "happy camper" ... pun intended. This was our first venture into camping and hadn't exactly gone as planned. We laughed about this crazy morning all week and it gave me something to bug my wife about for quite a while. I'm sure everytime I arrive at a campground I'll bug her about it for years to come.Somehow,out of all that we still had a great time. Anyway,enough but I thought some of you would find it funny,especially the campers here. So any Mike, go it's beautiful,just get the dates right LOL.
  19. Tom Petty was great. What did you want, Spice Girls?
  20. I'm in the same boat with you. That's allright the Canadiens aren't any better in the last 10 years. Ottawa on the other hand has built a pretty good team. Someone please bring the cup back home!
  21. You gotta admit it's a cool truck, but I agree with you OhioFisherman, 66/7 Dueces are sweet. Our family has owned a performance shop for the last 33 years and although I appreciate pretty much all of the North American muscle, the bowtie will always be my first love.
  22. Does anyone have any favourite lures/techniques for here they'd like to share? You can pm me if you'd rather. Thanks.
  23. Does anyone have a seminar schedule for this? Kind of sucks that they're charging for them at a show,doesn't it? We pay admission,the vendors pay huge bucks to be there and then they charge for seminars? Not a bad gig. OOPS, I just re-read the post and if your admission is included with a seminar ticket, I guess that's not as bad .......... at least you get one free.
  24. I'm not sure I liked the "it will probably be packed with people", but as long as it's not cramped I guess I'll be okay. Hopefully most of them don't fish . When we went to Sandbanks there were a ton of people there, but the place is so huge you didn't really notice. Same with the Pinery, it didn't seem packed and they had most of the 1000 campsites full (yes 1000,really). Wow, Cranks Bait,WOW, a half hour to the tackle shop,you are dedicated! There has to be one closer than that? Has nobody from this site ever fished there?
  25. I've got a buddy that's a huge Giants fan and he's going through some tough times right now so I'll be pulling for the Giants. Go Eli !
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