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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. Great band. I have two of their cd's and love them. I'm working next Friday though, I wish I could go,especially for free. Dang.
  2. I am FAR from a boat expert,but obviously for my purposes only a small boat will do. When you have to be able to lift it and put in on top of your hardtop tent trailer there really isn't any other choice. But even if I was buying a bigger boat,say up to 20' or 21' I'd still buy an aluminum. The fact that that fiberglass boats can get waterlogged or at least the wood can which would make for a nasty repair. Many newer glass boats have no wood in the construction so that problem is gone, but the fiberglass is still heavier which means you spend more $$$ for a larger motor/gas and you need a more powerful tow vehicle too. In the past there were major differences in hull design and the glass had performance and production advantages (was easy to mold etc.), but now with the hydroforming there are some pretty neat looking aluminum hulls out there. You'd think they were glass. Now the weight that is a disadvantage to fiberglass is also an advantage as far as getting tossed around in the waves,wind etc. It's also a better cushion/insulator for noise (slapping waves) as well as temperature. So for comfort the glass boat wins I guess, but as far as expenses all the way around aluminum seems like the better choice to me. Keep in mind that I'm cheap (by necessity). If you have way too much or have less attchment to your money the fiberglass boat and big tow vehicle (and all the bills that go with that) might be the way to go.
  3. I also missed the thread where any of this was mentioned. I'm glad everything went well for her. She certainly has a beautiful smile Wayne. She looks like a sweetheart (please don't take that the wrong way). That first pic shows alot of personality. And she's a Leaf fan too!! You gotta love it! I can just imagine what you were going through. I would have been going nuts if one my kids were going through that. Just think, it's over now. She's going to be better. P.S. The puke bowls are quite becoming.
  4. Wow, great story told very eloquently. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Found a great video. Check it out http://ca.video.yahoo.com/video/play?vid=2...mp;fr=yfp-t-501 . Just think, somewhere somebody is shooting this in IMAX.
  6. You are an evil,evil man! I'm really getting sick of this crap. Can I please win the lottery now?
  7. I'm in. My team's the Cork Soakers. C'mon guys I know it's not hockey, but join up. The more the merrier.
  8. I know what you mean. You really never can have enough tackle, at least on my budget LOL. I just bought six (good stuff in the cheap bin,really) at the show. I stuck mostly to silver/blue or silver/green because I'm going to fish Charleston Lake for a week this summer and it's pretty clear, so more natural and shad type colours should work. I can also use them in any clearer water like Long Point (inner bay) which I hope to frequent this year and I really didn't have alot to begin with. As far as my "go to" lures I'd have to say on calm water a chug bug is still my favorite. You gotta love topwater. Next thing I'd grab ....hmm.......... I like spinnerbaits, white,chartruese or a combo of the two. My next fave is probably a #3 mepps in black with yellow or chartruese dots (black fury). You never know what these will bring in. Next would be my Rapala JSR-9 in silver or perch which seems to bring in bigger bass. Next a cordell ripplin redfin, a great all around cheap crankbait IMHO. Next a straight minnow bait like a Rapala Husky Jerk. I'm hoping to have a couple new favorites this year. I went out and bought some spoons because of a post like this where TJ Quesnel posted a pic of a lucky strike "half wave" and another orange/brass striped lure with the caption "nothing else matters". I figured if a guy like that has that much confidence in those baits, I'll give them a shot. Anyway hopefully I'll get a couple more ideas from this thread, because I think I need more lures LOL. I think I'll start with a Mepps Cyclops in fire tiger.
  9. What an jerk!!! I love the fact that he got suspended WITH PAY!!!! He obviously felt he had to get that "dangerous situation" under control. The kids looked liked dangerous hardened criminals didn't they? The guy definetely has issues. I didn't see anywhere where he got fired. He's probably still doing the job. Maybe he'll beat a jaywalking senior citizen next?
  10. Love the colours on that muskie. A big bass, a muskie,perch and crappie. Nice going! Isn't that a Scugog homerun?
  11. I ended up seeing the Ron James + Leo Stakos, Dave Mercer, Italo Libignan and JP Derose seminars (JP's was more of a product overview of Megabass (Megabucks) lures). I talked with Ron+Leo and Italo afterwards for a few minutes and met Charlie Wray. All were very nice, sociable guys. The seminars were about what you'd expect. I don't mean that in a bad way, just that Ron and Leo were being .... well, funny and informative, trying to include everyone and encouraging other ethnic groups to join in and fish responsibly. Dave Mercer was his usual likeable,high strung self and you always get the feeling that he's about as honest a person as there is on this planet. He's not up there acting, what you see is what you get. He is honestly trying to teach you and he cares about the hobby,loves his job,is very grateful and feels very fotunate to be where he is. You like this guy more everytime you see him. Italo was just winging it with his quiet confidence (some may mistake it for arrogance). He is VERY comfortable up there and you get the feeling that he could just as easily wing it for four hours and keep you entertained and learning the whole time. He exceeded my expectations and I'm not sure why but I went in there with a slight preconceived distaste for him and came out really liking him,even more after meeting him. I kind of felt guilty for prejudging him. I'd love to go fishig with this guy,actually any of them. As far as the rest of the show,it wasn't as big as last years,but you get the feeling that this IS going to be the premier fishing show. The owner and I believe CFSL pres. (can't remember his name) was personally involved in the seminars and you can tell,he loves what he's doing. That bodes very for the future of this show as well. I can't wait until next year already. All I bought was a few lure (six out of the 3 for $10 bin), one $2 pack of plastics and a Quantum IM6 pole for my son (I stepped on his and broke the tip last summer). It was a great day out and I didn't spend a fortune.
  12. If you can find faster running water with a deep calmer pool close by try fishing the pool especially if it's sizeable.
  13. Hey Ramble thanks for asking.Booked a week at Charleston Lake so far, a week at Sandbanks will be booked soon. I plan on fishing the Orillia Perch festival, hopefully fishing the Ottawa this year as well. Other than that I'll be fishing the Grand (lots), Long Point Inner Bay,Port Maitland and Dunnville area and sometime this year I want to fish the Niagara (I never have yet). I am determined somewhere I want to catch a few muskie. Hopefully at least one on the Ottawa, but Scugog, Buckhorn or Sinclair. will be on the radar as well. How about you?
  14. I was ready January 1st. Mind you I haven't iced fished at all, but to me even though I want to try it, it still won't be the same. Bring on the softwater ........please.
  15. Wow, who would have thought V-8 technology would work ........oooh.......... and make more thrust than other engines? Why didn't automotive engineers think of this???? LOL. Actually the engine sounds very cool and I bet it's tough too, but the marketing is hilarious with this new V-8 technology with an aluminum block ....... oooh. Actually,coating the block inside is also a great idea as well. It helps with heat and corrosion and even helps the oil return quicker. But new? No,but having a manufacturer do it is great.Next they'll come out with new molecular alignment technology with cryogenics and/or sonics, actually tuning the grain structure of the metal. Oops, that's been done too? But if manufacturers would do this too they could consistently produce almost perfect parts. I guess it's all about time and money (Nascar teams do it all), the technology is usually there . Kudos, Yamaha does make powerful and durable engines, from their motorcycles to the Taurus SHO's (yes,Yamaha powered) and I'm sure this engine will have a market. If I was independantly wealthy I'd buy one.
  16. That looks like a blast. Beauty fish. I've never tried but I'd like to learn to flyfish sometime. It's a whole new world to me. I guess I'll have to learn not only how, but where as well. You say "the minnow bite was good", so would a guy have success in these areas with a spinning rod setup and minnows right now? How about mepps?
  17. I only subscribe to Ontario Out Of Doors, but at the Fishing Show I might grab a couple of the year end or "special" Outdoors Canada" mags. My best deal always come at the local orchestra's book drive where I believe mags are 5 or 10 cents. I got two boxes full last year for the price of one off the newsstand.
  18. Idiotic .......... but typical.
  19. Just a reminder. Here's hoping y'all get a little tonight. Have a good one guys.
  20. Thanks again Tangled Lines. I was hoping the other seminars were free. That's the best part of the show for me. I love learning about this hobby and I know that so far I'm just scratching the surface. While I'm at the show I'll probably only drop another $50-$100 if the deals are decent, but if everyone that attends does that the show will work out well for everyone involved. The seminars are the draw,but the booths reap the benefits.
  21. Thankyou very much for going out of your way to post these Adrianne. I'll probably go Sunday, but since Monday is that special "Family Holiday" now, maybe it'll be then. I'll see when my buddy wants to go. So, just to clarify exactly what seminars do you have to pay for and which (if any) are free.? Sorry, but not much is very clear.
  22. Welcome Mike. Sounds like you're going to be a great contributor and a valuable resource to this board. Glad you could make it. I'm looking forward to your reports and input (and like you,softwater again). By your "handle" I'm taking it that reefrunners are one of your baits of choice?
  23. That was funny!!! I went upstairs and told my kids and they were howling too. Thanks. P.S. I sent it out by e-mail to a few lucky folk as well.
  24. WOW, I can't believe the hours you guys/gals log on the water. No wonder you're good. I'm extremely jealous of all of you that got to fish more than myself this year. I've never kept count really, but I'd have to guess sixty something and I thought I was a fishaholic. You guys make me look like a shut-in. P.S. I'm still an ice fishing virgin.
  25. I say go for it. I voted that I haven't bought a transducer, but I also voted that if I needed one I would buy an aftermarket no problem. I think sometimes the transducers are so much that a guy with a fishfinder that's a few years old would just opt for a whole new unit. If you can make it cost effective to just replace the transducer you'll probably find alot will go that route and get a few more years out of their older units.
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