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Everything posted by kennyman

  1. If there is a God you will have the best time of your lives, the weather will be great and you won't be able to keep the fish off you lines. Enjoy the time you have on this earth. None of us really know how long that will last. Our thoughts are with you. Happy fishing.
  2. Thanks. I guess next time we'll start there. I've just never been ANYWHERE where I fished all day and not even a nibble on minnows. It was so nice there I really wanted the fishing to be good.
  3. Well, if you gotta go I can only think of one way better. As far as the theif, that's unbelievable. reminds me of the Western movies where they steal the gunfighters boots etc. as soon as he hits the ground. VULTURES!!!
  4. Nice! Beauty fish ............................. and just think ..........you got paid to catch her. Is that perfect or what?
  5. Evster. Man,where were you guys? Went there yesterday with a buddy and caught nothing all day. We were all around the Chippewa Conservation area fishing the Welland River. We tried everything. We had minnows too. I'd never been anywhere for a whole day and not even gotten one bite with minnows. Not even panfish nibbling!!! I mean NOTHING!!! We tried spinnerbaits,plastics,crankbaits. We threw in the wood,in the pads, everything we could think of. It was quite frustrating because it was such a peacefull place and to me it looked like fish heaven. My buddy kept bugging me about taking him to a place with no fish.
  6. WOW! Everytime I've been there I've walked down the tracks. Okay I think that's only four times, but everyone was doing it. I guess they don't want to hit somebody, but unless you were totally brain dead it'd never happen. It's so easy to get off and you can see/hear the train coming for half a mile. Probably just another cash grab. bucketmouthjohnny . Ive never seen fishing like that, but there is usually a "white bucket brigade" presence where everything that moves goes into the bucket. We actually gave them a mortally wounded pike one day. It was a goner,so it may as well be used. Gimby. When/where it's really weedy we switch to topwater and although not always successful, it sure is a blast when it is.
  7. Okay,I'm in. I'm a sucker for hockey pools and I play the ENTIRE YEAR. How come, no utility positions? Very little scoring categories as well? Maybe it'll be interesting playing a such a basic league. Have you guys been playing year after year like this? At least I'm playing with Leaf Fans ....... right?
  8. Been there a few times. Some successful,some not. One day me and my friend LJ both caught three footers (pike). If I were you I'd park at the dam and walk down the tracks. Fish on the conservation area side by the big drainage pipe (the kind you always see in culverts). Lots of panfish in there and usually pike roaming looking for panfish on good days. Both of the bigger pike were caught on topwater baits. Mine was a BPS topknocker (black and silver+ loud rattles). Jediangler, if you fish on the opposite side of the tracks, do you still need to pay? I remember something about a "donation" box being in the reserve parking area? Oh yeah .... bring a garbage bag. The place was a pigsty (this place is a perfect example of why fisherman get a bad name).
  9. WOW!! Just checked out where Longlegged Lake is. She's way up there north of Kenora. That's quite a hike. Looks like it was worth it though .
  10. Holy crap !!!!! Nice fish. Is that a LSC beauty?
  11. Storm Chug Bug topwater .......................................... because they're really fun. Love getting slammed on one of these. Caught smallmouth, largemouth, bluegill and even walleye (yes walleye) on my faithful blue with orange belly chugger.
  12. I found this on a google search and it's recent and relevant. This guy caught lots of small and medium muskie right in front of and close to Emily. What a day. I hope I can match this for the entire time I'm there. Actually I hope my nine year old son hooks into one too. Anyway here's the link. http://www.niagarafishing.net/forums/index...75&hl=Emily .
  13. Congrats Stern Rules. I know the spot and have caught one very similar there (and was just as excited). Beauty fish. Your name should be " Stern Rules The Grand". What did you catch it on? I got mine on a minnow.
  14. Wow, I can only hope for a day like that . Thanks for posting ......... it keeps my hopes up for someday I too will hit "the motherload".
  15. That's funny .... I thought this was my post so I clicked on it looking for more replies LOL . I booked at Emily by the way.
  16. That's awesome jediangler. Thankyou very much. Greatly appreciated sir. Keep'em coming guys. If anyone doesn't want to post they could alwys pm me.
  17. Thanks as always for all your help everyone. Just made a reservation for Emily PP. I had a hard time deciding between Balsam and Emily, but I'm bringing the kids and I'm sure they'll love catching tons of panfish. I only have a twelve foot tinny for now or a canoe so that was part of the decision as well. I still have a chance of catching one of those elusive toothy critters as well. Every cast will be filled with hope LOL. I will definetely be pumped if I catch one. Any fishing tips would be greatly appreciated.
  18. HMMMM, "big donkey muskies, eh? How about numbers? Where's the better chance of actually catching a decent one?
  19. Murphy's Point is a really nice PP and has canoe in sites as well.
  20. Nice muskies pidgeontroller! As far as looking for a BIG muskie a medium one would be fine for me LOL. Obviously from your "handle" you fish (or should I specify troll) Pidgeon Lake. I may have to talk to you for advice there. You see, my dad lives up by Ottawa (Franktown to be exact) and wants me to go muskie fishing at Arnprior, but I'm trying to get him to meet me half way and go to Pidgeon. If that happens I'll be asking for help. Thanks again everyone.
  21. That's a beauty. First cast you lucky devil!! Nice!
  22. Thanks for the replies guys. I appreciate the advice. Anyone else want to chime in here?? Anyone caught a big muskie at either. P.S. I do have just a small boat (12 ft. tinny or canoe) so maybe Emily is the ticket? Is Balsam that rough?
  23. Thanks Cliff. Enjoyed that. Nice job bud. You guys sounded really tight on that one.
  24. I think I'll be able to get another few days off soon and am trying to figure out where to go. What park do you think is better? For fishing? For the family as well? I'm hoping there are a few members who have been to both. Thanks
  25. I agree the beach is great. I guess when I go back I'll bring my tinny and fish West.
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