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Everything posted by ch312

  1. odd, i have yet to meet a hunter that doesnt shoot a coyote any chance they get. you clearly have no idea how bad coyotes can be for the wildlife you love to watch. too many yotes in an area will decimate the population of small animals, turkey and deer. coyotes are like noodle roaches...you can kill a bunch of them, but never all of them. hunters (and farmers) who shoot all the coyotes they see are not trying to "play almighty" like you claim. they simply know how bad of an effect coyotes can have on an ecosystem if their population is not kept in check. the only predator of the coyote are wolves so here in SW ontario, its a hunters duty to keep the population in check. are you a hunter?
  2. why do i feel the need to shoot all coyotes i see? because i can! my new 22-250 should be here soon i love it when people chime in about wildlife and hunting when they have no clue what they are talking about. hunters are the #1 conservationists you will find so dont question us as to why we "shoot up everything in nature" coyotes serve a great purpose...testing out new loads and selling their hides
  3. shot placement, field care, temperature, and aging are the main factors that determine how an animal will taste and how tender the meat is. i just ate tenderloins yesterday from the doe i shot last week and it was super tender and juicy. BUT, it was almost the same as the huge buck my dad shot a few years back in the peak of the rut. that old buck was still tender and tasted great. we hung it for 2 weeks instead of the normal 1 week. the beef we pay big bucks for is aged for at least 30 days... gut shoot an animal and meat will be tainted. the length of time between the shot and recovery will determine how much of the meat is tainted. left over night (which usually happens with gut shot deer) there will be quite a bit of waste. even getting stomach contents, urine of feces on the meat while field dressing will taint some meat. if you dont trim off that meat, someone is going to get a nasty piece of meat at the dinner table. even the scent glands on deer will taint the meat. my family have always been hunters (back to great, great grandfather as far as i know) so my father and grandfather have shot and ate a lot of deer in their day and so have i. i cant even remember eating deer meat that was tough or tasted bad that WE SHOT AND COOKED. an old buck can still taste very good and be as tender as a young doe if you do everything properly. when ya hear about someone eating nasty tough meat, 99.9% of the time something went wrong.
  4. are they required to pay interest on these loans?
  5. when it comes to survival, you do what you have to. urine will hydrate your body and climbing a wet cliff may be your only option. i dont think neither of the shows tell you to do something that would harm you in any way as long as you are careful. survivorman is kinda boring and basic while man vs wild is more entertaining and more extreme. both of them are great shows. one thing though...survivor man sure does need to get some of his ideas to actually work!
  6. to those who are whining that we dont support the big 3... imports are much better because: -higher quality -better engineering -warranty actually means something to them -usually better mileage people should buy a vehicle form the big 3 and get stuck with a crap vehicle with a crap warranty that is hard to get repairs just to make sure the automotive industry doesnt take a dump? i dont think so. notice how none of the "imports" are asking for money? that should be setting off warning bells right there that the big 3 SUCK the government should have setup a voting system to see if taxpayers actually want their money to goto these companies or not. polls that i have seen are not in favor of giving them the money and thats the way it should be.
  7. dont confuse high energy with being a disobedient dog. many people use the excuse as denial. the dog is plenty old enough to know basic commands such as sit, fetch, come, heel, etc. he will NOT be a good bird dog if you dont start training right away to control his tendency to run anything he sees. if you dont fix the problem, he will ruin many hunts in the future. if he decides to run a wolf, kiss your puppy goodbye. the next time you see him it wont be a pretty sight. a wolf could kill a retriever without much effort. leave the dog home until it is trained. like irishfield said, the dog must know you are his boss and must obey you. having trouble? next time the dog is getting in trouble, grab the neck and push your face against his neck to make it think you are biting. use quite a bit of force to drive the dog to the ground onto its back while staring into its eyes the whole time. do not let go or stop staring until the dog settles down and LOOKS AWAY. release and ignore the dog for at least 15 minutes. this is how canines have always established dominance. remember, dogs are wolves and wolves are dogs
  8. i laughed when i saw it and im guessing others did too. its one thing to beak off in the heat of the moment during the game, but this is pathetic. get rid of the useless moron already.
  9. lol you know what you are talking about because you used to hunt? maybe you felt that hunting is a way for people to be dominant over animals when you were a hunter which is what made you stop? its a good thing you dont anymore if you think like that animals are on this earth for 1 reason...to fill our bellies!
  10. heh...used my girlfriends old computer to sight in my 12gauge with slugs ive heard that some cellphones contain precious metals but have not done any research to see if thats true or not. i just threw 2 in the garbage last week when i was doing some cleaning.
  11. people who dont have a clue what they are talking about shouldnt even open their mouths many of the guys that go on safari to LEGALLY hunt lion, elephant, giraffe, zebra, crocs, hippo, etc donate the animal to local tribes. they have the hides shipped back to their homeland or have the trophies mounted and then shipped. im guessing some of them even have meat shipped back to their country? these hunts are pricey apparently its worth it. danbo, trophy hunting is somewhat of a status symbol but it does not make a hunter feel dominant over nature. trophy hunters have great control over themselves as they will pick 1 animal and try to take ONLY that animal passing up what normal hunters would shoot in a heartbeat.
  12. actually, the landowner does NOT have to give a hunter permission to come onto their property to track and/or retrieve a deer. calling the mnr will do nothing to help you as they wont be able to help you in any way. sucks but thats the way it is. it doesnt happen very often, but a deer will drop on the spot when hit with an arrow in the spine. sometimes a deer "jumping" the string works in your favor. as to the broad heads failing. i think you are just asking for trouble when using mechanical broad heads. they are much more prone to breaking than a fixed head and you always run the risk of one not even opening. a deer shot with a mechanical wont die any quicker than one shot with a smaller fixed head and i dont understand why people even use them when we have broad heads that fly like field points. crimson talon fixed broad heads are the best ive seen. my dad shot a doe at 30-35 yards through the heart with one of these and the blood trail was ridiculous. there was so much blood it was like someone took a blood soaked towel and swung it around on both sides of the deer as it was running. she made it 30 yards. deer is likely half eaten by yotes by now...
  13. bahahaha! 5ft at the shoulder eh? if you can get some proof of that, ill sign over my house and truck wild dogs and coydogs are a real problem and should be shot on site, along with dogs running deer (obviously not hunting dogs), or dogs without a collar that look to be in rough shape. the last one i nailed was with my crossbow at 35 yards or so the old neighbours have a daughter that has been working for the mnr for 10+ years. she, along with most CO's, recommend shooting proven feral dogs and ALL cats that are seen in the bush. they'd love to publish this in the regs but you can imagine all the crap they'd hear from tree huggers. hunters are conservationists. therefore its our duty to protect wildlife from cats and dogs
  14. i bought a 2000 dakota in 2005 or 06 that had just over 31k on it. and it WAS driven by an old man to town and back only on weekends. i guess it doesnt happen to often though....
  15. i think most are aware of this. if i saw someone shooting critters with paintballs, theyd better get outta there before i have a chance to grab them
  16. those pics almost look real...
  17. i have used a clam 2000 for 3 seasons but its a little smaller than the one in the video though. mine is very easy to pull, even with aqua vu, bucket of minnows, heater, food/drinks, etc. if its digging into the snow you likely put all the weight on the front end. even in deep powder its easy to pull full loaded. its also very easy to setup, except when theres no snow on the ice and its very windy. takes less than a minute to erect the hut. i made up a set of ABS pipe runners that prevent the bottom of the hut from wearing out when being pulled on roads and gravel. if theres interest, ill post pics of this great setup
  18. this is exactly why you should choose the job opportunity that does NOT have a union. they do nothing for you except cause problems, take your money, and make themselves look like whiney little girls. a company i use to work for had about 25 guys doing concrete. the guys were working long hours, and making a lot of money. a year or 2 after we stopped working for them, the employees voted for a union even though the owner did not want to. for a few months the guys were all happy that they were making more money hourly, but everything had to be legit. no more cash overtime for weekends, holidays, etc. to sum it up, most the guys there are now unhappy and none of them want to work anymore because the union screwed everything up. everyone turned lazy and didnt want to work hard anymore because the union said they didnt have to overly exert themselves anymore. then again, are unions even good for anything? seems like all i ever hear is people whining about them. my grandpa has always said the same thing "anyone who wants to join a union is a lazy ass and is afraid of hard work." id have to agree with him when you hear some of the things union workers whine about. you accept a job with a union, you get no sympathy from me. as for this money the automakers want, i say screw them. its their own fault they dug themselves into such a deep rut. poor quality, bad designs, and horrible fuel economy are whats bringing them down. they need to get with the times to even compare to "imports". drop the prices of these vehicles. the big dudes dont need to be making that much money and neither to the workers. most are overpaid for what they do.
  19. nope, but ill be right beside ya in 90A just curious, why are you looking for a group to go with? its much better sitting on a stand or still hunting rather than doing drives. a lot of times deer are wounded from people doing drives and shooting running deer. a lot of small deer are shot during drives too as a hunter will see a deer in range and start shooting without having another deer nearby for comparison. if you are headin out in the morning just sneak in and sit near a bedding area. do NOT walk in a field to get to your spot as deer will likely be out feeding. if its an evening hunt just sit on the edge of a field or 40 yards in the bush near a trail the deer are using. a lot of times they'll hang up inside the bush waiting for dark before heading out in the corn or beans to feed. i totally forgot about the shotgun hunt until today so i rushed out to get my rig zero'd. shortly afterwards i realized i hadn't told the boss i needed a couple days off so i cant hunt opening day until the evening IF im lucky good luck to everyone who is heading out.
  20. up near temagami with walleye off the dock. every cast would yield a 20" + fish for a couple hours.
  21. its good practice to use a trigger lock when transporting but there are a couple problems with them. 1)they can trap moisture between the lock and the trigger guard causing rust. 2)they are a pain if you have a bunch of guns and you grab the wrong key on your way out. 3)the master lock keyed ones can be pried open with just your fingers. if you dont have a safe or cabinet to store your firearms (where they dont need to be trigger locked), and to be legal, the firearm must be deemed inoperable. a much better option than using a trigger lock is to remove the bolt, forend from pump actions, or use a cable lock. when using a case, be sure the gun and case are 100% dry before storing or rust will occur rather quickly. just pay attention if you are taking the course or study your book and talk to experienced people before challenging the exam. point the gun in an unsafe direction when doing your practical and you fail right away. handle the firearms as much as possible before the exam to be familiar with them as you need to know how to check, load, and unload guns.
  22. i guess im the only one that looks forward to traffic? nothing beats getting paid hourly to sleep on the way to or from work
  23. anyone know if bass pro is going to be having their outboards on sale for end of season? if so, what are the dates?
  24. if you have been around guns and hunting throughout your life, the PAL and hunting courses are a waste of time. i was 17 when i did both of mine and i could have easily just challenged the exams for each one and it would have cost half the amount of money. pretty much like the turkey course...common sense is all you need. if you arent familiar with guns and hunting then id just do the courses. figure this one out... its possible to get your PAL when you are 17 but walmart or canadian tire wont sell you ammo until you are 18 even though its 100% legal for you to buy guns and ammo and you use your dang PAL as ID.
  25. sandhill crane and sturgeon actually taste pretty good. muskie tastes the same as pike so id have to pick that over steelhead. unless its a nice broiled steelhead fillet. mmmmm.... has anyone actually tried making "fish turducken?"
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