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Everything posted by ch312

  1. likely around 15 years ago my dad landed a 125lber on 17lb line in the notty. the ad in the paper was titled "ok, wheres the chips" lol
  2. you need to rig something up like my setup for grinding alot of meat
  3. sounds good to me ive been eating catfish, smallies, pickerel, and pike out of the river in the brantford area since i was a few years old. my dad and grandfather did the same. my grandfather is almost 80 years old and doing great and ive heard many stories from the days where you eat what you catch with catch and release being unheard of. -people seem to feast on bass, pickerel, and perch from lake erie....where the grand flows into -veggies are grown in soil thats full of animal feces and chemical fertilizers -chickens sit in and often eat their own waste when picking up food. but that crispy skin tastes so good even though it was caked in crap before being slaughtered -its difficult to breath in the summer in major cities due to smog -people drink too much, smoke, do drugs, etc... i dunno about you guys, but eating a few fish from the grand doesnt really have me concerned. we're all going to die sooner or later...
  4. i read every post and see no reason for the mods to pull this. you obviously disagree with whats being said so dont open the thread... why is it that we are all obligated to pay taxes? why should i have to pay taxes for education when i have no kids?
  5. just used it today for the first time and i like it. ive used ufile a couple times but i think ill stick to studio now. looks like i get to go shopping
  6. hmmm.....when i lived with my parents id bring home all sizes of carp to bury in the gardens. dig a hole, throw in the fish, chop with shovel, throw dirt back in hole. my moms flowers were always bigger than the neighbours even though they bought the same flowers from the same place each year as a "tradition" type deal. the only time that the fish got dug up is if i didnt put at least 6" of soil over the fish. lots of big females to be had in the spring as well as little 12 inchers for the frying pan
  7. i had a rock bass in a 50 gallon until he was 8 or 10" long i think. sure are cool to watch and it taught me what presentation rock bass favour. i released it in its home waters as it was too hard keeping the water clean even with 2 filters. i think i just fed it too much lol
  8. -woke up early sunday due to cat meowing in heat. (anyone wanna fix her? lol) -heard water dripping and noticed my ceiling was blistering and dripping -checked out the roof, 3" ice dam holding back a lake -home depot for supplies - $450 -monday 7am to 3pm to remove everything down to plywood -new plywood, waterproof membrane, tar, smooth roof due to this i missed brunch with my grandparents and dinner out with the girlfriend. there was 5 layers of shingles on a very low pitched roof (1:12). nothing at all between the first shingles and the 3/8" plywood! yes, 3/8" standard ply non t&g...
  9. Ford is definitely NOT rated as "best" in any department. Toyota's on the other hand... id look at the toyota tundra if i were you. in 2006 i researched for many months to see what truck is the best all around. i looked at so many car mag reviews, forums, websites, etc and toyota is what people are leaning to as its way up there on the quality control. dodge sells alot of trucks but thats only because they are cheap compared to other comparable trucks. ford has high prices for what you get. my uncle has a honda, although i hate to admit it, and its actually a very nice truck. honda just needs to make it look a little better...well alot. imports are much better and the "big 3" need to start doing something or they will continue to lose sales.
  10. "Permission to come aboard" DENIED i wonder if you can call the MNR for maps?
  11. they need a letter as proof that he is actually renting a place from someone and not just living with a friend or family trying to collect free money to pocket it. its not very difficult to get a letter so i dont see what the problem is. the government needs to crack down on people taking advantage of the system. its way too easy to get money from the government...
  12. ive shot over 10 fox and many more coyotes but im kinda stumped on this one. its hard to tell how far away the critter is on camera so it makes sizing it up even harder. it does look larger than a fox but too slender for a healthy mature coyote. i say its a coyote from last years litter which is why its body mass looks smaller than a full grown coyote. thats why i like to shoot and ask questions later (actually, if i was hunting id have bino's to ID the animal)
  13. people still pay for programs? i have owned a computer with the internet for around 8 years. i have never used anti virus crap that slows down performance and i have had 1 virus in those 8 years a few years ago. but then again i like my computer super fast and cant stand anything that slows it down...
  14. actually, for non smokers its almost unbearable to have people smoking in a vehicle with you unless all the windows are open. both of my parents smoked around me since i was a baby and people who do this are the most selfish there are. seriously, smoking is more important than your kids health? i had asthma when i was younger and was in the hospital every few months with pneumonia for 4-5 years. not very nice having to stay ina hospital for a week because you cant breathe... ban the sale of smokes all together. most people just start smoking to be "cool" when they are younger and are to weak to quit after that and they think they "need" to have a smoke all the time. there is no smoking in my house. ive been asked by many friends and family to take the lock off my empty shed so they can hack a butt in there when its raining out...i laugh in their faces every time and watch them get soaked. people smoke alot less when they come over now that its getting cold out smokers stink REALLY bad and even smokers notice this when they dont smoke for a day. its pathetic when people start flipping out because they dont have a light or smokes and its almost like they are crackheads that cant find another hit
  15. i win! just about turn turn over 62,000kms 2000 regular cab with and its v6 standard. i bought it 2 years ago with 31k on it and its been great since. when i haul my trailer full of garbage i have no problems passing at all. heaviest was 1 1/2 tons and it gave her a good workout but had no problems at all reaching 80kms (i wouldnt go faster because no electric brakes). i took off the fan and did a diy port and polish to the throttle body and noticed a really big difference in power and mileage. no problems with power for me. one time i had her bottomed right out with a load of gravel (thanks to the idiot at the yard) and it was fine so it should be ok for a normal work truck. average 500-550kms per tank city driving. im 22 so i drive a "little" aggressive. the smaller v6 definitely sucks the gas with heavy loads though. currently looking for some rubber to replace the stock tires...yes stock on a 2000 model.
  16. thats all fine and dandy until you get your ass handed to you....then what? you look like a moron for trying to be a tough guy :clapping: we all hate being crowded but sometimes you just gotta put up with it and keep on fishin. if the shore restricts access to prime waters then we gotta share whatever space we can get.
  17. and thats why its called hunting and not shooting... last night i cooked 2 woodys in the pressure cooker. not as good as roasted but still good
  18. another pm sent. just had carpal tunnel surgery done about 4 hours ago but i could still come and help ya out in a week or two...it'll make screeding fun. besides that its small enough to pour and finish with one hand
  19. totally legal for a farmer to protect his livestock from any dog even if it has a pink tutu on and i agree with this 100%. when you mess with a mans way of supporting his family you should be prepared to suffer the consequences. if the dog owners would have kept the dogs on their property and none of this would have happened. 100% the dog owners fault, not the dogs.
  20. i dont mean to hijack but its related to the topic... what is required to install a wood stove in my basement? the ceiling is 6ft high and it is all unfinished with no chimney at all.
  21. and the problem with that is.... people always have to rag on someones catch. seriously, why bother bickering oh i think its this long or that long or mine was this big. who cares? thats a nice fish for anyone let alone a little kid
  22. he can bring all of his guns if he wants to. and yes im pretty sure you can get the non res small game at canadian tire. if not, theres an office in guelph that you should try calling...
  23. you do realize that you can defend yourself enough to stop the attack without getting charged with assault and with witnesses to back you up about how they were acting you could have threw in a few extra thumps its quite sad really. immigrants come to this country and have no clue that there are even regulations. due to the language barrier its very unlikely they will learn about the regs until they have been here for some time. canadians get sick of it and take matters into their own hands because there are definitely not enough CO's to keep an eye on all water bodies. its something that will never end and with so many people having the "who gives a rats ass" attitude the violence will continue. maybe if morontario actually had some stiff penalties stuff like this wouldnt happen. knock someone out and you get charged and in most cases only have to do community service which would be fine except you get up to a year to complete the required hours. i guess the norm is 40-80 hours of community service. this is one of the main reasons why people dont really care if they get charged with assault. the way i see it is an eye for an eye. you hit me and you better be ready to catch a right hook in the chops. the attitude so many people have makes me sick.
  24. mmmm....wrinkles (as the newfies call snails) dipped in vinegar. taste great but you gotta watch out for that exlax effect when you eat too many of them. i love everything down east so much better than morontario and id gladly move there if it were for the crappy jobs down there
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