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Everything posted by ch312

  1. would you like to buy my 2000 reg cab 5 speed with 74k on it? yes, 74k might as well get the 4x4 v8. the 6 will burn too much gas when towing and there likely isnt much of a difference mileage wise between the 2 for normal driving. maybe the 8 is actually better on gas than the 6?
  2. at this time of year what should i target in the river while staying in sarnia? what seems to be working right now? ill be fishing from downtown up to the mouth....
  3. seriously? i cant figure out why anyone even votes for those dirty...(use your imagination to end this sentence)
  4. toyota...better engineering and much better resale value than the big 3. cheaper in the long run to spend a little more when you purchase i dont think i will ever buy ANY vehicle made by the big 3 and their unions...
  5. lol you sound like my grandfather who always refused to try eating grackle (blackbird) breasts that i always used to fry up. those little birds are ugly but they sure taste good. much like dove and pigeon. starling and red winged blackbirds also taste very good. even sparrow tastes good. i met some greek hunters who hunted them and you get 2 tiny little breasts... sucker was the first fish "you arent supposed to eat" that i fried up. it was a small 1lb fish and it tasted great. carp was next and it was good as well. i planned on keeping a sheephead i caught recently but didnt want to keep it on the stringer for a few more hours. if i had a cooler and ice it woulda been a different story im thinking its firmness would be good for smoking, but would it dry out too much?
  6. which happens to be my birthday....
  7. hahaha...didnt even know i was bleeding until i got home and the girlfriend asked what the hell i did! i was using 3" sabots in the 12g so it sure kicked pretty good. first time for everything i guess
  8. spring = turkey summer = fishing fall = hunting everything winter = fishing and hunting coyotes and rabbit sure are some expensive hobbies we have last winters doe. spot and stalk involved crawling on my belly and laying in snow for over an hour at one point. a 12 yard shot THROUGH the shoulder with my crossbow took out both lungs. last fall shotgun hunt...forgot that the extendable stock on my 12 gauge was shortened all the way putting the scope a tad too close to my face
  9. wow....you guys asking why he doesnt want to use paypal need to do a google search for "paypal sucks" to see why you should stay away from it! matter of fact, there is a website paypalsucks.com where you can learn about their shady practices. ive done alot of online trading and many of the people ive dealt with refuse to use paypal. i had an account for a few months then cancelled it after learning about them ripping off so many people. stay away from paypal! use EMT's whenever possible...
  10. in the boat on a small lake somewhere between brantford and lake erie we planned on pike and largemouth but nothing wanted to play along except for the bluegill. ended up keeping a dozen or so bigger fish and on my "last cast" i hooked something bigger. pike? nope....a big ole bucket mouth! my buddy netted the fish for me and we took a couple pics and the weight...4.5lbs bang on! definitely werent expecting a fish that size in the small lake we were fishing. revived her and she took off like a bullet. definitely wouldnt keep a fish of that size from such a small water body. them there are some good genes to keep around. had to load up the boat early because a nasty thunderstorm but we still had a great few hours of fishing. a pic shall be posted tomorrow or monday
  11. you can blame that on builders who simply dont give a rats ass about the quality of their homes. its either pour the basement or they move onto the next contractor. i've poured basement floors on sand, gravel, clay, lumber, mud, etc. from 1" to 10" thick. i totally disagree with the garbage that goes on, but its do the job or get fired. i sure am glad im done with pouring concrete on the ground... the delta and plywood option works great and is the exact same as the store bought panels, but quite a bit cheaper.
  12. dont forget your pike and musky gear just hit the weeds or rocky points and you shouldnt have a problem finding fish. hit the government dock with the kids for an endless supply of rockbass.
  13. so now people arent allowed to wear canadian hats, shirts, pants etc? are you even canadian?
  14. rockbass are the hardest fighters out there...imagine the fight from a 5lb rocky
  15. we went down to long point. boated a dozen or so nice smallies, a few small perch and a few sheephead. likely lost 6-8 smallies... i know ill be having a nice dinner tonight we also saw a dead gar in the marina....
  16. i was working in st thomas today hoping for the rain to come so we could go home...it stayed just east of us and i had the pleasure of replacing balconies in the direct sun...32 degrees i guess aylmer had a small twister. here in brantford half of my backyard is flooded. there is more than twice the amount of water here now than after fast spring melts so it must have came down pretty damn good here today. lets hope it rains in st thomas tomorrow so i can come home early
  17. thats what i was thinking. i dont think ive found a place in the grand where i couldnt catch smallies. you gotta be doin something really wrong if you cant catch decent smallies in the grand
  18. buddy, why do you think im asking? personally, i think that if someone has to give answers like that, they shouldnt be posting here by themselves. but i guess i wasnt born with this knowledge like yourself i've been in boats since i was a baby but never really paid attention to this kinda stuff. thanks for the help from those with useful posts
  19. i have a little 14ft tinner that ive had out once so far. once i get on the water i cant be bothered with screwing around with this kinda stuff and just wanna get to fishing... where would the ideal places be to locate the battery and gas in the boat when i am by myself? with a passenger? also, what type of connector would be best for quick disconnect on the trolling motor? will need something where i just plug one into the other.
  20. mmmm....fried snapping turtle. you guys are making my mouth water
  21. just wondering if its possible to get parts so that a 2003 15hp yamaha 2 stroke is capable of charging the battery? this motor does not have electric start if that matters. i tried searches on google but cant find anything....
  22. rich, there were 15lb+ carp coming clear out of the water the whole time we were in there. even some of the big cats were coming out of the water. im assuming this is because of them fighting in the shallows while spawning? all of the ones we caught were pretty roughed up from other cats...they sure like it rough eh? our boat was sitting in 5ft of water and most fish were caught in about 2-3ft of water. i tried out a cut smelt on the bottom hook of a pickerel rig with a 2" shiner on the top and didnt catch a single one on the bloody smelt. water was very muddy so i figured the smelt would out produce the live bait...guess not. the spot was packed full of cats. you know theres a lot of them in there when your floats goes under 15 seconds after hitting the water and yes the cats were very tasty. tossed them in cornmeal/cajun, drizzled some melted butter over them, and baked in the oven. first time ive ever done fish in the oven like that and it was some of the best fish ive had.
  23. nope...the auto workers took it all mandatory service would be ridiculous in a country like canada and it will never happen so i dont see why someone would even get their hopes up.
  24. we headed down to nanticoke in search of white bass and perch...nada. decided to try for some catfish and we sure made the right choice. big bullheads and a couple small channel cats really liked our little 2 inch shiners about 18 inches below our floats along with a couple sheephead. i was using 6lb line and a heavy fish broke me off and is probably still swimming around with my float. then there was the real excitement for the day...float goes down and i set the hook...ZIIIIIIING the drag was just screaming until it broke. after a timed 15 minute fight on that 6lb line and a reel that the drag broke (had to pull line out by hand when she ran) my dad netted a 14 1/8 lb channel cat took a few pics and revived her for a couple minutes. i sure didnt expect to catch a big cat on a small 2" minnow... just looked at the pics now and she looks small in the pics. i guess i didnt do the typical stretch your arms out to make em look bigger pose
  25. well, it took 6 or 7 pulls to get her started on the old gas that came with it quite a bit of smoke at first but it sat for 1 1/2 years so i figure its normal. it kinda sputters and wants to die at idle but i figure thats likely from the gas that doesnt even smell like gas and the plugs caked in oil. gonna get some new gas and plugs before i adjust anything. can you run seafoam through 2 strokes to clean em out? where do ya go to register boats?
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