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Everything posted by ch312

  1. such a great idea for getting more business isnt it i just got a boat a couple months ago but i already know where i wont be going. its about 1.5 hours to get to lake simcoe from my house. towing the boat it will likely be $20 gas to get there, $40 to park and launch, $10 for bait. $70 before i even hit the water? ya thats really gonna happen... ill bet theres gonna be alot of ticked off fisherman that have no clue about this until they show up at bonnie boats...
  2. why would ya try to catch them? they may have only been stunned but if you tried to catch them you could cause them to have heart attacks or die from stress. nature seems cruel sometimes but its usually always better to let things happen. if the young die, they will likely feed young critters like crows and coons. nothing gets wasted in nature....
  3. mmmhmmm...and you enjoy seeing some drunk girl get her face pounded? to each his own i guess.
  4. ummm....did u even read my post and why i got sprayed?
  5. lol i guess il spill the beans... my boss and i went to a work related christmas party this past christmas and towards the end of the night a couple chicks started getting rowdy with each other and then their boyfriends got involved. me and another guy "escorted" buddy out of the building by hiw ponytail and when we went back in all hell broke loose. i was drunk but i figure 40 people or so were pushing each other around and around 10 tables got tipped over breaking alot of bottles, glasses, plates, etc. the cops got called but in the mean time i was wrestling people off each other. i started to break up two chicks (dresses got removed, no undergarments :clapping: ) and when i stodd up i got a face full of pepper spray. apparently the cop thought i was attacking the girl i had ahold of trying to pull off the other one. i wont go into the rest of it cuz i covered what you guys wanted to know but to sum it up... a few people got sprayed and cuffed for fighting with cops host of the party had a very large bill got to see hot naked chicks brutal headache the next day i was drunk but ill never forget that pain. think of it like pouring boiling water in your eyes and face. definatly not a pleasant thing. im not sure how much capacin is in police issued spray but its alot more than the stuff you can buy at any store in canada. you can buy the strongest stuff in the states from alot of stores but its not allowed in canada...
  6. the only thing with pepper spray is you need to wait until the animal is fairly close in order for it to be effective. the shotgun would be a better idea as long as its legal to carry with you in that area. as long as you contact the mne asap after the attack, there wouldnt be any legal issues with killing the bear in self defence. as a side note, ive been pepper sprayed by the cops before and it REALLY hurts...
  7. one of the biggest pike i ever caught was on a little beetle jig with a hairpin spinner. i think it was a 1/16th oz jighead with a 1" pink plastic. but then ive also caught little 20" pike that thought an 8" sucker would be a nice snack....
  8. hmmm...i guess "before" reports are the new fad?
  9. are you kidding me? my god this is getting sad when people sart negative comments about people keeping pike...
  10. grand river goldfish/koi...
  11. ive been doing concrete driveways, sidewalks, etc for over 4 years and the best base by far is called "crusher run" which is crushed stone from 5/8" or so all the way down to stone powder. spread this stuff out, water it down and pack it then let it dry and then repeat. this stuff compacts super tight and id use it for anything at my house. forget the price but in hamilton it was quite a bit cheaper than A gravel which is the normal base around here. it sounds like you are talking about recycled asphault. they just rip up roads and crush it up to be recycled. it works good for a base but it must be compacted properly. go with concrete instead of asphault. looks better, last longer, jacks up house value
  12. congrats! pics man! we need pics!
  13. DING! DING! DING! we have a winner and no baitbutcher, you didnt offend anyone. i think everyone was told "theres so such thing as a stupid question" when they were young
  14. and the impression i get from you shouldnt be mentioned on this site but its something along the lines of armchair warrior. you made yourself look like a fool in your first post, i just wanted to make sure you realized it. care to share my spots? i guess the people i take to them or tell them where they are just imaginary?
  15. and with a post like that, i can only imagine what new members think an admin should delete this entire thread because its simply a disgrace. ive met alot of people off websites and most of them arent anything like their "online ultra ego". time for some of you guys to take a reality check and go back and read some of your posts and think about how the new guy feels. all it woulda took is someone to simply state that you will have to be on the site for a while to prove that you will be a great addition to the communtiy. but instead you guys jumped all over the guy like a bunch of lunatics....
  16. what you do is buy some near new goodyear wrangler's with silent armour from an OFC member i did alot of research on small truck tires last winter and bf goodrich all terrain ko's are the best bang for the buck. great traction in all situations and quiet too. when i get $$$ saved up ill be buying a set of them.
  17. luckily i know where to go to get a few 5 gallon buckets filled up in no time i like them boiled, steamed, or fried. the main thing to worry about is not overcooking them....
  18. thanks for the tips about the agent. i wont be selling for about 4 years but i want to research it as much as possible because when this house is paid off, im building a house using the money i make off the first one. ive been told by experienced people that i should make about $40k just because ive gutted everything down to the bricks and redone everything. where abouts do you live? it would be nice to use the same agent when i get to selling this place. she likely charges more but it sounds like its worth it eh.
  19. so what did the agent concentrate on to help get top dollar? im almost done the renovations on my house and ill be moving in soon. now would be a great time to make any additions or changes rather than 4-5 years when i sell the place after its paid off. i was thinking of calling an agent to get them to come check it out and give me tips but i know they are already busy enough. congrats on getting so much more than asking. that 50k will save you a ton in interest and really cut down the amortization period. due to my strategy, the bank is making less than 4k interest off me
  20. photoz, if i recall correctly the ofah was really pushing for a mute swan hunt because there is starting to be too many of them and they out compete other waterfowl for nesting areas. geese limits are already pretty high, but obviously not high enough. i recall reading an article that had a chart that showed the number of waterfowl licenses purchased in ontario and im pretty sure the sales were actually dropping. if they would only let someone cull some of the geese in cities...
  21. try fryin up some chub like smelt and see how they taste
  22. dont worry guys, i try to shoot as many ducks and geese as possible every season i believe the ofah was trying to get a season for mute swans in ontario but i havent heard anything about it in a while. be sure to show your support so hunters can get rid of some of these pests. i wonder what swan tastes like...
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