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Everything posted by ch312

  1. 2003 15 hp yamaha 2 stroke with gas tank, hose, manual, receipt. besides a few scuffs on the cover it looks brand new and was used very little... $1000 now lets just hope she starts tomorrow...lol
  2. im going to look at an 03 yamaha 15hp 2 stroke tonight but i will not be able to see it run. she said that her husband passed away and this motor hasnt been used in a year or more and it wasnt used very often. i can get it for a great price which could mean either she just wants to get rid of it or there is something wrong with it. how risky is this? they are relatively simple machines, but ya never know. what are some things i can check for? would it hurt the motor to start for a few seconds just to be sure it sounds alright?
  3. im 23 so im part of the computer age i went to a catholic school and that school board has a lot more money. many of my friends went to public high schools and they still cant believe how much better i had it in a catholic high school. there were enough mountain bikes, roller blades, skies, bow and arrows, tennis rackets, etc for 2 full classes. there were also great computer rooms. now you look at all of the public high schools here in brantford, none of them have any of that equipment for gym class and the computers are junk. money like this would be much better for education
  4. it would sound better if GM got $0. it doesnt matter to me is GM screwed over its workers or not. why should the money i worked hard for go to these people? exactly, it shouldnt. if the company i work for goes teats up tomorrow, would you be happy if your tax dollars were handed to me? im all for people making good money and a lot of people deserve more money than they make. everyone who relies on a company pension should have enough brains to realize that the money they are counting on may not be there. what makes GM workers so special while others have lost their company pensions? the point you are missing here is our tax dollars are going to these pensioners when it could be used for education, healthcare, roads, etc. but instead it is going to pay for someones vacation to vegas while kids in school are denied computers because there is no money. explain to me how that is right...
  5. why should MY tax dollars be given to those who were promised a pension from GM? i do not have any association with GM, so why should my money go to its workers or previous employees? they should be getting a normal government pension like other seniors who do not get a pension from their employer or those who's previous employers went under. our money could be used for much better things than spoiled ex union workers
  6. whats not to like about this? you mean you guys dont love the thought that your hard earned money that is stolen from our pay checks is paying for some retired union worker to go on vacations? i hate the idiots running this country into the ground and they should be replaced by those who are in touch with reality.
  7. im looking for a motor for my boat and apparently i should use a short shaft motor with this boat. what difference would it make if i used a long shaft motor instead of the short?
  8. to paint an aluminum enclosed trailer that is already painted would this self etching stuff make it possible to go over the existing paint? or would it be best to sand the original paint? ive found a few good deals on black trailers, but i want a lighter color so its not as hot in the summer...
  9. this is what we get for living in a country that has more sympathy for crooks than the victims. if we were allowed to carry there would be less crap like this happening because the crooks would actually have to think twice about jumping someone who may have a big desert eagle in their holster. but instead the criminals know that 99% of the public do not carry any form of defense so it makes it very easy for them... the best thing you can do is get an ASP baton for "dog defense" and swing for the fences when someone tries something brantford now has its share of gangster wannabees and i cant wait to move out in the sticks...
  10. where shall i go to get the absolute best price on a yamaha 15 hp 4 stroke short shaft? there are huge price differences between dealers on most things like this so im looking for all the help i can get. thanks for any help
  11. terry, i think most people are against giving the government money because they already take so much. we are forced to pay taxes and a lot of the money gets wasted on ridiculous things such as sending it to other countries for aid or bailouts when it could be used for healthcare, education, roads, etc. they STEAL over $600 in taxes every check so im sure as hell gonna "steal" from them every chance i get. what is the purpose of collecting tax on a trailer or boat? we get taxed way too much so we should share tips with others to keep OUR hard earned money in OUR pockets instead of paying for politicians vacations.
  12. a much better idea would be for the government to stop digging into our pockets every chance they get. i will do whatever i can to ensure that the crooks get as little money from me as possible and will encourage others to do the same.
  13. so now someone who takes pics of an OOS fish would be a poacher? i sure am glad you are not a CO. i highly doubt any CO out there has the same attitude as you...and thats a good thing holding a fish out of the water for a few seconds will not cause it any harm and is no different than while the fish is in season.
  14. if the mods felt that this needed to be a rule, they'd change it. but for now everyone here is free to post pics of their OOS fish and id guess that most want it to stay that way. those who dont like it should not post anything to ruin another persons thread
  15. this is a FISHING website and most of us love to see pictures of FISH whether they were targeted or accidental catches. taking a picture of an OOS fish will not cause it any harm. if you landed the fish you have already disturbed it and moved it off its nest so taking a picture will not cause anymore harm. if you whiners cared that much about people accidentally catching OOS fish, you wouldnt fish at all when the season is closed for other species as theres always the chance of catching OOS fish. theres no difference between releasing the fish in the water or taking it out for a pic....
  16. im also in brantford and know of a few honey holes within city limits. but giving out their locations would be like telling the world about a secluded little trout lake...NO DICE! just get out and look for lower places that are usually more wet than other areas. close to swamps but not in them... good luck
  17. i support you 100% but you shouldnt use this in your argument as it may cause problems for the fry stand owner. maybe they just havent had any complaints about the fry stand so they havent looked into how far it is away from the restaurant. you bringing this up will make them look into it and the fry stand guy would likely have to relocate.
  18. its pretty much common knowledge amongst people who actually know something about working on cars that canadian tire is one the last places you should take your vehicle. sll you ever hear is bad stories about people who take their vehicles there. i took my truck there 1 and only time and that was for new tires which were on for half price or something so it was worth a shot. i looked directly at the guy who was working on my truck and told him to be sure he uses balancing weights on the inner edge of the rim so you cant see them. "no problem sir". the first thing i noticed when i got out to my truck was these weights on the outside edge of the rims they seriously let someone that stupid work on peoples brakes and such? id definitely stay away from this cheap outboard. its usually always cheaper in the long run to buy quality the first time....
  19. LMAO...how old are you, 14?
  20. i guess i kinda like snakes... an old pic from last year...shes about 3ft long and can eat rats now. on the laptop now but ill post some new pics some other time...
  21. i guess someone cant take a little criticism? we arent attacking you so theres no need to get so defensive those pellets falling when you picked up the bird were stopped by feathers. hard to believe something so light can stop lead or steel eh? i guess you musta threw shot at those birds too if you have the money to buy all your other gear, tags, etc then you can afford a few more boxes of shells. if you actually have 10 people in your group, each person only needs to buy 1 box. trade shells with each other giving every one of you 10 different shells to try. youd be amazed how great the proper choke/load will shoot. what shoots great in your gun might be the worst in another gun... you dont think im man enough to shoot 3 1/2" shells? dude, give me a break. i shoot quite a few 3 1/2" #4 buck through a full choke every year at coyotes and they kick harder than any turkey load. yes, having a sore shoulder and cheek is the direct result of the shooter having bad form. there are many things that contribute to this and can usually be cured by having someone watch you while you are shooting. how do you think people manage to shoot the big bore rifles (577 t rex as an example ) without killing their bodies? totally pointless trying to teach a know it all something
  22. richy, those patterns are NOT good enough at 40 yards to be reliable. just because you had a lucky pellet or two with that long shot doesnt mean these blown patterns are acceptable. having the mentality that 1 pellet is all thats needed isnt the one you should have. have some respect for the birds and stick to 30-35 yards max until you find a better choke/load combo. my gun shoots tighter patterns than those with a full choke and normal shells so you clearly havent found the right combo yet. when it comes to patterning you dont count how many pellets hit the bird, you count how many hit the vitals (spine and skull). you want an average of at least 8-10 pellets hitting the vitals which is why its important to use actual turkey targets until its easy to judge patterns. some guns can be a real pain to find the best choke/load combo but its definitely worth it being able to have faith in your shot. you should also consider mounting a scope or red dot on your shotgun because its very common for the center of the pattern to be off. you asked for some advice from experienced people, but it doesnt seem like you are willing to listen... PS...you need to work on your form if you have a sore shoulder and cheek
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