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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Sigh.... This is what happens when bleeding hearts witness something unpleasant and feel that their emotions are more important than ending the suffering of an animal. How on earth would letting the animal continue to suffer until OPP or animal control showed up be better for the animal? Apparently an animal should be allowed to suffer to prevent anybodies feelings from being hurt? "Causing distress to an animal"? Unless he intentionally hit the bear with his vehicle, how could ending it's suffering be considered "causing distress'? Why is it that the MNR found zero reason to charge the man yet the OSPCA thought otherwise? Public pressure from animal rights activists to lay charges? Let this be a lesson to anyone who would ever consider putting an animal out of it's misery for it's own good. Apparently you're expected to turn the other way and allow the animal to die a slow and agonizing death to ensure some idiots feelings don't get hurt.
  2. PS4 for the win! More powerful than Xbox One (slightly better graphics, faster performance) and it is free to play online, unlike the Xbox. Cheaper too.
  3. Just wondering who else has made their own smoker and how it worked out. I successfully converted an old all steel fridge into a big smoker that's very efficient due to the insulation which also helps maintain constant temperature and I opted for propane as it's the cheapest to operate and I don't have to mess with any extension cords. I'll post some pics tomorrow of the unit to possibly help anyone who is considering building one. Total cost was under $75 for a high capacity unit that's able to function all year round. Thanks Kijiji... The first small chunk of meat that was a test run. It sure didn't last long
  4. Hunting within city limits is 100% legal according to the MNR and it is up to each municipality to set their own bylaws if firearms and bows can or cannot be used within city limits. That said, Hamilton does allow the use of firearms and bows for hunting within the city limits providing the user is fully licensed, ensures their projectiles do not leave the property, and is more than 100 meters from any dwelling. While I disagree with allowing only natives to participate, in this case they are permitted to hunt within city limits and the public was blocked from the park during the native hunt as people setting off fireworks would interfere with the hunt and cause problems. Follow this link for detailed maps (the area you're describing is on one of the maps) and firearms related bylaws. http://www.hamilton.ca/NR/rdonlyres/6B512F07-8535-4A14-AC46-D24735E4AD6F/0/05114.pdf 3. GENERAL PROHIBITIONS (1) No person shall discharge a firearm or bow within the limits of the City of Hamilton, except as provided for in Section 5 5. EXEMPTIONS (1) Subsections 3.(1) and 3.(2) of this By-law do not apply to: (a) a person discharging a firearm who holds all hunting and firearms licences required by law providing that the discharge occurs in the areas indicated on the map attached as Schedule ‘A’; attached hereto, which Schedules form part of this By-law. a person discharging a bow who holds all hunting and firearms licences required by law providing that the discharge occurs in the areas indicated on the map attached as Schedule ‘B’; attached hereto, which Schedules form part of this By-law.
  5. I was thinking about renting one of these for a day, but I'm kinda worried about oil on the machine or it's blades that could contaminate the wood and the meat I'll be smoking. Another chunk of pork that's destined to become pulled pork will be done in an hour or so. I guess I might as well start a smoking thread...
  6. 1 log about 5-6" diameter x 14" long = 1 bag of store bought wood at $6-$7 each I have an overflowing truckload worth and I plan on selling a bunch if I can figure out how to chip it efficiently...
  7. We're not talking about hunting where hunters attempt to kill an animal in the quickest way possible. This is a completely unforeseen event and the result was a wounded bear that was clearly suffering and the man used the tools available to end it's suffering as fast as possible. What is the difference in this situation? The difference is with the rock it was over in seconds and waiting for someone with a gun would have resulted in a much, much longer period of suffering for the animal. To be clear, the only time I support bludgeoning an animal to death is if it was previously mortally wounded. IMO...you're suggestion of using a knife to finish the bear would have likely resulted in even more backlash. -the bear was going to die -the man ended it's suffering quickly -nobody was hurt -it didn't cost taxpayers anything -the man scored some meat What's the issue?
  8. FYI...there is only one listing for someone with that name in Woodbridge. Who wants to call and ask for the full story to end all this assumption?
  9. 34 bows that are small enough to fit into one cooler wouldn't be worth much would they? When was the last time anyone ordered trout at a restaurant and was offered a perch sized fillet? I think the punishment was appropriate if this was a first offense.
  10. There would be nothing quick and easy about waiting for animal control to show up. The bear would have died a slow and agonizing death waiting for someone to come shoot it, possibly started doing the "funky chicken" which could have startled an unsuspecting motorist causing an accident, or injured some moron who got too close to it for a photo to post on facebook. He ended the suffering with the tools he had on hand. People should be thanking him, not criticizing him.
  11. I'm willing to bet he was thinking "that bear doesn't deserve to suffer, so I'm going to do the dirty work and end it's suffering and I might as well eat this meat rather than tossing it in the ditch". You're telling me you'd put your hands close enough to a wounded bear to slice it's throat? Even if I had a knife I'd still opt for the rock option. Hell, i'd run it over with my truck before attempting to use a knife to dispatch a wounded bear regardless of it's size. A wounded raccoon can easily shred your hands in very short order and I can only imagine what an injured and disoriented bear that's in "life saving mode" could do to any part of your body it got a hold of.
  12. Slightly related... Any idea's for splitting wood into smaller pieces for a smoker? It only takes a few minutes with the axe to split a small log for an 8 hour period of smoke, but I've almost lobbed off a few fingers already and I have a truckload worth of apple wood to split. There has to be an easier way?
  13. Very odd encounter to say the least. A while back while visiting Newfoundland I had the opportunity to see one of these sharks (about 13-14ft in length) from about 10 ft away while we were jigging for mackerel and cod. In one eventful day we saw the shark, caught some mackerel and cod, pulled up some lobster, picked some sea snails, and caught some sea run brookies. Can't wait to go back for the third time
  14. On the TV now... Rob Ford denies being involved with a prostitute and says his friend is not a hooker and is denying sexually suggestive comments that were allegedly made towards some other woman. It's these false allegations which made him decide to sue those who made these false comments and he says "this is why I warned you guys to be careful what you write". The news is reporting that Ford is no longer on the defensive and is now on the offensive. Remember when that lady claimed Ford made sexual advances towards her which turned out to be 100% false and was simply an attack on Ford? I guess that was his wakeup call to take legal action against those who start false rumors about him. He should have sued that dingbat too and this past event should have made some of you realize that NOTHING should be considered true unless there is PROOF. Media reports are not proof of guilt!
  15. Eeeek...you were actually considering a 60+ yard shot with archery equipment? I think it's safe to say that most other hunters and I are VERY happy you passed on that shot. Not only would that doe have plenty of time to jump the string at that distance, buck fever (read "heart pounding") and the trajectory of your arrow make such a shot extremely difficult, even for the pro's who have shot hundreds of deer.
  16. Key rings will be a huge pain to attach to the line in the boat and will likely damage the planer board line. They are plenty strong enough for the job and on 12+ outings I haven't lost a single one towing everything from Rapala's run clean to the big dipsey divers pulling a flashers and dodgers with spoons for salmon. This is what you're looking for: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Mainstays-Metal-Shower-Curtain-Rings/16783397 Using clothes pins and rubber bands allows you to adjust how much pressure is required to release the line without switching to lighter or heavier releases. I have zero issues running small baits behind the boards for silver bass and smallies at Long Point to pulling the big dipseys for walleye and salmon.
  17. According to the OFAH it has not passed yet as it still needs to pass second reading in December.
  18. Out of curiosity, how is that any more interesting than watching any other person chugging beer? Personal time should = nobodies business. I could care less what someone does with their personal time as long as they're doing their job and that goes for everyone from cashiers to real estate agents to politicians. How about mandatory drug and alcohol tests for all politicians? Wait...we wouldn't have anyone left to do the job
  19. x 4 on the steel shower curtain rings. I like to use plastic clothes pins with a rubber band as a rubber band alone often breaks and falls off when a fish hits or you pop the release resulting in a "rubber worm" floating in the water for fish to eat that they won't be able to pass. I attach the rubber band to the clothes pin, loop it over the line, and put the end into the clothes pin jaws. When done this way the rubber band will release from the clothes pin but still stay attached to the clothes pin instead of floating off. The rubber band is important as it indicates when weeds or a small fish are on the line as it stretches back. Visit Staples to buy bulk rubber bands in different sizes and keep them out of the sun in a sealed bag to prevent drying out.
  20. Do you have any buddies that would let you borrow one to use a couple times before buying your own? I used an older ZT model for a few seasons and it definitely made catching easier some days. But, I found it was only useful for panfish as it was far too easy for larger fish such as pike to get wrapped up in the camera wire which lead to quite a few lost fish. On a few occasions pike actually struck and tried eating the perch pattern camera and it was common for the camera to get bumped or start swaying around due to pike sitting inches away trying to figure out what it was. It was great for perch fishing and it was fun watching fish come in and strike, but the novelty wore off after a while and I'm far happier after switching to a flasher.
  21. There used to be a time when families were happy at the sight of another family scoring some healthy meat and congratulated them.... These days too many people think meat is made in the back of the grocery store instead of coming from an animal.
  22. Sorry, but you can't be serious? You're either an anti trying to portray a bad image, someone who hangs around very irresponsible hunters, or an extremely ignorant hunter who hasn't shot himself or others...YET. Only someone who has never hunted would assume that the nearly silent "click" of turning the safety off would spook a deer. I've been hunting for 15-20 years and have never heard of leaving the safety off because it will spook a deer when you switch from "safe" to "fire". Yep As Sinker mentioned, the controlled hunt brings out the yahoo's who have no clue how to properly use a firearm as they only hunt a maximum of 5 days each year during the controlled deer firearm hunt. Many of these folks don't even bother practicing with their firearms before the season starts, hence the "world war 3" amount of gunshots that can be heard during the first week of November in many area's as a huge majority of these guys spray and pray rather than making the first shot count. They have no idea how to handle a firearm, how to shoot it, or their effective range. The controlled hunt will always be the most dangerous time of year for both hunters and non hunters due to the high number of very inexperienced "hunters" in the bush.
  23. We're our own worst enemy...true Fukushima is a very serious issue...true Suzuki is someone we should listen too and can be trusted...false Suzuki is a scammer, charlatan, flat out liar, and should be the last person "educating" us about environmental issues and global warming. For anyone who disagrees with this I welcome you to spend 10 minutes on Google to enlighten yourselves. I believe we're all aware of environmental issues. The problem is some people support the wrong guy and take everything he says as gospel as they can't see through the smoke and mirrors....
  24. I'm thinking the pike situation is very similar to coyotes. Once they're here you might as well accept it as there is nothing you can do to get rid of them...
  25. MB Bottle Brew for the win! The kit (bought mine at TSC) comes with 4, 2L pop bottles full of unfermented wort and a vial of yeast per bottle. Simply add the vial of yeast to each bottle and 14 days later you have beer, which actually tastes very good. Bohemian Blonde at 4% and Mexican Cerveza at 5%. $15 per kit, which makes a case worth of beer.
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