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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Each year I stumble upon at least a couple grow ops while out hunting, walking the dogs, or ATVing usually ranging from one to 10 plants. But, last year I got the jitters after finding a 1000+ plant grow op that was clearly run by professionals with multiple gas water pumps, tons of water lines, fertilizer bins tied to the water lines for easy fertilizing, and rows upon rows of plants about 4ft tall. The cops found the grow and did a half ass job of destroying the weed, almost like they intentionally left product behind...
  2. I had no clue that anyone was able to challenge the hunter exam. Ya learn something new every day... Q. I have moved to Ontario from another jurisdiction (i.e. Nova Scotia), I have resided in Ontario as a permanent resident for more than six consecutive months in the previous twelve and I have a license issued to me from that jurisdiction, does that help? If you can produce a Resident License or Hunter Education certificate, issued to you after January 1, 1968 from another jurisdiction, you may challenge the Hunter Education examination one time without attending the Ontario Hunter Education course. If you fail to successfully complete this examination, you will be required to take the Hunter Education course and be reexamined.
  3. Butchering them is easy once you get past the "I can't do that" stage and once you're into the animal it's easy to follow the natural lines (not sure of the technical term) in the meat to distinguish between each chunk of meat. Nothing is wasted as any mistakes just means more meat goes into the jerky, pepperette, ground, or stewing piles. It's all part of learning.
  4. Warn is the way to go, especially the newer units that are totally sealed. They're proven to be the most reliable long term for those who use their winches often and hard. You'll definitely want to go with synthetic rope as well as it's lighter, is not dangerous like steel when it breaks, and you'll never have to worry about metal slivers. Royal Distributing lists the provantage (better one) with steel at $412 and synthetic at $532. But, many places offer 55' of synthetic for $50 shipped or cheaper making it $462+ tax. Buying from the US is your best route. Also, the only difference between the 2500lb and 3000lb warn winches is the size of the cables running from the battery to solenoid. Therefore, by switching from 8 gauge to 6 g wire you'll have another 500lbs of pulling force.
  5. While we have excellent healthcare, too many doctors are very pushy and try to force induction upon pregnant women when it is totally unnecessary simply because the doctors chose a due date. We have a 5 month old and we spent many hours researching and speaking to new mothers about the subject before our little man arrived and the number of women who have been convinced to be induced on a specific day is mind boggling. They're essentially starting a process that the body and baby aren't quite ready for which typically leads to a long labor which often leads to further intervention such as pain killers, an epidural, or c-section. Recovery time is also longer for both mother and baby after intervention. Some of the Bull and scare tactics a few doctors spewed forth made me angry as for many mothers they're promoting unnecessary procedures which greatly increase risk to mother and baby. So, for our child the lady went with no pain killers, no induction, had zero tearing/stitches (perineal stretching works!), and was walking around within a few hours and went home the next day. Anyways, the moral of the story is I believe doctors sometimes push unnecessary procedures and medications upon many of they're patients. Seeing as we're taxed out the yingyang, I wouldn't exactly say it didn't cost you a dime
  6. Have you considered hunting upland? If so, you're welcome to join the hound and I 15 minutes from Brantford for a day of rabbit and grouse hunting once the snows flies. Maybe even see if we can get a coyote to come play
  7. That's a rather odd reply considering it only takes a couple hours to process a deer, yet many hunters spend days or weeks filling their tag with patience being a huge part of hunting big game.
  8. With an electric fillet knife it takes about 30-40 seconds per fish to have boneless fillets... Besides, it's a perfect excuse to have a few beers with your buddy after a day of fishing.
  9. Congrats on getting your PAL and hunting license it's always nice having more people join the hunting and shooting crew.
  10. Yeah, because changing the lyrics will surely make a huge difference in the lives of Canadian women This is what happens when overzealous do-gooders have nothing better to do.
  11. Rather than handing money over to the butcher, why not use that money to invest in a good book, knife, and vacuum sealer and do it yourself?
  12. Every ATV needs maintenance (inspections fall under that category) on at least the wear items if you're into frequent trail riding. I've rode many ATV's owned by the "I never need to do maintenance on my machine" crowd and some are downright scary. Steering with inches of play, bearings so loose the wheels just wobble, a-arm bushings nearly missing, brake pads wore right down to the backing plate, still driving with broken engine mounts and frames the rider never knew about, and all kinds of other crap. Nearly every single rider with that mentality ends up getting towed home within the first 1/4 of our rides. A poorly maintained machine is fine for the farm, but that's about it. Anyone in the Brantford area wanna go for a rip this weekend?
  13. Well, at least with a moose some people might actually believe that it jumped out of nowhere. I'm not having too many takers falling for the "tree jumped out of nowhere" story I've been telling. On the plus side I did manage to get the rack and bumper straightened out (pushed in about 4"!) yesterday with a bottle jack and chain, so now I just need to replace the middle bar that was creased and spray it with bedliner.
  14. How old are the kids? Which action do you prefer? Bolt, lever, semi, break... Do you plan on mounting a scope or using iron sights?
  15. But, with power steering it's sooooo nice cruising through deep holes or over big rock piles in 4x4 using one hand while the non power steering guys are forced to use both hands with the bars getting yanked out of their hands. After 12 hour rides you're definitely far less fatigued if your machine has EPS. Power steering is worth it alone just for the anti kickback it provides.
  16. Definitely go with Honda or Yamaha if you want a reliable machine that should require only basic maintenance. In the last 3 years I've logged around 4,500 kms (typically 30-80km runs) running with every major brand and the Artic Cats and Polaris are #1 for issues with constant overheating, burning belts off, and electrical problems being the most common. Any brand will hold up fine if you putt around the farm on the grass, but when you start using the machine for what it's meant for is when problems will arise. I've beat the snot out of my 07 grizzly 700 (still working on the rack and bumper from a couple weeks ago when a tree just jumped out of nowhere! ) including around a dozen roll overs and the motor has been full of water twice and she keeps on ticking like nothing ever happened. It's actually rather amazing that after everything I've put it through it's still reliable as the day it rolled out of the factory and the only maintenance parts it's needed are brake pads, spark plugs, and lots of zip ties to stitch the plastics back together. There is a listing on kijiji Ottawa right now listing brand new Grizzly 550's for $7500. Don't be afraid to buy lightly used either as you'll save a bunch of cash and it's typically very easy to tell how it's been ridden.
  17. It's my understanding that something like IWS warranty services has a better package than factory the extended package and for a lower price too. I've been told they cover imported vehicles, but I couldn't find anything on their website.
  18. Importing from the US saves you about $2500 after everything is said and done...
  19. I dunno about "needing" the max HP each boat is rated for. My G3 Angler (bow mount, 3 batteries, lots of gear) has a 90 on it and it gets up on plane very quick with two guys and a full livewell up front and it's rated for a 150. The only time i'd like a bit more power is when I have 4 people in the boat and i'm towing someone on the knee or wake board. I think the aftermarket prop may have something to do with how quick it planes, but I'm not sure as I never tried the stock aluminum prop.
  20. You could be right, but this fish was longer and felt quite a bit heavier than the one I got last week which was 14.5 lbs on the scale. As for the rod setup, the boat came with those dinky little big jon riggers with single rod holders so I made up this rod holder so I can run 4 rods when someone goes fishing with me. Simply remove the seat from the pipe and plop the rod holder in place using the rigger holders for the divers and the middle two for the riggers. Works very well and I was testing it's strength running two dipseys off it at 3.5 mph while I took the pic. Trust me, bigger riggers with dual rod holders and a track system with ratcheting rod holders are on the wish list. I'm glad I pulled the dipseys and switched to riggers or I would have missed the king out there.
  21. Sept 13th Hit the water around 7 am and fished until 11 am in some rough waters which made fishing a bit of a PITA, but we still managed a couple fish and lost one. We didn't mark any bait or fish in 50-80 fow like my previous solo trip and surface temps were 15+ degrees cooler than a few days before, but the bigger king hit an orange monkey puke down 40 in 75 fow. The smaller one came on a 3 1/2" NBK cheater line in 190 fow with the ball at 190 ft as we were marking tons of big fish on bottom and were hoping for a laker. Sept 19th Hit the water around 1 pm and fished until 630 pm. Tried 60-90 fow out of Bronte for a couple hours where the michigan stinger orange monkey puke took one small king at 45 ft in 70 fow, the other took a chrome/green matrix spoon off a dipsy on a #3 setting 90ft back, and I lost a hard fighting fish that nailed the same dipsy setup about 40 ft back as I was letting line out. Since it was so nice (websites were calling for 8-9 knot winds...WRONG!) and the action was slow I decided to make my first trip to deep water. Setup in 360 ft where the small bow took a watermelon knockout spoon off the dipsy 180 ft back on #3 setting. Lost another fish on the same setup not long after. I was marking a bunch around the thermocline 120ft down in 380 fow so I lowered the michigan stinger kevorkian (purple) down to 140 ft which I assume put it right around the 120 ft mark with the blowback taken into consideration. 5 minutes later it fires and the reel was just screaming. 5-6 minutes later I had this beauty in the boat. All fish were released except for the small bow which was bleeding pretty bad. Any guesses on the weight? I later measured where the fish was laying in the boat and it was 35-36" long. A couple random shots... Blue zone Fisherman's pier / Burlington skyway
  22. Report: Navy Yard Shooter Stole Firearms Used in Rampage Sep 17, 2013 Washington D.C. According to the FBI, Alexis did not use an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle but instead used a shotgun and two handguns. The shotgun was purchased legally in Virginia and then brought illegally into Washington D.C. It is still believed Alexis stole the handguns off of police officers at the scene. According to NBC Washington, Aaron Alexis, the man who carried out a deadly rampage at Washington D.C.'s Navy Yard yesterday, purchased a shotgun legally and passed a background check through the FBI NICS system. The other firearms Alexis used in the shooting were two 9mm semi-automatic handguns and were stolen after he made it onto the base. hxxp://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2013/09/17/report-navy-yard-shooter-stole-firearms-used-in-rampage-n1702267 So, it appears that it wasn't even a scary assault rifle like the media assumed it was when multiple false reports were broadcast yesterday. He bought the firearm legally after passing an FBI background check (meaning clean record, FBI deemed him safe to own a firearm) and proceeded to take the firearm into an area where firearms are prohibited by civilians before stealing handguns from officers. If this isn't enough proof that stricter laws will do nothing to prevent such tragedies then I dunno what is.
  23. It's a fact that: - You and others who rely on the media label certain firearms "assault rifles" simply because of how they look. - It's just as easy to buy a firearm here in Canada as it is in the US. - Stricter firearms laws do nothing to prevent firearms related crimes, they punish law abiding citizens. - Alcohol, knives, fists, and hammers kill far more than scary "assault rifles". - The HUGE majority of firearms related crimes in the US are committed by people who are NOT legally permitted to own a firearm Fear mongering and knee jerk reactions are the direct result of media Bull.
  24. Handguns do indeed kill more people, but knives, clubs, fists, hammers, etc kill far more in the US each year than shotguns or rifles. Alcohol and drunk driving kills more people in the US than all firearms combined. How about we ban alcohol?
  25. It's funny that those who know nothing about firearms try to say what should be banned, yet the misinformed can't distinguish the difference between a semi auto firearm (which is the exact same as semi auto rifles used for hunting) and a fully automatic firearm (true assault rifle). But, but, but that rifle is black and looks scary so it MUST be an assault rifle and MUST be banned
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