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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Sorry, but it's people like you who rely on the media for your "facts" and you are the one who is sadly misinformed. This doesn't happen in Canada because of the firearms we can or cannot access? The shotgun he used to kill is 100 % accessible by anyone in Canada with a firearms license. The AR-15 he took from the murdered guard is 100 % accessible by anyone in Canada who chooses to write the restricted firearms exam. No, this is NOT totally different than hunting firearms we're permitted to use here. Know why? Because the AR-15 he used is NO DIFFERENT than ANY semi automatic firearm that Canadians use for hunting, including semi auto's many of our grandfathers used. I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but handguns are easily accessible here in Canada too.
  2. Very easy to obtain a handgun if you have the money and know someone who is in the drug trade. While I have never been involved in such Bull, I did hang around with the wrong crowd as a teen for a short while and can assure you that only a few hundred dollars will "hook you up". Automatic firearms (NOT semi auto, HUGE difference!) , not so easy as they're prohibited in Canada, but still obtainable. FYI...buying a fully automatic firearm requires permits in the US. An AR-15 for example is a semi auto firearm, not full auto like the media would like you to believe. As for obtaining a legal firearm in Canada, it's as simple as reading a book and challenging the firearms exam which then permits you to buy an unlimited number of non restricted firearms. To compare apple to apples, it's much easier to obtain a firearms license than it is to get a drivers license.
  3. Sigh...I really wish the misinformed would leave "gun control" out of this as it has NOTHING to do with this. Why? Criminals and nut jobs will get their hands on guns and other weapons regardless of what some law says. Look at all the ignorant folks who supported the gun registry that was supposed to stop gun crimes in Canada, when in fact it did nothing at all to lower gun related crimes. What it did do a good job of was punishing law abiding citizens and wasting a couple billion dollars. Sad indeed, but more gun control (even a 100% ban of firearm ownership nation wide) definitely would not prevent firearm related crimes. The fact is the majority of firearms used by crooks and wacko's are imported from different countries meaning punishing law abiding firearms owners with even more rules would do diddly squat.
  4. They sure get the heart going when you're fishing a small creek for trout and hook into one of these dinosaurs! From a Lake Eire trib last fall, about 4 ft long.
  5. Hit the north shore of the west end of the lake to see if I could get into my first lake O salmon and I ended up having one heck of a morning. Hit the water at 730-745 am and had the lines down around 8 am and it didn't take long to realize that the fish gods were on my side that day as I had 4 double headers and tons of action from 8 am until 1 pm or so. The wind started to die down around that time and it was like someone hit a switch because the fish just turned off and it didn't take long for the 10-12 other boats to clear the area. I believe I ended up going 14 for 25 with very acrobatic bows up to 9 lbs, a bunch of smaller fish (i'm guessing coho and chinook?) ranging from 3-8 lbs, and a 14 lb chinook that put up one heck of a fight. I did hook into a beast of a fish that fired the rigger and made a very fast and powerful run near bottom from behind the boat and just screamed past the boat before breaking the split ring after a brief fight. All fish came on spoons on the riggers at 3-3.5 mph in 50-75 FOW. I was running one rigger 30 ft down and the other 45ft down all day with cheaters on each, which took 3/4 of the fish. NBK was the hot spoon of the day with pinks and blues taking the rest of the fish. The big salmon took an orange monkey puke 2 ft off the deeper rigger. Tons of bait out there and it was my first time experiencing the rods bouncing from the lines hitting all the alewives down there and I even managed to snag a 6 incher, which I later realized I should have used for bait as the big salmons stomach was crammed full of them! I made a Sabiki rig last night and will be trying to catch some bait to use on Friday. I didn't get pics of all the fish as the camera died. I then started using the cell phone, but that died too! Spoon's tail is slightly bent after the big fish I lost had some fun with it! Argh matey Didn't want to keep the two bows and would have preferred keeping a couple small ones, but each one lost an eye to the spoon and couldn't be revived.
  6. I've been around here for a while and couldn't agree more. While some days you can get easily frustrated reading what some people (including a couple mods) post ,I keep coming back because it's an excellent site overall. Learning to ignore a few select folks is key, just like at work, family functions, etc.
  7. Must be nice. A few launches on the north shore of Erie are $20.
  8. Not only would using 6lb test result in more break offs, it's a pain in the butt for everyone else on the pier when it takes someone a half hour to land a big fish. It's totally fine when you're at a quiet place with not many people around, but using such light line in a crowded area is just asking for headaches.
  9. And in many cases paying high prices gets you nothing more than a tiny site, neighboring trailers close enough to spit on from your door, extremely busy facilities due to the high number of trailers in the park, park owners trying to pry open your wallet every chance they get, and the opportunity to park your trailer in a wide open area without a single tree for shade. Shop around southern Ontario and you'll quickly learn that a higher price definitely does not mean better. For comparison, it's the norm around here to pay well over $2000/yr for a site as described above. I've literally busted out laughing after seeing some sites and what people are willing to pay for them.
  10. Jeez, all this talk of $3000+/yr ($500/month per 6 month season!) for a trailer site sure makes the $500/year we pay for a creek side (15ft wide well known creek) site in a park with less than 100 trailers sound very nice. Not lakeside, but still decent fishing and the money we save goes towards fuel for the truck and boat.
  11. I was at the Brantford Canadian Tire last night picking up supplies and noticed they have Rapala spinning combo's with 6' 2pc medium rods. They obviously aren't the highest quality, but the reels and their drags seem surprisingly decent for such a low price and would be excellent for the kids and panfish. On clearance for $8.90 per combo...you can get 3 combo's for the price of 1 at regular price!
  12. what he said! my last trip on erie i could have filled a cooler with sheephead in no time...
  13. the majority of fish caught in the central basin are over 24" and out of the last couple dozen of walleye i've caught out of burwell only 1 fish has been below 20" with the average being 25-27" for me. erie's average size is much larger than the northern lakes where i always caught walleye while camping growing up. the bigger fish do taste just as great as the smaller ones out of erie.
  14. Maybe a few rounds of 3 1/2", #4 buck at 40-50 yards? I don't think you'd see too many flying away
  15. Here's the recipe I always use when I batter perch. It makes enough for over a pound and a half of fish so I usually cut it in half. Can't beat it 1 c flour 2 tbsp paprika 2 tbsp garlic powder 2 tsp salt 2 tsp pepper 1 egg bottle of beer Mix dry ingredients and then stir in the egg. Add enough beer to make a runny batter. Dust fillets in a mix of flour and a touch of salt and pepper. Dip individually into batter running fish on the edge to remove excess batter. Lower in HOT oil while swirling slowly to prevent sticking to the fryer rack. Cook for 3-4 minutes and drain on racks.
  16. I was less than 15 ft away and could clearly see the wire coming from his pocket going up to each ear. Seeing as I laid on the horn for a good 3-4 seconds and he didn't even glance our way (which would have saved him from getting whacked) I can only assume his music was very loud. Also, you'd think he would clue in when the 8-10 other people waiting to cross in the same direction were standing on the corner waiting for the proper time to cross the street. Seeing as 99.99% of people know to look both ways when crossing the street and this guy didn't glance either way before crossing a 3-4 lane road, I think it was a stupidity issue that he had. Natures way of getting rid of bad gene's?
  17. I believe the season is currently open on snapping turtles in Ontario and there is a possibility that this could just have been a turtle that was harvested for the table. Believe it or not, but snappers are still very "lively" and have full strength a half hour or more after you chop off their head meaning someone who harvested this turtle could have lobbed off it's head and had it tied to a tree (it's common to hang them by their tail) or something and left it there to bleed out and finish dying and the knot slipped or the rope broke. While the harvester was busy doing something else it's very possible that's when this turtle made it's way into the water and couldn't be found. I've harvested and ate a few snappers over the years and they are still very capable of walking long after their head has been chopped off. Very freaky the first time you go to dress a turtle after it's "dead" and it starts moving around like nothing happened to it. The last one i did ended up about 75' from where i dropped it after chopping off it's head...
  18. it all comes down to how comfortable and experienced you are in a boat. I've made a few trips out of burwell (7-8 miles out) in my old 14ft tinner with a 15hp on it and during one trip I encountered some rather rough water. I actually found that the small and light boat rode the waves very well and I didn't feel uncomfortable at all. But, then again, I have enough sense to keep the bow into the wind and know how to handle a boat in rough water. Since then I have upgraded to a 17' G3 deep V with 90hp and it doesn't make me feel any safer. Common sense is key no matter what boat you're in as some people have a blast riding rough water in small zodiacs without any issues while some manage to sink their 20 ft boats that are made for rough water. I'm firmly against any law telling people that they aren't allowed to go on a certain body of water if they don't have a boat that's deemed "big enough". That's just punishing everyone for the mistakes only a few have made.
  19. Lat year while sitting at a red light in downtown hamilton some clueless moron started to casually cross the road (king st?) as the light for the traffic crossing our path was turning yellow and he clearly shouldn't have been crossing. As the light turned green for us he was only halfway across the 3 lane 1 way road so I laid on the horn and he didn't even look our way as either his music was too loud or he was just an idiot. I'll never forget the sound of his body contacting the car, his body flying like a rag doll 10ft in the air, and the thud of his body/head smacking the asphalt. 100% his fault thanks to his own stupidity.
  20. there are walking trails along pretty much the entire river in brantford. if you google "brantford trail map" you'll see what i'm talking about and i believe it shows parking areas too. the downtown area is easily accessed and holds plenty of bass with the odd walleye.
  21. i'm not a musky fisherman and i've caught many pike beside the boat while doing figure 8's and do it every time when pike are following to the boat. saying that anyone who does figure 8's (especially when you know the area is full of pike) is automatically targeting musky is as silly as saying anyone who owns a gun is going to kill someone believe it or not, but many people could care less what assuming spectators think they're doing. also, it's quite silly to suggest people targeting pike should downsize lures and avoid figure 8's because some musky fisherman might assume they're targeting OOS musky. on many of my pike outings i'm throwing 10-12" baits to convince even the small pike to bite.
  22. many people who live in bear country claim more bears are getting killed since the cancellation of the spring bear hunt. the majority also resort to the SSS rule to avoid any legal problems and headaches. i'm willing to bet if the guy from this story had a firearm it would have simply been another case of SSS and we wouldn't have heard a thing about it...
  23. firearms licenses are federal and not provincial which is why it's called the canadian firearms safety course. that said, one can simply opt to challenge the non restricted exam to obtain that license and then challenge the restricted exam afterwards (you need non-resticted before obtaining restricted) and you're good to go. taking either course is not mandatory to obtain either license, but the hunting course is mandatory to obtain your hunting license which must be acquired before taking the turkey hunting course. most CO's apply common sense and if you're hiking or fishing with applicable gear and don't have any camo or hunting equipment they will not assume you're hunting. carrying a firearm in the bush does not imply you are hunting.
  24. that's easily done with your thumbnail when rinsing the fish. i learned this technique during one of our trips to newfoundland after fishing multiple small pools with 4x8 ft areas that were literally black with specks. talk about good eats
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