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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Seeing as the subject of this thread is driving in blizzard like conditions that resulted in a pileup, I assumed we were all talking about driving in the snow? You're the only one talking about driving on dry roads while everyone else is talking about winter driving? I'm far from being an overly cautious driver and get pissed off just as much as you do when people are obviously driving too slow. But, the point of my nagging is far too many drive too fast and close together in the snow which often results serious in accidents and the number of people being overly cautious is greatly outnumbered by those who drive too fast. I didn't buy a CAI, Magnaflow, Superchip, and removed all the extra weight from my Ram w /Hemi because I drive like an old man.
  2. Conditions according to everyone who can comprehend the idea that traction and visibility are both greatly reduced with significant snowfalls meaning lower speeds and greater spacing between vehicles is required. Traveling 80 km/h or slower on a 400 series highway during heavy snowfall is not overly cautious, it's called driving according to conditions. Why do you think there are so many accidents and traffic jams on the 400's with every snowfall? People driving too fast and too close together. Why is it that there are pileups? People driving too fast and too close together. Why would someone get into an accident after avoiding an "overly cautious" driver? People driving too fast and too close together. Notice a pattern? It's amusing (only when it's obvious nobody is injured!) slowing down beside these people that spin out and hit the ditch after driving too fast or irresponsibly and giving a wave and smile as you drive by. A little toot of the horn added brings out the best of dirty looks
  3. Every Rogers customer is paying too much monthly so the company can send employee's to Mexico for week long all inclusive vacations. Why not pay for hydro workers to go fishing?
  4. The number of people not driving according to conditions greatly exceeds the number of overly cautious drivers on the road. Those who get into accidents because of an "overly cautious" driver going too slow are still not driving according to conditions or they'd be able to see and stop before hitting the "overly cautious" driver or swerving to avoid them.
  5. Seeing as two people called Bull on skeeters claims, I figured I'd chime in. Our hydro bill is $75-80/month in the winter and $90 or so in the summer. The furnace and water heater are gas with everything else being electric. We have our fridge and freezer set very cold, chest freezer even colder, furnace (electric fan) at 20c, use a block heater all winter, have two big tv's, window shaker AC set at 19c, and the dryer gets a lot of use with using cloth diapers for the 10 month old. Gas ranges from $30-35 (near minimum) in the warm months to $70 in the winter. Having a very well insulated home with newer appliances saves a ton of cash. Before doing the energy upgrades 4 years ago during the home energy audit program (which I made a profit after doing all the work!) our hydro was $120-130 a month in the summer and gas was $110-120 during the winter. Gotta love earning money to make your home more efficient
  6. I really wish the idiots who don't drive according to conditions would start receiving hefty fines on top of footing the entire bill for police, fire, and medics for putting other peoples lives in jeopardy. Maybe triple their insurance premium for a couple years to get it through their thick skulls that driving too fast on snowy roads with limited visibility can and does kill people? I wonder how many innocent people are injured each winter due to idiots driving too fast for the conditions? How much do these morons cost us all in increased insurance rates?
  7. About 5-6 years ago a previous employer hit a button buck while travelling 60km/h or so in his GMC Sierra and there was literally zero damage to the truck and the deer had zero visible damage, even though it died instantly. Even after butchering the animal the only damage I found was a tennis ball sized bruise on the ribs directly over the heart where the trucks front tow hook hit the deer. I took the rest of the day off work to gut and hang that deer.
  8. You see so many of them together at this time of year because the deer yard up (group together) in the winter, especially when there is more than 10-12" of snow on the ground. They do this for better protection against predators by strength in numbers and they're also less mobile in the snow so yarding up also creates well used trails which makes winter travel from bedding to feeding area's much easier. Same goes for turkey, which is why it's normal to see big flocks throughout the winter.
  9. Likely just an 11" fish with an 8 incher for comparison. He just has his arms stretched out as far as possible Nice fish!
  10. Did you have and visit that place before Meaford was established in the 40's? If not, you purchased the property knowing that there was a military testing site nearby and the noise was to be expected. Compare it to a rail line. People who willingly move beside train tracks know full well that they'll be hearing a train and they knew that before purchasing the property. Now, how do you think people would feel if they've lived in a house for 25 years and suddenly there is a plan to build a rail line 50 feet from their house? They'll hate the idea and the train will likely drive them nuts. I'd say those who lived or had cottages in the Meaford area before the testing started likely have a slightly opinion than yours
  11. I don't think this is good for those who rent out cottages and campsites in the area. How many ATV trails will no longer be accessible? Will access to small lakes and ponds be cut off? Are there certain times when they can't do testing? How much habitat will be destroyed? If those who rent out sites and cottages do see a significant decrease in income, will they be subsidized by Armtrac?
  12. Hmmmm...people trying desperately to get the smell off their hands after releasing the fish?
  13. If considering adding brakes to your trailer, keep in mind that surge brakes are useless in the extremely rare event that your vehicles brake system fails and they're illegal to use in some states because of this. Electric brakes are definitely the better option.
  14. I'd go with 3/8" standard plywood, which is about $15 a sheet. Excessive moisture won't harm it like it can with OSB and MDF products. OSB (about $8/sheet) and some cheap paint is likely the cheapest option if you just want to make it look better for a sale...
  15. If you're capable of renovations, I say buy a fixer upper. You'll get a bigger and/or better house for the price, have a lower mortgage, and will have the opportunity to customize the house as you go. I've worked on a few flips over the last couple years and will give rough numbers to give you an idea. This is in Brantford where houses are relatively cheap compared to the GTA and major cities where the profits for "flippers" are even greater. House 1 - 2 storey, 4 bedroom, mainly cosmetic reno's, bought for $150k -6 weeks work -$20k spent -sold for $230k -new owners paid an extra $60k for the house House 2 - 1 storey, 3 bedroom, complete gut, finished the unfinished basement, bought for $120k -7 weeks work -$30-35k spent -sold for $198k -new owners paid an extra $40-45k to have the work done for them House 3 - 2 storey, 3 bedroom, cosmetic reno's + windows, furnace, roof, bought for $200k -5 weeks work -$25-30k spent -sold for $260k -new owners paid $30k for "move in" condition For comparison, a good friend of mine bought a house in Etobicoke 2 years ago and has been doing reno's on the 5 level split since moving in. They've done all the work themselves and have spent around $80k on reno's so far and just recently the house has been appraised for $150k more than their original purchase price.
  16. So, you'd rather vote for the Liberals and their Green Energy Act, which has caused hydro rates to rise and will likely double in the next 10 years? Or maybe it's the $1,100,000,000 waste of taxpayers money (gas plant scandal) that makes people so fond of the Liberals? The fact is many people have switched to propane because of the rising hydro prices and now those people are screwed because propane prices are rising too. With the typical high cost of having a propane system installed, those people have no choice but to bend over and pay the high propane prices. The real question here is if there is an actual shortage of propane due to such a cold winter across North America and more people switching to propane heating, or is this simply a scam in order to jack the prices? Unfortunately, i'm thinking it's very similar to gas prices in that they're simply jacking the prices for a while and will lower the price in the future, which will still be higher than the pre spike price, to make people think they're getting a bargain.
  17. Removing debris from the hole as you drill deeper puts less strain on whatever (electric drill, gas engine, person) is drilling the hole whether it's ice, dirt, concrete, thick wood, etc. There is no need in most cases, but it makes it easier on you and whatever tool you're using.
  18. Psssst...you were "burned" because of others doing what you did in the part I highlighted. Thanks for being one of "those guys" who makes returns harder for other people as well as wasting the time of other customers who will likely buy the junk you returned after it is put back on the shelf. Seeing as I've been the victim of idiots doing just what you've done and it's cost me a couple hours and some gas money (2 trips to the store to purchase items and another 2 trips to return the items that were broken and had missing parts), I've recorded this thread and will decide in the morning whether I think the store and cops should know about your little plan. Best hope I wake up on the right side of the bed tomorrow
  19. Larger and more aggressive than stock tires will put more strain on cv joints and axles than the tracks will. The best tracks on the market are the Camoplast Tatou tracks, which are geared appropriately for whatever machine you'll be installing them on meaning they have them geared properly for machines as small as 300cc. You're looking at $4k for a set, but they're worth every penny as they're far superior than every other ATV track out there. Plus, they come premarked for adding ice studs. Some suggest buying a sled instead of tracks, but that also means you'll have a second machine to maintain and store during the warm months.
  20. The MDS in a Hemi switches from 8 cylinders to 4 cylinders and never operates on 6 cylinders and will engage during city driving once you learn how to accelerate slowly at a steady rate from a stop. It will start working after the engine has warmed up a bit and once you're going faster than 20km/h. It's extremely easy to rig up an LED which will let you know when the MDS is on or not and is a very valuable tool for teaching you how to drive to get the best MPG and also teaches you how cross winds, wind from other vehicles, and drafting makes the motor work harder/less. Here's a vid of an LED showing the MDS engaging/disengaging. Should work if you click on it...
  21. Everyone with a Merc loves it and thinks it's the best.... ...until they use a Yamaha! :D
  22. People are having issues with their elite 5's while my cheaper x67 shows small jigs easily at 110ft, the deepest water I've used it in. Weird
  23. Your buddy was likely drilling straight through the ice without lifting it a few times to clear the ice and slush which puts a heck of a lot more strain on whatever motor and gears are turning the auger, even gas units. There has been a few times where I was in a pinch and used 18 volt drills with a mixing paddle to mix 5 gallon buckets of concrete, grout, or thinset without burning up the motors and they sure aren't meant to be used for mixing such materials. Cold has no effect on anything in the drill except for the batteries and the cold air would help keep the motor cooler. If you're going to buy a cordless for this purpose, I say go with Ridgid for their lifetime warranty.
  24. Yep, squirrel tail! I have 3 grays and 1 black here if anyone wants them...
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