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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Sounds about right. Look forward to a thread started by me in the near future showing just how bad the internet can be. I'm going to see how many suckers I can get to visit a "hotspot" where there is no access, no parking, and no fish.
  2. Baldy should be the one in the handcuffs after that. He is the type who should not have a badge as someone who fails to have self restraint should not have any power nor be able to carry a firearm.
  3. I see where you're coming from and it's gotta be hard for cops to deal with that crap, but cops are trained to deal with situations such as this and these cops did exactly what they're supposed to do. Arresting someone simply because they are voicing their opinion would be an abuse of power and a perfect example of this was the G20 crap where police detained peaceful protesters and even people who were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Arresting the cameraman would have resulted in another "abuse of power" video rather than everyone praising them. And no, I'm not anti police. That chick on the ground should have met Mr. Taser
  4. On multiple occasions I have went to Lake Simcoe to locations where few people tend to visit and parking/access was very easy to come by with no garbage blowing around. That all changes when someone decides to post the location on the internet and a few days later the number of fishermen visiting the spot goes from a dozen a day to literally over a hundred people. This results in people parking where they shouldn't and garbage everywhere which has resulted in no parking signs being posted due to frustrated residents having their driveways blocked, damaged lawns, and garbage on their property. You should see the access points to the laker and whitie grounds after someone posts a report of a successful outing. Same goes for salmon and steelhead. Everything is all fine and dandy until someone decides to post on the internet and the next day the number of fishermen has went from 10-20 to over 150 at only one access point of a river. I also saw this while trolling Lake O this year where one report from someone results in dozens of boats working one small area. How about bass, perch, or pike at Long Point? I fish the point often and the result is boats spaced casting distance apart because someone said they caught some fish there a few days prior. One awesome spot for pike is bad for this and the result is not even being able to troll the area due to increased traffic. There's a reason the majority of fishing forums have rules against posting specifics.
  5. Those companies who make the buckshot, professional hunters, hunting guides, and ethical hunters who use buckshot each season all recommend using buckshot at typical bow hunting ranges with an absolute maximum of 40-50 yards. A 4 ft pattern is not to be considered adequate for any animal and I cannot being to understand how anyone in their right mind would even attempt such a ridiculous shot. Buckshot doesn't have spectacular penetration at 50 yards and at 75 yards each 00 pellet will have less than 100 ft/lbs of energy meaning you'll be very luck to penetrate the offside lung and any experienced knows that a deer with a one intact lung can run very far. I've rolled coyotes at 50-55 yards with 00 buck and penetration wasn't very impressive, even though they're smaller with much smaller rib bones than deer. Visit any hunting forum and start a poll asking the maximum effective range of buckshot and I'll bet less than 1% would suggest using buckshot for any animal over 50-60 yards.
  6. Yep. Many people aren't aware that pictures taken with smartphone's will have GPS coordinates embedded, unless the GPS is turned off before the picture was taken. What is the purpose of this anyways? A somewhat hidden method for big brother to keep track of what people are doing and to help determine the location of illegal activities? I see no useful purpose? It's funny when people take the time to blur the background of their pictures when with a few clicks of the mouse you can know the exact location where the picture was taken. Best be careful when posting pics of secret fishing spots or grow ops you've found in the bush....
  7. Kids and their education should come first, not what teachers believe they're entitled to and teachers are against Bill 115 because it puts the kids before themselves. Teachers refusing to participate in extracurricular activities to show their disapproval of Bill 115 is all the proof you need that teachers put themselves before children and goes against the "it's all about the kids" filth they've been spewing for years. Sad, really.
  8. Did anyone even bother reading the articles? In the very first paragraph it says: Since our October 2012 meeting, members of our Grenadier Pond Protection working group have met with Councillor Doucette; dialogued with the Park Supervisor; collected signatures on a petition calling for a provisional ban until a proper assessment is made to determine if, where, and under what conditions fishing should be permitted. To me this suggests that there is enough illegal activity, garbage, and disregard for the fish/wildlife that those who see this day in and day out know that something needs to be done. There is a link within the second link posted which provides a summary of incidents, conclusions, and recommendations. http://www.highparknature.org/wiki/uploads/VolunteerOpportunities/summary_fishing_Grenadier_Pond.pdf Suggested changes: • Regular and intense monitoring by a dedicated conservation officers and efficient enforcement are a MUST under the existing circumstances • Changing a focus of promotional strategies regarding urban fishing from existing message to build more balanced and environmentally conscious fundamentals for fishing activities, to promote safer fishing and generally focus more on appreciating wildlife and natural environment. In a longer view, with a growing population in focus, this is a prudent way to go. • Exclude Grenadier Pond from fishing days activities or any similar activities promoting fishing to large groups • Have a seasonal recreation staff assigned to do on-site education of the fishers where fishing is permitted • Both the education and enforcement staff should be prepared to deal with people who speak little English (e.g. have materials in other languages, have staff who can speak the most common other languages, etc.) • Make mandatory for all fishers to wear their licenses visibly displayed (either hanging it around their neck or pinned to the clothes), this could help to deter people currently fishing illegally and make any monitoring or enforcement easier and more efficient • Mandatory clean-up of all discarded equipment and items • Consider naturalizing the remaining east side shoreline that would help to reduce a usage of this very area by a number of waterfowl, including Canada Goose, presently gathering on this grassy strip lining the shore. This enhancing of the shoreline would also reduce congestion of fishers occurring lately along this grassy, obstacle free, area. This is NOT an outright ban as they're looking for ways to keep it open while protecting fish and wildlife. That said, I'm totally against P3TA and disagree with those who think this is a P3TA or animal lover move. We as fishermen are supposed to be conservationists, yet the majority replying to this thread are against changes to conserve fish and wildlife??? How can you not agree with their suggested changes as they're doing nothing more than trying to maintain this pond that so many of you have fished?
  9. Why? The cameraman did nothing that was against the law and was simply recording an event occurring in a public place. If it weren't for video cameras there would be far more police brutality and no punishment for those who choose to abuse their power as the police never do anything wrong, unless there is evidence to prove otherwise. There is nothing better than video evidence. That pathetic excuse for a cop from Barrie who beat a guy while he was handcuffed being a perfect example. Every cop should be forced to wear a camera with audio which records their activities from the start of their shift right until they head home. Not only would this prevent brutality and corruption, it would also help the police in the event of a lawsuit claiming brutality or excessive force as well as being a very valuable training aid for other cops.
  10. C'mon now, don't be silly! Attempting to traverse extremely difficult terrain is what makes riding an ATV so much fun and I enjoy pushing myself to the limits. The day I start opting for the easy route instead of the fun route will be the day that I hang up the helmet and take up knitting.
  11. Pssssst...you can blame the union and their unwillingness to sacrifice extremely overpaid jobs for the Kellogg's plant closing. It has nothing to do with the government and everything to do with the fact that Kellogg's wanted to cut less than 1/4 of the jobs at the factory to save the rest and the union workers refused. The result is closed doors thanks to the union workers not willing to make sacrifices to cut operating costs. Pretty much every time you hear of a factory or business closing up these days it's union run. Coincidence? I've always had door to door mail delivery so it will be a big change for me, but it's not really a big deal. Who is going to be paying for all these mail boxes that will need to be built, installed, and maintained?
  12. THIS! We have a 7 month old boy and he will be learning about our various food sources at a young age, including the harvesting and processing of animals. Teaching them why we (hunters, fishermen, butchers, etc) kill animals also teaches them respect for living creatures along with what death is and if you kill something it's gone forever. Older children really benefit from seeing animals being processed as it's an introduction to anatomy and the majority are very curious and willing to learn. It drives me insane when some parents do everything in their power to "protect" their kids from learning about death and where meat comes from while making them believe that meat is simply made in the back of the grocery store or mcdonalds.
  13. Same here, it sure doesn't happen very often.
  14. So you're telling me that fishing stories and rumors were saying that a fish was bigger than it actually was? Isn't that how every fishing story goes?
  15. BTW...for anyone in the Brantford area this was on Wilson St east of Cainsville at the bridge over Fairchild's Creek. I guess it's a bad bridge for black ice from what the OPP told me.
  16. There are serious accidents every winter which often result in death, yet people still fail to drive according to conditions. I have zero sympathy for anyone who has driven in winter conditions for a season or two and still fails to put two and two together, especially when the same thing happens year after year. While many recommend staying in the vehicle, if my vehicle was immobilized I'd be getting out of my vehicle and running to the shoulder as soon as I figured it was safe enough to make it. Staying in your vehicle in the middle of a snowy/icy highway when you know full well that the majority of drivers on the road are clueless and incapable of driving properly basically makes you a sitting duck just waiting to get whacked. A few years ago a coworker was driving a pickup towing a dump trailer early in the morning (no snow, dry roads, he should have noticed the wet looking icy bridge) when we spun out and hit the ditch hard due to a bridge literally being as slick as an ice rink. After we came to our senses we realized another pickup had spun out before us and whacked a telephone pole hard and he was bleeding pretty good. He was about 6-7 ft from the side of the road walking around inspecting his truck when I tried convincing him to move and eventually had to threaten him that I'd move him myself if he didn't get away from the road. Whether the accident had scrambled his brain or he was just stupid, I don't know. I slid back across the bridge and hopped over the guardrail and began waving my jacket and motioning "stop" to attempt to get people to slow down as neither vehicle was visible and drivers would have no warning that two had already spun out. This didn't work and a Jeep went flying by, spun out, missed the first truck by a few feet, and was airborne for 20ft before hitting the bottom of the ravine. Another car did a 360, sat for a second or two, and kept on his merry way. As stupid as it was, I then moved to the middle of the road (two lanes each way) to force people to stop which finally put an end to it until the OPP and fire arrived. Maybe someone who is a firefighter or cop can chime in... What are you supposed to do to get other motorists to slow down in a situation like this?
  17. I'll post pics of some venison meat sticks and jerky...IF the dang weather and deer will cooperate with me and let me get within bow range... The grinder that makes quick work out of anything and will grind as fast as you can throw the meat in the hopper. Gotta thank grandpa for this one!
  18. Thanks! I like the idea of having a spotlight on the ATV for our runs in the dark, but the plastic housings don't fair too well when you roll the machine. The first one lasted a few months before I rolled and broke the housing so I bought another one and broke that one on the next run after rolling the ATV again. I was going to toss them, but figured I'd make that box as the actual lights were still good. I also put a light on the back of it to light up the ATV and provide ambient lighting during night time pit stops. The entire box is removable with a 4 ft wire lead which allows me to use it as a flashlight while working on machines in the bush. Gotta love a little redneck ingenuity
  19. Power vent "through the wall" water heaters are more expensive to buy and rent...about $800 to buy or $30/month to rent ($360/year). Let's say they charge you $450 for installation for a total of $1250 to have a new heater installed. $1250/$360 = 3.5 meaning you could simply have a brand new water heater installed every 3 1/2 years for the same price and not have to worry about decreased efficiency due to mineral deposits in the tank. While on a job this summer I listened to a lengthy lecture from a local HVAC business owner and how rental heaters are such a scam and HUGE money makers for companies like Reliance. He encourages everyone to buy the unit as it's far cheaper for the homeowner 99% of the time as he claims very few water heaters actually require repairs during their expected service life of at least 10 years in homes. Following what someone with 30 years experience has told me, that's roughly $3600 in rental fees over 10 years to pay for an $800 unit (plus installation) that might need repairs during that 10 year period. Rental = Ripoff
  20. I added OEM fog lights to my 07 Ram and it made a huge difference as they're nearly as bright as the low beam headlights so you're basically adding another set of headlights. Plus they make the truck look much better as I think Ram bumpers without fog lights are damn ugly. I rarely find myself flipping on the high beams and I'm one of those guys who likes to turn night into day with bright lights. You should see my ATV light up the trails with this dual spotlight box I made up.
  21. If that turkey didn't convince you to buy or build a smoker, I'm thinking this chunk of pork that we turned into some awesome pulled pork might do it Rabbit/pork pepperettes (raw, pre smoked) anyone? The girlfriend made up some stew with leftover turkey and it was amazing with the smoked bird in it. We finished up the rest of the turkey breast yesterday and 4 days after it was cooked it was still juicier than most turkey I've had...
  22. For the 4 years that I was working for one company we'd pass by a Pioneer east of Brantford. Literally every day the price was $0.03 - $0.05 higher in the morning from 6-9 am than it was at 3 - 7 pm when we'd be heading home. They know people could care less how much the gas costs as they need it to get to work. The same thing happens every long weekend where they raise prices simply because they know people will pay it with many filling their tanks before heading off for vacation. It'll never change, unless we can somehow get everyone to say F U gas companies and start boycotting them. Gas should be under a buck a liter.
  23. Those wet rags are typically harder to catch than those sewer dwelling sunfish
  24. Brining works from the outside in so giving it another day provides more time for the brine to open up the meat so it can absorb more of the flavored brine. This is the first time I've let it go for two days and we were very happy with the results. You're right, a wet brine does decrease cook times significantly. The turkey weighed 10.6 lbs with the neck and liver before the brine and 10.8 afterwards without the neck and liver. Likely an increase of 6-8 oz's? Keep in mind that many store bought turkeys are already brined to increase the weight of the bird around 5%. That's right folks, around 5% of the price you pay for a turkey is for salted water. Mine weighed a ton when I first got it too, but once you remove all the junk you don't need it's weight was almost cut in half. The compressor weighs a ton so you'll be far better off removing that before moving the fridge, but keep in mind the system is full of nasty liquid that's likely unhealthy. Luckily, the guy I got my fridge from emptied it himself so I didn't have to worry about it. There was maybe 1/4 liter left in the system that poured out while moving it into my yard. Apparently whatever that liquid was is a very effective herbicide as that spot is still completely bare.
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