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Everything posted by ch312

  1. Most apples finish at 6-7% with no sugar added if you let it sit until fermentation stops naturally. You'd need to add a ton of sugar and use a high alcohol producing yeast to get that high of an alcohol content. I imagine you'd need to back sweeten that with a bunch of sweetener to make it drinkable. Reminds me of my first batch of red wine I made when I was 18-19 which turned out to be over 14%. One bottle and you're beyond tipsy and I still feel bad for the hotel cleaners who had to clean all that pink puke off the sheets a couple times while I was working in Windsor
  2. Obviously it's impossible to travel faster than light. The term "outrunning your lights" refers to not driving according to the current conditions (low light and/or weather related) as your eyes and brain do not have enough time to process a sharp turn, pothole, or object on the road when you cannot see far enough ahead of the vehicle for the speed you're traveling. The OP is describing the term in his initial post to a "T". Here is a better description than mine: I listened as a State Policeman described an accident. The driver was traveling way too fast one night and missed a curve, that is, literally didn’t see the curve, and drove straight through it. I asked, “What do you mean he missed the curve? Do you mean he didn’t turn his wheels enough to make the curve?” “No,” the officer said. “He literally missed the curve. He was speeding so fast that he didn’t see the curve. It was night and his headlights didn’t light up the curve soon enough for him to react and turn his wheels. He outran his headlights.”
  3. I did my first turkey yesterday as a test run so I don't ruin christmas dinner for the family and it turned out far better than expected. I liquid brined the bird for two days before smoking it at 250 f for 5 1/2 hours until the internal temperature of the thigh reached 163 f. I then removed the bird and tented it with foil for 20-25 minutes which brought the temps up to 167 in the thigh and 170 in the breast. Tender, very juicy, and very flavorful. I'll no longer be able to choke down the dried out turkey that needs a pool of gravy to be edible that so many people cook. I simply didn't know what I was missing!
  4. My first attempt at hard cider turned out quite well and I had a tall glass last night. Definitely tastes better than store bought stuff and is far cheaper, but i'm going to back sweeten it as it's a bit too dry for me. Seeing as I already had everything to make it, except for the cider press that I made with construction scraps, I think my actual cost for gas to goget the apples, potassium metabisulphite (sterilizer) and potassium sorbate (stabilizer and preservative) to make about 5 1/2 gallons works out to $12 or so. Once you're past the initial investment it's nearly free to make your own booze
  5. If I understand your post correctly, this is only an issue in low light while it's raining and maybe some light fog or some steam coming off the road? Most people solve the problem you're having by driving according to the conditions and going slower than the speed limit to compensate for decreased visibility. I've drove an identical car as yours for a week and it's lights were fine on dark rainy nights when driving at appropriate speeds for the amount of rain coming down. My pickup has bright head and fog lights and I still slow down in rainy and low light conditions... The next time you find yourself over driving your lights, try slowing down 10-20 km/h. It'll work better than any light and it's cheaper too
  6. I believe it was two winters ago that I was out at Long Point and decided to get away from the crowd by heading out to no mans land on the ATV. Once I got to my spot I fired up the Jiffy and it seemed like the auger had just touched the ice when water started flying. Apparently when you're surprised by the fact that you're standing on 3" of ice with an ATV and gear you get butterflies in your stomach Don't forget that the type of ice you're on makes an enormous difference in how strong it is and black (clear) ice is the strongest and is twice as strong as white (frozen snow and slush, late season melting) ice. The safety charts are referring to the minimum of clear ice required so you should pretty much double those numbers when you're looking at soft white ice.
  7. So you guys are saying that trolling the shallows near rivermouths at this time of year might put some fish in the net? Seeing as there's no snow for tracking deer, I was thinking of taking the boat out this week...
  8. A family member got his AZ about 3-4 years ago and he had to repay nothing for the course. The cost of the course and what trade it's for may have something to do with it. Totally unrelated, but another method for scoring "free" money for employment is the OSEB (Ontario Self Employment Benefit), something many Ontarian's are unaware of. You present your business idea/plan and if selected you receive EI for the year ($17,500 or so) and a free monthly business consultation while being able to earn up to $38,000 or so without having to repay anything. It requires operating your business 100% legit and by the book with proper planning, but the $17k+ and free business consultation every month make it worth it. Great idea for anyone thinking of starting their own business...
  9. To 99.99% of fishermen a survival suit and floater suit are the same thing and "everyone" knows what you're talking about even though they're totally different suits. Kinda like calling a walleye a pickerel. You're using the name of a fish that looks nothing like a walleye, but people still know what you're talking about
  10. If you can encourage your current employer to lay you off due to "shortage of work" there is a good chance you could get the government to pay the $5k or so for training...
  11. Awesome, thanks for the info. I had the rabbits for a while but the girlfriend wouldn't eat them so I gave up on those and have wanted to switch to chickens for a while now. I want to get some easter eggers for some cool looking eggs
  12. How is raising them on a concrete floor covered in bedding any different than dirt? I've had the pleasure of catching some huge turkeys and it sure was interesting each time...
  13. I have 5.5 gallons of hard dry apple cider that's ready to be bottled tomorrow and is 6.5% alcohol. I picked and pressed the apples myself...6 gallons went towards hard cider and 9 gallons was jarred and frozen for 100% natural cider that blows any store bought cider, which is pasteurized and has preservatives, out of the water. I bought two MB Bottle Brew kits that made 2 cases worth of decent beer for $30 plus taxes. Simply add the yeast to the wort in the kit, let it sit for 2 weeks and drink. When the Bottle Brew stuff is gone I will be attempting beer for the first time. I've also done wine from fresh pressed grapes and dandelion wine. Both were great and nearly free to make!
  14. So, do you keep chickens in your yard? I was considering joining the club so I'd be able to have some chickens in the yard, but was wondering how much the membership costs and what you need to do to stay legit. Stay away, unless you like to pay very high prices for marginal quality food.
  15. The burner is from the side burner of a BBQ that you'd use for frying or boiling stuff. With a fridge that holds so much heat it's hard to find a burner that will allow for low temps for smoking cheese, fish, jerky, etc and even this one needs a valve to make the flame smaller than the original BBQ adjustment will allow. In the picture of the burner you can see an oven rack over top of the burner and this is where the coffee can sits. You put the wood chips in the coffee can which is a perfect container because of the high sides that prevent the wood from catching fire from hanging over the edge. On the rack above this you place a pan full of water which serves a few purposes. It acts as a heat sink to help maintain even temperature, puts moisture into the air to help keep meat moist, and catches the drippings to make the best sauces and gravies around. You can buy burners from online smoker supply stores, but I chose the free option from a scrapped BBQ
  16. Thanks! We've done 4 chunks of meat in the smoker already and can't believe how much easier it is to use compared to the small electric store bought one I used before that gave some pretty poor results. We'll be using this one quite a bit all year round.
  17. Faul farms is $3.25 / lb for a side of organic beef cut and wrapped. For comparison, I got prices from VG Meats in Simcoe a couple weeks ago and they want $4.25 / lb per side. That's a very good price and we will be placing an order after christmas. Seeing as a side is 300-350 lbs, that $1 / lb difference is huge. Thanks for the lead spincast
  18. Sony acknowledged their error and will be adding MP3 and DLNA in a future update. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/437850/post-launch-ps4-update-to-add-mp3-dlna-support-confirms-yoshida/ While it should have been included right off the hop, at least it's not as bad as the Xbox One that can't even be used without downloading the mandatory update first. Xbox reps suggest that you take your Xbox One to a friends house if you do not have an internet connection. The heck? How can you release a system that can't be used unless you download an update? http://gamerant.com/xbox-one-day-one-update-not-optional/ Sony does currently charge for premium online play that comes with added benefits, but basic use is 100% free. I highly doubt Sony would ever force PS4 users to pay for online use. It's one of the major reasons people choose Playstation over Xbox....
  19. This is my high capacity high efficiency unit that cost less than $100 to put together. It holds the heat so well that the burner I used raises the temperature too high even when it's on it's lowest setting. To get the flame even lower I had to install a valve between the regulator and burner control which limits the amount of propane even farther. It looks filthy, but it was spotless and bright white after I scrubbed it twice prior to seasoning the unit. It may have been overkill, but I let it smoke for 24 hours before I used it for the first time. Painted her up to look purdy... Chimney with baffle... This controls the intake baffle that's in the middle under the burner... The burner with the intake hole beneath. Excuse the mess, I need a bigger drip pan... Showing where I had to remove the plastic trim from the door and replaced it with aluminum... 3/4" angle to hold the racks... This is the door seal I made with the high temp silicone... This shows how I replaced the plastic trim with aluminum around the perimeter and the large capacity of the unit...
  20. Like I said, some people believe their emotions are more important than the welfare of the animal and would rather see an animal suffer a slow and agonizing death rather than seeing someone finish it off. I suspect the people crying about this issue believe that the meat they eat is made by a machine in the back of the grocery store. I will not give in to the pussyfication of society and turn a blind eye if and when I see a mortally wounded animal in a public space.
  21. Another interesting link and survey for the area discussed. http://www.animalalliance.ca/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/AncasterWinteringDeerSurvey2009FinalMarch11-2010.pdf It turns out that this 2009 winter survey found that the area where this hunt occurred has the highest deer concentration in the area with 1.21 deer per hectare. 1 deer per hectare = 100 deer per square kilometer so this survey found that the area where this hunt occurred had a deer density of 121 deer per square kilometer! That's a ridiculous amount of deer (unhealthy for the herd) and it was likely the result of this survey that justified allowing the hunt. Why bother using taxpayer dollars to fund a cull when natives can reduce the population for free? While it's not fair that only natives were allowed to hunt, it was a cheap and easy fix to reduce deer numbers to better the herd.
  22. Just trying to educate everyone as it's a very common misconception that hunting within city limits is prohibited everywhere when in fact it is up to each municipality to set their own bylaws. Unfortunately, Brantford does not allow the discharge of firearms or bows within city limits except at approved ranges.
  23. You would need to obtain written permission from the landowner (City of Hamilton I guess?) in order to legally hunt the area, something I doubt would happen. Why not fire off an email seeking permission to hunt the park and see what they say?
  24. Any fridge will work as long as the interior is steel. Plastic leaves a distinct taste on your food and the general consensus is that it's unhealthy to have anything plastic inside the smoking cabinet. Many old fridges have a steel interior that is coated with porcelain which makes it ideal for a smoker, but makes drilling and cutting holes difficult as the porcelain is so hard. Matter of fact, in order for my dewalt hole saws to cut through the steel I had to use a steel punch to chip the porcelain in a circle to expose bare metal so the hole saw could cut it. To drill holes for screws I had to use a punch first to chip off the porcelain. Hard stuff. With many fridges you'll need to remove some plastic trim on the interior and replace it with sheet metal or aluminum. Many doors are plastic lined so it's common for the entire interior of the door to be replaced with sheet metal. Permatex red high temp silicone that's found in the auto section at Canadian tire is food safe and perfect for sealing holes. I used this to make a door seal (factory rubber should not be used) by taping it off, applying a heavy bead of silicone to the fridge side, and I used Pam as a release agent so the silicone wouldn't stick to the door when I closed it. The next day I had a perfect seal. I'm heading out hunting right now and will take some pics when I get home this afternoon.
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