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Everything posted by ch312

  1. It's awesome sight fishing for the perch, especially when the pike come to play. But, I've had the best luck catching pike when the water was murky with 2ft or less visibility. I've been on LPB a few times where the ice was crystal clear with just the odd drift of snow so you could see the bottom and fish cruising around. Very cool, but it's definitely a weird sensation walking on snow and then stepping onto what appears to be water.
  2. I setup the ice fishing heater the same night and let it run all night beside the lower to get all the water/ice out. I'm really hoping the threads of the lower housing aren't damaged and just the threads on the bearing carrier and retaining nut are stripped. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to work that way If the threads on the lower unit housing are stripped, is there any way of repairing them?
  3. I've been using an original GoPro Hero for 3 years and while it's not as easy to use as the newer and much more expensive models, nobody can tell the difference in video or picture quality between mine and the new models. The newer models have more features, but for the average person it's kind of a waste of money if you ask me. A friend of mine has the Black edition with remote and it's nice to use, but on ATV's where we use them the most a remote doesn't really help much as once the unit is set how you'd like for the day a remote isn't necessary. It is nice having wifi linked to a smartphone to see if the camera is aimed properly and to review footage, but on the other hand I haven't had any bad experiences with aiming my Hero on my own. Another buddy has the 3+ and the touchscreen is very nice and makes changing settings very easy. I'm sticking with my "old" Hero until it breaks
  4. We've had 2 sets of tires shipped directly to pep boys in Buffalo on 2 separate occasions and shipping was under $40 both times.
  5. Well, nothing beats some 2am cursing and swearing. So far I've discovered that the metal shavings are from the stripped threads of the #68 nut. Worst news so far is the bearing housing #61 is broken. Please don't tell me the lower unit casing is toast... All because a stupid friggin stick tore a hole in the shelter! I think Mr. Tree is going to meet Mr. Chainsaw after this
  6. If you follow this link: http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Outboard/2006%20and%20Later%204-stroke/F90TLR/LOWER%20CASING%20DRIVE%201/parts.html I believe I am seeing #68 "nut" protruding 3/8" out of the lower unit with fine metal shavings on it.
  7. Apparently a branch fell recently which tore a 12" hole in the tarp shelter where I store my boat all year. As luck would have it, this hole was directly above my outboard (stored half up with a transom saver in place) which allowed some rain from the recent storm to fall into the end of the prop and into the lower unit. The entire prop is now pushed out about 3/'8" and I can see metal that I shouldn't be able to see sticking out of the lower unit. I can also see ice if I look into the end of the prop. How bad is it?
  8. T/A KO's @ Tirerack = $920 + $35 shipping +$60-70 for balancing and installation, if you're willing to cross the border.... OR They have the higher rated Firestone destination A/T in your size for $760...
  9. W...w...work? What's this work thing you speak of? A few years of working my arse off and being mortgage free has allowed me to work the equivalent of 4 months in the last 2 years while living comfortably and fishing or hunting whenever I'd like. I feel for you guys who are forced to work during the holidays. For those who are suppose to work, I say call in sick for the next two weeks! :D Time with family and friends > working
  10. x 2 I've only been trolling on Erie for a couple years and have caught dozens of walleye so far with only one being under 20"...around 2 1/2 - 3 lbs I'd guess. The fish in the video may be big for the body of water that you're fishing, but on Erie those fish are under the average size from what I've seen.
  11. Speaking of the controlled hunt, it would be cool to have a group put together from this forum for next season. Just putting the idea out there if anyone is interested....
  12. I tagged a deer yesterday at 34 yards with my crossbow as it was walking left to right in thick cover. This season I didn't use a stand or shotgun and did nothing but still hunt with the crossbow. This is the 4th deer I've taken in 4 seasons while still hunting with the crossbow with shots being at 11, 12, 20, and 34 yards. You sure learn a lot about your quarry when still hunting with a bow and sneaking up to them at such close range. A 40 yard shot with a slug should be a guaranteed kill, unless the drivers in your group are pushing the bush too quickly and loudly resulting in running deer rather than deer that are slowly moving away from the drivers. Having the drivers move slowly and quietly towards the blockers usually results in much easier shots and the groups who do this tend to be more successful than the groups who simply go stomping through the bush making all kinds of racket. You may benefit from using buckshot by the sounds of it, providing you're willing to spend the money finding the load that your gun/choke combination shoots the best as what patterns great in one gun may be worthless in another. My crossbow shoots tighter groups at 50 yards than the majority of smooth bore shotguns I've seen or used at the same range.
  13. So what you're saying is they simply hand out bachelor and master degrees at universities and any dummy could get one? I fail to understand how someone who is qualified to teach students could not be considered educated?
  14. Just like the media, you might want to look at the facts BEFORE typing As a high-school athlete, Phil earned All-State rankings in football, baseball, and track, which afforded him the opportunity to attend Louisiana Tech University on a football scholarship. There, Phil played first-string quarterback – ahead of Terry Bradshaw, who later went on to lead the Pittsburgh Steelers team to 4 Super Bowl championships. Phil said, "Terry went for the bucks, and I chased after the ducks." After receiving his Bachelor's degree in Physical Education and a Master's in Education, Phil spent several years teaching in Louisiana schools. Acclaimed as an excellent teacher by his students, Phil came to the conclusion that his time and talents would be better spent in the woods. I dunno about you guys, but I'm thinking the part in bold kinda means he's educated...likely more educated than the majority of people calling him a dumbass redneck :D
  15. Do you use the traditional smooth bore with no optics while shooting rifled slugs? I did when I began hunting deer 11-12 years ago and my maximum effective range was 75 yards under ideal conditions. Then I bought a rifled barrel, 1.5-4.5 x 32mm scope, a few boxes of sabots, and was amazed that my groups at 150 yards were the same as the "traditional" setup would shoot at 50 yards. Today's slug guns and sabots are basically short range rifles. I really recommend the H&R single shots for a very accurate gun at a low price and I'll never shoot a 12 gauge slug again after shooting the 20 gauge.
  16. Seeing as Phil started the company in 1972, I'm willing to bet they were rich long before the TV show was even thought of and I can't help but think their quality calls and word of mouth is why they have $$$. Part of being a redneck is giving honest answers when people ask you a question and not giving a rats ass what people think of you . I don't think his comments justified an "indefinite suspension" from the show. Neither do my GAY brother or his GAY boyfriend, who both enjoy the show.
  17. Whaaaat!? You and I can finally agree on something?
  18. Some of you are missing the big picture here. While Simcoe has always been a very popular place, why is it that so many no parking signs and complaints from residents have come about in just the last few years? Why is it that the very spot the OP was referring too (VB) allowed parking on the road "forever" and just in the last couple years parking on the road has resulted in parking tickets? Spot specific internet reports, that's why Also, the daily ice and fishing reports from a select few are posted simply because it benefits themselves through bait sales, hut rentals, or guiding services.
  19. What happens if you register the trailer in your name, but forget to transfer the boat ownership into your name?
  20. While deer are "part of the landscape", they are large animals and cause millions of dollars worth of property damage every year and cause thousands of accidents across North America, with some resulting in people dying. Hunting is the cheapest and likely most effective method of lowering the deer populations, even if it's conducted within city limits where it's 100% legal. In the video they mentioned they've tried miles of fencing and it doesn't work to keep the deer out and controlling deer populations, which are devastating the gardens and trees by the sounds of it, is the only answer. It is the Royal Botanical Gardens, not Royal Whitetail Deer Refuge As for that guys comments, I think he considers the deer his pets and is unaware that deer have been known to run up to 100 yards before expiring, even with a double lung or heart shot from an arrow or slug. The only thing that I dislike about these culls is that it's only open to natives and not all hunters. To make thing's fair they should have a draw system which allows people from any ethnic background to participate
  21. I can understand why you deleted some of the posts, but I really didn't see the need to delete my one post outlining the general range limitations of each type of gun and projectile used as it was very informative for those who are new to the game and had nothing to do with the "off track" discussion Cliff and I were having. Merry Christmas
  22. I regret selling the rifled barrel I had for my 870. Off a rest and with a scope mounted, 3" groups at 125 yards and 4" at 150 yards with Remington copper solids was the norm. At 100 yards using the rifle sights it would shoot 4" groups all day long, but the price of sabots limited the fun. Now I'm stuck with my H&R Ultralight 20 gauge that only shoots 1 1/2" groups @ 100 yards.
  23. I wonder how much the rescuee was billed to cover the rescue?
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