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Everything posted by ehg

  1. That is some good advice GCD provided above. Changing you personal diet and light exercise could help rid you of some fatigue. About 6 yrs. ago after MRI's i was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. There are a bunch of physical problems associated with it, it took the vision from one eye temporarily but the worst thing is fatigue and exhaustion. The fatigue caused me to be proactive; it was bad. Cutting out saturated fats (from everything) no red meats, dairy, chocolate etc...over the last few months. With heavy fish/ seafood (Omega-3's), fruit, veg intake instead has gotten rid of the fatigue. Maybe just try to not eat processed or refined foods much. good luck, ehg
  2. I voted large fish but few. They will be like the walleyes of Simcoe; cruising open waters feeding on oily baitfish schools. When the mouth of the Talbot was open for walleye until the 31st of March i would go there and see Simcoe walleyes pulled through the ice seemingly well over 20 lbs. My PB walleye of 16 lbs. came from this area of Lake Simcoe. The ministry closed the season after March 15th going a long way to protect this fishery. I'm under the impression that musky are a native species of Simcoe. I trust musky rehabilitation on Simcoe will eventually be successful (with intelligent co-operation amongst interest groups) and looking forward to their re-establishment. Obviously, they would have their 54" length restriction which would solidly protect them. The encroachment of urban sprawl, with farming and industry has led to shoreline habitat loss, but the main problem seems to be phosphorous from fertilizers depleting oxygen from the depths where whitefish and lake trout hangout. They have become stocked now and are successfully considered a put and take fishery. Let's hope the best for the Simcoe musky which IMHO could be huge fish if they succeed, Simcoe is a big lake so a many fish could seem like a few (such as the walleye). cheers, ehg
  3. Great report! Seems like you have done well with the muskies lately. Nice of Mike inviting you out, sure paid off for all. Gotta get one of those jointed perch coloured lures whatever it is. Very nice, ehg
  4. Awesome report! The great pictures, perfect details and excellent storytelling put us closer to that beautiful area. Thanks for posting, ehg
  5. Some nice pictures and a decent carp there. The picture with the bridge shows the fall even though it looks pretty warm. Thanks for posting, ehg
  6. Very thoughtful post. What a thrill for your father! Good luck next time as well. ehg
  7. Nice bunch of links Lundboy, reminds me of the lyric, 'What did you dream? Its alright we told you what to dream.' but.. What has Al Gore done to ensure further World peace?
  8. Nice pile of pike there! The fall looks like a good time for T.O pike as well. Hopefully others aren't confused into thinking you caught them all in an hour, unless you changed your clothes 4 times in an hour. Great report and fish, ehg
  9. Nice fish and report! Looks like you are getting a musky in your boat nearly everytime out. cheers, ehg
  10. Wonder how this turned out? Eating that skanky nearly dead salmon is probably enough punishment.
  11. That has to be one of the largest muskies i've seen pulled out of the Kawarthas! Expect to see that from GBay or Ottawa/St. Lawrence watershed. Nice going, ehg
  12. Found this board just after that occurred and folks were still mentioning it. An unimaginable tragedy. Lost a mother and sister suddenly to accidents before that and could have used the extra support this board gave you. As a father of a young child, my heart goes out to you. Godspeed, ehg
  13. That is an incredible fishing trip! Those fish must have been powerhouses. Thanks for taking the time to post this possible trip of a lifetime. cheers, ehg
  14. Thanks for replies. That was one of of the few open water muskies i've caught. Usually target muskies according to structure. I think it hit Mike's lure first then hit mine which was a little further back. Believe that moon phases dictates feeding to a large extent as well Irishfield. cheers, ehg
  15. Congrats on the personal best! Lots of big smallies coming from Simcoe these days. Very nice fish, ehg
  16. Hi, went to Pigeon Lake on Saturday with Mikeh to see what was bitin'. Up nice and early and on the road with light showers. Kept reassuring Mike the rain would hold off till later. So we launched and headed to a spot for a little walleyes. Ended up catching a bunch of small walleyes and bluegills down deep (30 ft.) Could have stayed there all day and caught these as they were biting. After a bit looked over to the west and saw this coming. A strong front was coming through with lightening and thunder fast. We tried to find quick shelter to avoid being struck. This was about 8:30 am and the rain had started. It proceeded to rain until 4:00 pm after that with embedded storms scattered. We decided to troll around structure and weedlines looking for muskies in the rain. Mike trollled a 10" Jake and i went with Perch SSR. We trolled and trolled with no luck. So near the end of a run we decided to cross the lake while trolling, to try another run. We were over about 40 ft. when Mike has a hit. A few seconds later i get a hit and the fish is on, felt heavy and fought well. Landed a nice 43" inch musky for submission to Team 9. Obligatory release shot Still raining and we kept trolling. Eventually the rain stopped and it cleared a bit. As soon as the moonset others around us (not us) started catching muskies. Lots of mishandling and excitement going on. In the end it ended up being nice fall day, after we sat in the rain for awhile. Caught some fish and had a great time. cheers, ehg
  17. Nice fish there. Looks like that Jake is doing well for you when trolled. ehg
  18. My first impression of photo was 'what a fat fish!'. Congrats, Erik
  19. That one real pale fish looks like it has some genetic mix, with the black flecks on its cheeks etc. Lots of big unmarked pike there. The Toronto waterfront could be one of the better pike spots in North America. It is even better to fish it from a boat, the harbour license thing puts a cap on that however for most folk. ehg
  20. Congratulations on the PB musky! It sure is a clean, beautiful fish. Hopefully more PB's down the road. Mikeh is a great guy and deserves one next. HAHAHA! Keep up the good work. Erik
  21. Shorefishing salmon at this time of year is a blast. Congrats on landing that fish. I've been spooled a few times, at the mouth of the Oshawa Creek south of Simcoe St. Fastracs w/ diamond pattern and Glo-Cleo's worked well. Congrats again, ehg
  22. Just a bump of a very unique catch. Chain pickerel aren't supposed to be in Ontario. Could be a cross with a pike, but it has chain pickerel pattern.
  23. ehg


    Yeah, they are probably edible, looks like an Agaricus (related to store bought mushrooms). It's probably a 'horse mushroom' , check for bugs and their tunnels. Bright white gills would be 'Death Angels' but brown gills are cool. Gotta be careful. ehg
  24. Great photos! That first one of the bear looks real close. Yikes! ehg
  25. Just out of curiousity i did searches for chain pickerel in Ontario and came up with nothing. This species apparently only exists east of the Appalachains or southeast of Eastern Townships in Quebec. Sorta makes this fish being caught in T.O an anomoly or extremely rare event. Did run across one essay saying this species could move northward from the States due to global warming... But anyways it's a real fluky catch. ehg
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