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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Went to the Kawarthas with Mikeh on Saturday to try for crappies. Ended up catching hundreds of bluegill and crappie on micro tube/float setup. There were downpours some of the day but we stuck it out. Here is some pictures. Some crappie Caught some sunfish as well Put the white bucket to use a look inside bucket Had a great day and kept some fish for consumption. It was pretty good despite the rain. Got a fish for tourney. Even though we caught well over a hundred fish each I kept what looked like 11-12 inch ones but won't do that again however, since it was to much work once i got home. cheers, ehg
  2. Ya it does make you wonder. Fished for brookies and resident browns for last 25 yrs. and have seen their range shrink immensely especially in Ganaraska tribs. Something about opening up upper reaches of tribs. for rainbow trout,(which are introduced, almost invasive) which has out competed native brookies for habitat and food. Catching a lake run 'chrome' brookie shouldn't be unusual, thats the way it was before urban encroachment, introduced species, and too many people. Nice fish, that first one is big. ehg
  3. It's hard to pick one favorite but i always liked these walleye caught on Swedish Pimple w/ emerald shiner through the ice at Quinte back 10 -12 yrs. ago. ehg
  4. Casted a Panther Martin for about 15 minutes on Sunday afternoon. Caught my first brookie of '08. Thing about it was that it took about 30 minutes to drive from downtown Toronto to spot where it was caught.
  5. male white suckers in spawn colours
  6. Topwaters for bass, sometimes i'll do this all day with success. ehg
  7. Here is a photo of a white bass my buddy caught. They get big in Lake Ontario. A white perch has a more greenish hue and lack of lateral stripes. They are caught in Bay of Quinte often.
  8. Rainbows/salmon were stocked originally in Great Lakes as 'put and take' fishery. Now some steelhead reproduce successfully, thats alright. They are a non- indegenous species (almost invasive reducing brook trout habitat). No doubt most pinners/steelheaders tend to get a bit over-zealous, but that's another story. ehg
  9. Those 'silver' browns jump alot even when they're fat like footballs, once they colour they don't jump as much it seems. Nice fish, ehg
  10. Over the last few years i always thought a moderater with a degree in psychology would be helpful around here at this time of year, to PM advice until most seasons re-open. Usually on trout opener i'd break out small spinners to work the pools, but found going away from people and tossing Panther Martins for brookies in headwaters more relaxing. This year i'll try for crappies on lakes instead. cheers, ehg
  11. Been to the Gamebridge many times over last 20 yrs. polarized sunglasses really increases viewing of fish. Ice fished L. Simcoe where Talbot empties in and caught my PB walleye of 16 lbs nearly 15 yrs. ago. The season on Simcoe closes there now on March 15th which really protects the walleye population in Simcoe. Saw many 20 lb+ walleye kept back in the day. Always thought a world record walleye was swimming in Simcoe. The record is now recognized as 22 lb. 12 ounces from Greers Ferry, Arkansas. Ontario record is 22.25 lb from Niagara R. caught in 1943. Good to plan more of a day for drive there. Cheers, ehg
  12. Not sure about the harbour boundries as far as two rod usage. But being in a watercraft really increases pike hook ups down there many fold come May 3rd. BTW, SNAG have you SNAPPED? ehg
  13. This thread is becoming a waste of bandwith.
  14. Hi SNAG, the two lines allowed in Zone 20 only pertains to L Ontario(main body) and lower Niagara R. It excludes Toronto Harbour, Hamilton Harbour, Frenchmans Bay, Jordan Harbour and the like. I'll just fish these areas with one line to play it safe. Waiting for May 3rd.... ehg
  15. Thats what i figured, momentary lapse of confusion however. Can't wait for that time. Thanks, ehg
  16. Hi, i was under the impression that Toronto Islands was in Zone 20 and pike opened on May 3rd. After reading the regs i noticed that 2 lines were allowed on Lake O including Lower Niagara, but it was noted that all other waters, Frenchmans Bay, Toronto Harbour, Jordan Harbour etc... were excluded. So i became confused, is Toronto islands Zone 20 or Zone 16(which opens May 10th)? Thinking some wise person here could set this straight. Thanks, ehg
  17. You ended up accomplishing what you set out to do, that could be seen as successful. You will have many more opportunities for crappies over the next month or so. cheers, ehg
  18. That's a real fine brown there. A good spot for browns as well. You can flatline them in 10 - 20 ft. of water near the shore around there right now. Nice fish and report, ehg
  19. Thats a great picture of a rare Hognose, almost looks like a cobra. ehg
  20. Hi Tbay, there is some crappie around Simcoe by Holland R. in the Welland Canal/River, even Frenchmans Bay, and West Lake in Quinte area but not much right now. Your best bet would seem to be to wait for the first couple of weeks of opening in the Kawarthas. Scugog has a growing population and Pigeon, Balsam produce as well on the micro tube jig/ float combo. A boat would be a real bonus, the fish go shallow in mud bottom bays, coves and are easily caught. White with pink really seems to do well. Good luck, ehg
  21. That's a solid 3-5 pounder. Congrats on the decent catches on the last day. ehg
  22. That isn't spring turnover on Lake Ontario it's south-easterly winds travelling over a 200+ mile fetch, and crashing waves on north shore of L. Ontario. Thanks for video. ehg
  23. Thats a big rainbow! Congrats. Your efforts are really paying off. You will probably have a great spring, summer, fall once you get your boat in the water. ehg
  24. These are links to fear mongerers. Kinda useless unfortunately. This is a very wise and more balanced approach to enviromental issues etc... Thanks for posting that Danbo. ehg
  25. These are the best answers. Most fish has good shelf life due to lack of blood. Being a chef i've learned this over many years. There is a huge difference between fish cooked fresh as opposed to frozen/ thawed then cooked. Fresh is obviously the best. ehg
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