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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Great too see the Bald Eagle around. Maybe the best thing to see is you out fishing with your nephew. Congrats on his muskie! ehg
  2. Great report! There is even resident browns, odd small rainbow and Atlantic salmon up there. I pretty well put the muskies and bass away to do that type of fishing last year.\ The headwaters of the Saugeen and Grand a bit to the northwest produce same fish as well, but check your regs, for hook type and catch and release conditions. Thanks for posting, ehg
  3. ehg

    Stony Report

    Another great report! I like all the little details. Thanks for posting, ehg
  4. Brighton Bay isn't that large and is relatively shallow. I've caught largemouth bass there around the marina docks and other structure. Walleye were caught trolling Rapalas down the Murray canal and towards the deeper waters of Lake Ontario, by the bouys at the mouth of the bay. There are mostly pike there, that you can catch on #5 silver spinners and Rapala Husky jerks casting in bays around docks, or other visible structure. Good luck and welcome, ehg
  5. WOW, that is an incredible fish! I can't find any mention of where it was caught though. ehg
  6. mikemo, thanks for price and location. ehg
  7. Thanks for replies! Maybe ill try the 'seafoam' if i can find it. Or maybe i'll look around for good price on cleaning from a shop, when needed. The problem was that i didn't want to get duped by the obvious upselling. thanks again, ehg
  8. Thanks for replies! Looks like i'll try the better cleaners( Lucas) and do the double bottle and run the engine on premium. No starting issues yet. Thanks, ehg
  9. Recently went for an oil change and was told my van needed a fuel injector cleaning (75,000 km). So i asked how much more money they quoted about 100 more dollars. So i said no thinking there must be a cheaper way. I remember there was a thread about fuel injector cleaners in a bottle, and one brand seemed better than the rest, however i don't wan't to drive far or spend much. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance. ehg
  10. I would concur with the above statement. Having lived and worked in downtown Toronto for last 20 yrs. i've seen plenty of beggars. A very small percentage are scammers. Most are truly in need of some kind of help. Whether you can help or not is your choice. Yelling at them to get a job or flipping the bird to a young person perhaps from a broken home is only a channeling of your own personal resentment. No use kicking someone when they are down. ehg
  11. Forget the gloryfish (musky, bass, etc...) taking a kid out for panfish can't be beat. That's a huge Rock Bass. congrats, ehg
  12. Great report! That pike looks like it took a prop to the face. You have the good, bad and ugly all in there. Peace, ehg
  13. Great non-great lakes walleye! ehg
  14. Sorry to hear about your family's loss. I enjoyed his posts on conditions and wildlife around Port Hope when he was there. He will be missed by many. Take care Lew, ehg
  15. Awesome report Mike the Pike! Like the boat pics as well as the fish pictures. That Ungava is a cool lil' boat. By the way i've caught hundreds of White Bass, which that fish isn't! It is a White Perch as TonyB points out. Has no stripes, a greenish hue and perch like face. A rarish sight here. Great report, ehg
  16. Very interesting look back! The first thing randomly i hit was Dec. 7th 2004 and found the unfortunate thread from Lew that 226 had posts. Lots of memorable and informative posts there. Thanks for putting it up. ehg
  17. Nice meeting you and PatrickGG at the islands Saturday. Actually i tried the worms for catfish but after a bit with no bites decided to pack it in as well. Nice weekend of fishing for you there! cheers, ehg
  18. Yes, thats true my child had the time of her life while i spent my time attending to her. Lots of things to do untangle lines, retie jigs after snags, unhooking fish etc...i didn't fish. When i wasn't paying attention for 10 seconds she threw a rock bass in the fire a couple made. Anyways lotsa fun. Thanks for replies. ehg
  19. Incredible fish! WTG! ehg
  20. Great report. I like your reports from all the different lakes the last couple of years. Really inspired to try Head lake after your post last year. Nice job again, ehg
  21. Instead of going for pike, pickerel and other sportfish thought i'd take my 4 yr. old out panfishing. Used the microtube with a float, bit of worm and she caught fish all day. Actually took her to spot on the Otanabee where i've had success with crappie and sunfish which i guess we were actually targeting. We didn't catch any of them however. Anyways it was non-stop 6-8 inch rock bass all day with a few dink perch thrown in. Some pics. There was a bit of boat activity we saw maybe 3 boats go by this long weekend. There was this Heron hanging around us for awhile. I slipped into the water and it took off. It was quietly back a moment later. My daughter started throwing rocks in the river and it took off, only to be back shortly after. So she had a awesome day finding bugs,dragonflies, breaking worms and catching rock bass, in a relatively quiet area. Good times! cheers, ehg
  22. Went to the islands Saturday for and fished for an hour or so but found the water way to murky. That youse caught anything the day before is great. Congatulations. Sounds like you had a good time. I've brought my daughter there a few times. She loved it! Even fished the swan pond last August and she caught some golden shiners and sunfish on microtubes. cheers, ehg
  23. The fish in the video is a scrappy little dude! Cool Bowfin as well, seems to be more of them caught this year. Your in the right area, casting more along the first drop off instead of the middle of channels has worked for me. All my fish have been caught on blue/ silver as opposed to other colours, around lunchtime. Hopefully you will get rid of the skunk. ehg
  24. Apparently there is big northern pike as well as the species you outlined. ehg
  25. Another great report of mixed species! Are there still muskies in that part of the Ohio River? I think that paddlefish are filter feeders. Very nice, ehg
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