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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Those attacks were mainly cowardly and thoughtless. One of those attacks was on an elderly chinese man with children. Reminds me of remarks yesterday to picture of young boys with an OOS musky. Some folks here including some MCI members were saying they would push the kids in the water etc.. pretty sick responses. Possible assault or attempted murder of kids or elderly over fish... i dunno. I agree with all above posts except this one below. ehg
  2. Those are some nice fish there, giving you a nice plate of fine fillets. Kinda look like huge brookies, but those are splake aren't they? ehg
  3. Fished there in the summer a couple of times years ago, caught alot of smallies and pike. No doubt you will catch some pike. Locals said walleyes were on rock shoals in middle of lake, but you might get one trolling slow and stealthily along first breakline or weedline in evening, with some minnowbait (Rapala, thunderstick et al). Good luck, ehg
  4. That is some top notch carp fishing there. Nicely written and quite funny as well. Barb, Suzie and Earl are perfect names for them carp. ehg
  5. You must have made the right choice in leaving. Too bad, that store is close to my house and it was cool running into you there. Guess i'll just go to crappy tire or wal-mart if i ever need some tackle quick now. Good luck, ehg
  6. Looks like you had a crash course on crappie fishing this spring. They aren't bad with light dusting of flour, lightly fried in olive oil, sea salt, cracked pepper, finished with squeeze of lemon. You will probably do even better next spring. ehg
  7. Partly due to this thread i stopped smoking on May 1st, 2008. I mulled it over for a few months then went to bookstore to get Allen Carr's book. Flipped through it read a little then decided to stop smoking, without book or Champix or whatever. Since then i haven't had nicotine withdrawals ( at least not that i noticed) but noticed that having a smoke was part of my physical behavioural pattern. So i just did other things as opposed to going out for a smoke. The behavioural pattern changed quickly. This was an important post for me. Had to stop for my own health benefits which will be good for those around me. ehg
  8. Nice little report! Tried the Hurricane point area last weekend and they were biting good. Seems like you have to time it right. Kudo's on your searches and success, and on getting the kids out as well. ehg
  9. Umm... likewise! I figure after 10 hrs. sleep and a good nutritious breakfast, i'll try the Toronto islands for pike now. Can't walk far, however. At least i can still do fishing. ehg
  10. Very awesome report! A great effort must go into that trip. Being up there at this time and catching and eating that fish, is revitalising for the soul. Thanks for taking the time to post, ehg
  11. That's a lot of work and a good primer on urban pike fishing, there FHR. With water high and weeds down through most of S. Ontario, one could probably use the deep diver x-rap or other slightly deeper presentations as well this spring. The cool thing is catching decent fish at the foot of CN tower. There are some GTA brook trout spots no one goes to, but you must know that. Real nice job, ehg
  12. Nice story! Thanks for putting it up. Crappie fishing at this time of year is fun for all ages. I found this out last weekend as well. Many times my jig and float went whizzing by my head on light hooksets. Cheers, ehg
  13. I read an article back about 20 yrs. ago suggesting trolling rapala J13's,F13's or F18's off the mouth of the Talbot R. at opening season, as the best chance at a big walleye. You need to find a weedline or depth contour to troll along. Good luck
  14. Hamilton, eh? Nice pikes. Cool report, ehg
  15. Great report and pictures! The pictures are nice quality and stay huge. The turtle picture rocks! Nice going with the eater size walleyes as well. Looks like youse made the best of poor conditions. Thanks for sharing, ehg
  16. Another great report. There seems to be tons of pike at the islands. They seem to be thriving down there despite the proximity to metropolis and it's people. Nice report again, ehg
  17. ehg

    Crappie day

    Thanks for the tip on electric knife , was thinking about that. However like to feel the tip of fillet knife to go around rib cage. The time to do this included cleaning of sink, utensils and boards and put out garbage. I work as a chef for living so these things happen fast and effeciently. It was around 35 fish to clean. cheers, ehg
  18. That's a nice pike, despite your wind shortened trip. At least you live close by and have the whole family around. Thanks for posting, ehg
  19. ehg

    Crappie day

    Took around three hours for the boneless fillets, the next morning it took about half an hour to skin them all. Weighed the fillets at 8.5 lbs for total. Not bad considering i planned to keep none, until i saw the white bucket in mike's truck before we went on lake. This is the only crappie report i see from the weekend, that's surprising! ehg
  20. Nice going, great HONEST quirky report as usual. Tried fishing from shore there w/ daughter when she was 2 or 3, it was a no go. Maybe we will run into each other there one day. Peace, ehg
  21. Congrats on the decent fishing. Looks like there has been plenty of pike down there during opener. I've accidently snagged a few mermaids down there in the past. They were nice about it. j/k This is the correct reply to the scale though. All kidding aside. The scarring on the pike is from spawning battles or lymphosarcoma. Nice report. ehg
  22. There is something fishy about this story. I guess there was enough water to get your big Ranger in there. That belly up pike should fare well.
  23. That's a good bunch of fish for a day from shore there. It's good for another few weeks before it gets to weedy. Nice report and pics. ehg
  24. Nice going on the pike results. It is much better to fish from boat there, especially when it gets weedy later. Is it legal to remove those fish and put them somewhere else, i don't know?
  25. ehg

    Crappie day

    Thanks for replies people, Mikeh, don't forget the 6-7 OOS largemouth had a liking for the micro jig/float as well as that muskie. Yup, rain or shine or whatever if i plan to go fishing only life threatening conditions will stop that. The non stop action was a treat, but if you had to eat or drink or whatever the fishing had to stop, since the float would immediately go under. Took three hours to fillet those critters.
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