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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Patrick, no doubt what you caught is a chain pickerel as Jediangler mentioned. It's the smallest of the 'esox' family. -Esox Niger The world record is 9lbs. 6oz. and 29.5 inches caught in Georgia in 1961. The Canadian record is 5lbs 8oz (rounded off) caught in Nova Scotia. More than likely that would have been a Canadian record fish. Your a big dude so you make the fish look small. Caught in Lake Ontario nonetheless. Superb and rare catch, ehg
  2. Lakers in Central New York, never would have thought of that. Nice fish, ehg
  3. Wait till you have wheels and try different spots, then you will be more addicted. Try and keep that passion for fishing the rest of your life. Women will come and go.
  4. Very nice report! Nice of you to bring some salt-water fishing to the board. That fluke would be mouthwatering delicious cooked the way you describe. Thanks for post, ehg
  5. Great pictures and report! Very picturesque part of the world. ehg
  6. That's a great report! Lots of nice muskies. thanks for sharing, ehg
  7. My daughter had a great time Ric, Luckily it was cool and cloudy so i had a great time as well. I was thinking quite the opposite! Yuck! cheers, ehg
  8. Got real close to some carp today so took some pics. \ Okay i cheated took these pictures at pond at Marineland where the carp beg for food like dogs. cheers, ehg
  9. Great report! Most people find Scugog a tough place to fish, so you did pretty good. cheers, ehg
  10. Great report, luckily your alright, all those other things can be replaced. Good to get away with the kids! cheers, ehg
  11. Thanks, wasn't really gonna post this report but liked the dew-laden spiderweb picture. The fishing was ok for august on a trib. cheers, ehg
  12. Had a couple of spare hours one morning, just enough to hit a trib. headwater for little trout. I don't go to this spot after June as fishing dwindles usually, but went anyways. Had to hack through growth that was over my head(6ft.) to get to creek. Got into some little trout on a Panther Martin, also caught a pile of big chubs. Some of the chubs might have been 12 - 14 in. which would have been good musky bait. Little brookie I guess there stocking Atlantic salmon in Duffins caught a few of these unfortunately. Decided to head down river after awhile eventually running into these litlte browns. Anyways, nice way to spend a few hours in the morning, not a soul around. The fishing was a little tough, the fish were tight to log jams and other obstructions with the recent heat and sun. Didn't bother the chubs it seemed. All fish were released obviously. cheers, ehg
  13. I swear by the Perch Super Shad Rap for the smaller Kawartha muskies! Sometimes i should try other things but... Took this picture maybe two years ago of a perch SSR chunked by muskies, with a rapala DDHJ-12 chewed by Toronto pike. ehg
  14. Whether they fish much or not, taking the kids out there will form some of there best memories. Thanks for sharing, ehg
  15. Nice report and pictures! Congrats on the PB smallmouth, from Scugog go figure. cheers, ehg
  16. Alot of real nice smallmouth bass there! Looks like a real great day out. Great post, ehg
  17. ehg

    No Topic

    Very nice musky! Thanks for report, ehg
  18. Just so you don't get confused the Algonquin 'Little Doe lake' has tons of little smallmouth bass and some trout deeper. There are a few 'little doe lakes' in Ontario, the algonquin one only has bass and trout. I've launched from Canoe lake once 20 yrs. ago and ran into smallmouth. Sometimes ive put on small spooons or spinners and canoed around 'trolling' and caught small trout early in the morning during the summer in different lakes. Otherwise just follow the quote below. Good luck, ehg
  19. Back over a hundred years ago a judge decided that there was nowhere to navigate too. Thus it has legally been seen as a not 'navigable' waterway since that time. The Osler law family has the top ten floors or so of FCP/BMO building in Toronto, so they're still powerful. ehg
  20. ehg


    Oddly enough i saw who appeared to be Fisheadric on Bathurst/ near Harbord yesterday, on the day you decide to post. Put up some pictures sometime! cheers and keep fishing, ehg
  21. The beach is real nice on the far east side! Sorta why i put the post up, thinking someone would take there kid panfishing or to the beach there. Got tired of the little gobies stealing the worms so put the jig/tube under a float off the bottom. Not dissing Scarborough, heck i grew up in Oshawa. cheers, ehg
  22. Try casting big black bucktails with orange or silver blades around weeds with rocks. Any northern part of a Kawartha lake has weed/rock and lots of musky. Hope this hleps, ehg
  23. Took my 4 yr. old daughter to the beach at Bluffers Park in Scarborough since someone at my workplace said they have a nice beach and you could fish. Great place for GTA'ers to take their kids in the summer. Hard to believe this is Toronto! All the sand is combed by a tractor to remove rocks. Really at first seemed like a different country. My child loved it down there. Lots of sand to keep the kids happy. Saw some Trumpeter swans by a bridge there, they had black beaks. Did the panfish microtube/jig stuff. Caught perch and sunfish. Also saw my first dreaded goby. Anyways, thought i'd put up a summery post, seeing that it was 34 degrees Celcius on my thermometer today. cheers, ehg
  24. Another great report from ya. Thanks for posting. ehg
  25. Great report! The northern part of Pigeon produces well. Thanks for report, ehg
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