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Everything posted by ehg

  1. Oddly enough i was reading about Secchi disk measurements the other day and there was talk of this lake. It was the only lake that had a depth reading (5.6 meters). Apparently it is a very clean lake with no invasive species. The fish in the lake were Lake Trout, walleye, largemouth, and smallmouth bass. Bass is closed till 4th Saturday in June. However, i know little about fishing oligotrophic lakes for LT, or pickerel and never fished this lake. Good luck, ehg
  2. The pictures and the post are great. Hopefully that's some indication of the show in works. I think Pete Bowman and Marc Travers tried outdoor shows that didn't work due to lack of fishing, Survivorman they were not. Keep fishing in the forefront and you'll have a winner. 23 minutes ain't much. Good luck, ehg
  3. Ha Ha Thats what i was thinking as well. Forget the cheeseburgers it'll be deep- fried whitefish for days. The registration #'s of the boat are quite clear, that should help. Gutsy post. ehg
  4. I've fished there for past 15 yrs. at least and have seen more people fishing at times. At times i have approached them only to realize they really had no clue what they were doing, except for the odd OFC'ers i've run into. Usually there is too many shoreline weeds for productive shorefishing anyways. ehg
  5. Nice read and insights. ehg
  6. Yup, cool mixed bag of fish. I imagine those flatheads can get real big. Thanks for report. ehg
  7. Thanks folks. That fish was completely unmarked and never caught before i think. Pretty pristine for an 'urban' fish. cheers, ehg
  8. Nice bunch of fish! Good to see you brought a youngster out as well, that's a great memory for the kid. By using worms you will catch more species of fish to speed your endeavour. Good luck filling out your list. ehg
  9. Went to Toronto islands for some more pike today. Had betwween 10 -2 pm so thought i'd give it a go. Ended up catching 3 of them. The first two were between 26- 28 inches so i didn't see a need for photos. I was hoping for something 30+ inches. Well after a bit i finally caught what i was looking for. This fish was 35.5 inches and stocky. The lure (HJ-10) fell out of its mouth right at shore but got wrapped around its body once for a securely held photo. Luckily there was some tourist families watching the show, so one fella offered to take some pictures, with my camera and took a bunch of his own. So i quickly laid the fish for the tourney pic, then line was cut and fish put back in water (kicking water in my face). Team 9 sign is washed out by the sun, i was concerned with securing the fish not whether the guys photo was good. In the 2-3 hours i was there again i saw no one fishing. I think the pike are thriving and relativley unpressured there despite metropolis nearby. Cheers, ehg
  10. Whats the point of bumping old posts PP i mean Clamp-it Very belated Birthday to TJ.
  11. Ya Mike the brook trout scrap for their size, like 'mini-muskies'. I'll catch some similar size creek chubs that come in like 'mini-walleye' or wet toddler socks. Thanks people ehg
  12. Got off work today at 4:00 PM thought i'd try some brookie fishing. Went home changed, grabbed the gear, had a bite to eat and by 5:30 i was at my spot to try for those colourful little guys. We are blessed here in Ontario to be able to catch these decent native fish a half hour drive from the downtown of the largest city in Canada. Half of my casts ended up stuck on a branch or twig which made things a tough go at times. But there was some nice brook trout to be found in this snarled area where few go. Sometimes you would stumble upon a nice clear patch of creek which provided relief from tripping and hacking through the fallen trees and streamside foliage. Caught a half dozen of these before the sun started to disappear. All in all a fine end to the day. ehg
  13. Taking the kids out fishing is alot fun, but a bit of work undoing knots etc... Good to hear you had success, Those Scooby Doo, Sponge Bob, Barbie spincast outfits actually work well. Nice, ehg
  14. Seven pike is quite an accomplishment considering all thoe firsts! Most of the big females go back into Lake Ontario after they spawn. Great report! ehg
  15. Some people might have a great post with pictures after 3 posts or 6 or whatever. Seems like some don't post much unless they feel like they have something worthwhile to say, which may be seldom. They should still be allowed to post or view pictures even if its there second post. But a couple of guys with the most invested here think..... Those opinions should put this debate to rest. ehg
  16. That sounds about right. Reports w/pics and 'lurkers' learning from them have made this board successsful. ehg
  17. I guess crusader would then be more correct. Or newfound elitist. The whole point of this forum was to help and encourage people to fish for a pastime, at least thats what i thought 3-4 yrs ago. Reports w/ pics were the heart of this board. Remember 'we like pictures', 'Great report' and the like. Its like something is changing in the climate of conciousness on this board, these days. ehg
  18. Did you thank those whose spots you now fish? Fished the T.O shoreline since early 90's and haven't seen a major increase in anglers. Actually was surprised at the smaller fish i saw this weekend. Some successsful spawning going on. No need to be a martyr but the gentle reminder is a good intention. cheers, ehg
  19. Nice haul again Stan! Beer batter sounds pretty dang good. YumYum! ehg
  20. Thanks for report. Nice to see the brookies are starting to hit the #2 Panther Martins. Thats my favorite type of fishing. Hundreds of miles of headwaters within an hour of GTA. As the season moves into summer you'll find the fish out of the deeper pools and into the faster riffles and sluices. Time to upsize to the #4 Panther Martins then as well. Great story about the dog. cheers, ehg
  21. Great pictures and report. Most of us down here can only dream about that place. Thanks for post. ehg
  22. Nice bunch of pike. There is many bigger ones there as well. Had a similar day follows on spinners one taker on slow worked jerkbait. Many follows in a short time. Good luck next time. ehg
  23. Hey 007, most fish followed from fairly shallow water. Flashy blades of the spinner got there attention but no takers. Even used the deep diving X-rap in spots since there is little weed growth currently. cheers, ehg
  24. Had a few hours to fish this morning so tried the Toronto islands for pike. Thought i'd catch the 9 o'clock ferry to islands but got blocked by closures on Lakeshore for a huge amount of people running. Finally after driving for a bit i was able to get parking and to the islands an hour later. Sure was chilly with a brisk wind by the lake. Went to the finger docks of Center island and threw an assortment of X-raps and Husky Jerks and had some follows and short strikes (flashes) from fish that probably ranged from 15-35 inches in length so i was encouraged. Finally hit a fish after about an hour on a bl/slv/org HJ-10. This was the result. Nice little 29.5 inch pike entry for team 9. Fished another hour or so had some more follows on a #5 silver BlueFox spinner. So i spent from 10:30 am to 12:30 in afternoon at prime pike spot on islands on opening weekend and saw one other group of two anglers go by this area. So much for the hoopla about lurkers and sensitive areas, blurring backgrounds and such. The pike are alright. Obligatory Toronto skyline pic. cheers, ehg
  25. Yes, fiddleheads, morels, crappie and trout are some of the good organic foods to be found in Ontario this time of year. Couple of morel pics. Black morel Yellow morel
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