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Everything posted by Spiel

  1. True enough Roy, both class acts and if you ask 'em they'll tell ya, Art's the smart one and Joe's the good looking one.....LOL That's how I tell 'em apart.
  2. Back in July I had gone out on Lake O with Fish Farmer for a little trout and salmon action and Fish Farmer had put up this post.... http://www.ofncommun...=1entry482072 In the post it was mentioned I had lost my fave down rigging spoon. TJSA had asked in the thread what was the spoon I lost and I mentioned it was a Bronte Flutter spoon, out of production I believe for some time now. Well good friend and all round good guy Aplumma endeavoured to replace it for me, he actually found 4 brand new, still in the package Bronte Flutter spoons on E-bay. Two white and two black which he promptly bought and shipped up to me last week. How swell is that. A big heart felt thank you to you Art (aplumma), totally awesome of you!
  3. Awesome, I love bush whacking small streams for trout, in fact some of those shots look familiar but then again it could be anywhere. Great photos and some sweet trout.
  4. I believe that you oughta believe in Karma, it has been bestowed upon you for sure. Nice fish.
  5. I'm with you Ryan, my oldest came in a gave me a big hug and kiss this morning then left for University. I'd give anything to turn the clock back to her first day at kindergarten, man where did the time go..... You're an exemplary Father Ryan, make the best of every day the rewards of your efforts will come back ten fold. Thanks for sharing the pictures, oh the memories are flooding back now..... *insert crying emoticon*
  6. Looks like a great day out guys but I'm skeptical that this fish is a Chinook. Without a better picture I'm guessing Atlantic or perhaps an early run Coho, thoughts?
  7. Okay then I would ask are these cracks in the finish over the ferrule winding or in the blank itself?
  8. Are these cracks on the male or the female end?
  9. I don't know what the weather's doing out your way but here it's overcast and looking like rain. It's fairly warm with a light SW breeze which is supposed to kick up to 30K later this morning. Shouldn't affect me too much at my rod building desk......
  10. Well I hope something works out for you Carole.
  11. You're all braver than I..... Good to see friends getting together for some time well spent. And Brian, if you keep driving by Hamilton without stopping in for a visit I'm gonna right you off.
  12. Saw an announcement in the obits for you toady Paul, it was post dated September 24th.....
  13. Yikes! That's a plate load of crap for anyone. My condolences expressed where appropriate and a belated happy B'day to your son. I truly hope things will now move in a positive direction for you.
  14. Given that I would suspect Johnnyb has the right answer. Another possibility though could be receiving the sonar signal of a nearby boat.
  15. One or the other explanations from Johnnyb and Kickingfrog are likely correct. Knowing where you were and what settings the sonar was set at would aid me in deciding which of the above posts is correct, but I'd bet it's one of them.
  16. Stellar! Kudos to you Aaron and Mitchell, you certainly worked hard to put that fish in the boat and deserve to be rewarded for your efforts. Mayhaps next year you'll get your prize Justin.
  17. Mmmmm, been a long time since the kids and I had fresh trout. Looks like you and Paul will have a few meals there.
  18. She's fading fast folks. Given the number of people reading this thread it's feasible we can get her back up in the rankings if you take a minute to vote and remember you can vote twice per valid e-mail account. Humbly yours Mackenzie's Dad.
  19. You betcha Dan and all in a three day span. I sent an e-mail 2 days ago asking them how they monitor the contest for vote rigging and cheating but as yet no response!
  20. You have to be careful with those toothy buggers, I hear the slime off them will rust your pliers in mere seconds.
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