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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. I feel the same way about dishrags....er, walleye!
  2. Sounds like a wonderful trip!!! Count your blessings!
  3. Yup, if you kicked them in the head you wouldn't hurt anything!!
  4. I guess he never heard the expression"horny as a buck goat'! Let's hope the goat doesn't 'get any ideas' while riding!
  5. I like this thread---if 'new math Hudak' gets in I know some people to blame. The guy who says he wants to sve taxpayers' money in one breath says he'll spend money on a useless Royal commission on the gas plant scandal in the next breath!! Reeeel smart, that young Timmy!!
  6. The 1 to the left is saying "My turn, my turn!"
  7. Is that all? I'd say they need to have their scrotums nailed to a stumped and be flipped over backwards!!
  8. A general question aimed at nobody in particular(No criticism intended): Do you think that life in general, and fishing in particular, needs to get this complicated?
  9. from about 3 years ago near the Pickerel River
  10. Doctors have just discovered that saliva causes cancer, but only if swallowed in small quantities over a long period.
  11. A Canadian alphabet----- ABCDEFGHIJKLM NO PQ RSTUVWXYZ
  12. Yes, any of the prev 10 mayors have been better than Ford!! His claim of saving the city all that $$ is just another Ford lie, as has been documented in the press. (BTW--I saved megabucks yesterday---I was going to buy a Ferrari but changed my mind!!)
  13. bad-mouth all those modern gadgets if you like, but I really got tired of chiseling those letters into the stone tablets when I was in school!!
  14. First of all, Scogog isn't a lake---it's just big slough! The diff is that, once the ice is out, the wind can stir up the bottom on shallow lakes. So the bottom mud gets mixed in the water.
  15. I'm on Chrome. I see ads but not yours.
  16. i guess that's a hypothetical possibility but the chances of that ever happening are a million to one!
  17. Much better hockey once the riff-raff(i.e. the Leafs) have been sent packing.
  18. They did have a pistol to scare it off with if that happened, but they didn't wait for that 'problem' to arise. They nearly paid a big price for their impatience.
  19. I think this topic has gotten a bit too much reaction. There are probably several different versions of the truth here, noone of which is contained in the news report. These reports are notorious for giving an incomplete and misleading picture. It sounds like 2 insurance cos suing each other, as someone above pointed out. I guess the 'defendant' ins co thinks the best defence is a good offence. (But just a guess because nobody can determine the truth from a press report).
  20. 2 bit scam artists. ignore them. If they spent as much time trying to earn an honest $ they'd be farther ahead!! Don't lose any sleep--the scum will drift downstream.
  21. Sorry, N.A.W., for causing any confusion. It looks like you were not at the location that I had assumed. In any case, given that there were signs, you did the right thing by phoning and I commend you for it! Re the level at Big Chute---bear in mind that the river upstream is dam controlled for power generation, so they could be holding some back at this point.
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