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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. We have a fairly new drilled well that's over 100 ft deep but we are getting results back that say "sample overgrown with bacteria commonlt found in the environment" with the latest sample saying we have 10 parts of coliform. No e-coli. I am trying to figure out where this may be coming from. I thought that joints in the well casing were supposed to be watertight. With it being so new I wouldn't expect it to have developed holes already. We have a water softener system and I'm wondering if the bacteria is entering thru the salt bin. Since salt is used to preserve food assumed that it killed bacteria, but maybe not coliform?? Any ideas?? thx
  2. When you, your wife and the alarm clock all go off at the same time----now there'e a coincidence!!!
  3. Beaver?/ There's a really bad story about him on the net!! These Jawjackers look legal because they have no spring. Some of us have homemade rigs similar to that one.
  4. Good one. "shared' it with my FB 'friends'
  5. I remember as a kid kicking the rock from the bottom of the bed once it got cold(middle of nite??)
  6. Spawning over? It is for those fish fer sure!!
  7. Traditional shoes should do just fine for ice fishing. As I said above, crampons are unnecessary and possibly a disadvantage. The bindings on modern shoes are better for making sharp turns around trees etc but that's not a requirement for ice fishing. The trad ones do have a certain aesthetic appeal.
  8. Thx. That's sad to hear. Is there an e-mail address that I can contact to find out if there are plans to open again in 2015. thx again
  9. Since last year's trip fell thru, I thought I'd start a bit earlier to plan a 2015 trip. One area I'm thinking about is the French River delta. There is, or was, a camp out there with the name posted above--or it might have been Fishing instead of Fish. It's the one off on an island a few km South of Bass Lake Anyway, I cannot find any contact info on-line. Does anyone know if they are still in business and, if so, what their phone # or e-mail address is? thx
  10. I suggest a pair w/o crampons. They are good for climbing hills, which you don't need, but in some snow conds a big icy lump will form underneath which makes it difficult to walk. As I recall, Fabers don't have crampons.
  11. I disagree. I see it as a lone Canadian nutbar with a death wish committing cold blooded murder. He apparently used ISIS propaganda as his justification but, in its absence, would probably have found another justification.
  12. Before this thread gets locked I have to say I agree with LA's post too!!
  13. Should blur out the background---folks might recognize that fishing hot spot!!
  14. get some of the old fashioned kind and tweak them until you have a hair trigger by bending the catch thingey.----deadly.
  15. what fun is there in beating a team like the Leafs??? Oh, wait a minute, there are no other teams like the Leafs!!(insert a few redundant smileys here!)
  16. Wow. That's scary stuff, Lew. I had an x-ray last jan that showed some sort of lump. A bunch of test later, incl CT scan, and a bronscoscopy indicated that it was most likely not cancer. I'm relieved now but the whole experience was quite unsettling. Here's wishing you and your wife all the best thru these tough times.
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