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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Scary thread title! I thought maybe someone on here(or maybe a bad driver) had really p$$ed you off!!
  2. I certainly don't condone the use of the cell phone but the woman was (a) overtaking a truck in the right lane (b turning left in about 1/2 mile © going at the speed limit. So she wasn't impeding the flow of traffic. According to the report she didn't speed up to prevent him from moving into the left lane---he dropped back to give her the finger. So there was no 'boxing in' involved.
  3. looking at that pic just makes me want to go fishing!
  4. ??? I thought we were talking about BEER here!!
  5. " It's only when you see a mosquito landing on your testicles that you realize that there is always a way to solve problems without using violence. "
  6. but the only job where you get second guessed by a groundhog---and some people prefer the groundhog's opinion!!
  7. Our local forecast for tonite!! Snowfall Warning A heavy snowfall expected tonight. It may be the first full day of spring, but ... Find out more ›
  8. Har dee har--..He(you?) is lower to the ground than standing up!! Not much dist to fall!!
  9. Another option---stabilizers/outriggers on a canoe. Make them or buy them.
  10. I'm told to clean them like a catfish, but I've never cleaned a catfish so that doesn't help me! .....but it might help you.
  11. Some canoeists look down their noses at Sportspals, but they seem quite stable and come in a variety of lengths. Portaging should be quite manageable. As an avid canoeist I'm probably biased, but IMO nothing beats a canoe for 'range' i.e can port into back lakes.
  12. one of the most memorable moves, although apparently not eligible for the award due to insufficient # of witnesses, was when 1 guy while welcoming his daughter's finance to the family at her wedding, referred to the groom by the wrong name----that of her previous BF!!
  13. I'm a former member of the Lakeshore Wankers Club based in Pickering but open to all. They had annual awards....but only in the figurative category!!
  14. HOW TO REALLY MESS THINGS UP A man and a woman have had a great night out... the expensive restaurant, classy entertainment, everything is perfect. On the way to the bedroom, the woman asks her man: "Honey, do you prefer smart or pretty women?" The man responds calmly, thinking that he has outwitted her little test: "Neither, baby, I prefer you."
  15. Good one! I'd like to believe it's true, but is it really?
  16. Done---I was going to vote for that cute little possum but then I thought---naaaaah!
  17. I guess it depends on where you are. I expect the lower Notty to be blown pretty well for the duration once the thaw starts in earnest.
  18. Unbelievable!! One more reason why the legal should not be all the 'justice' system!!
  19. Smarter than the average bear! The std advice for wilderness camping is to hang the food on a rope between 2 trees. So much for that advice!!
  20. See here: http://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/discuss/index.php/topic,1289.0.html
  21. Good one, but it would take me a lot more than that to make me move to Florida of all places!
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