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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Wow. 34 yrs with cancer. That's quite tragic. Lots of good info being posted here though---maybe it will help somebody else from getting skin cancer. I wasn't aware of those buffs---that's a new word for me. I'll look around for 1. A lot of people don't realize that too much sun in the eyes will cause cataracts---or at least bring them on earlier than otherwise.
  2. That's the most honest no Bull job description I'v ever seen!
  3. Sppeaking of which, here's a joke to amuse you while you wait with bated---or as some fishermen say 'baited'---breath for the report Sleeping with Mick
  4. Someone must have been real pissed off at the cops!
  5. i fished from 1 a few years back. Very impressed. I'd been looking on Kijij sometimes but did not see any.
  6. Seniors are not all a low income group. If some seniors are having trouble scraping by a realistic answer is to improve the CPP as most, if not all, of the provinces urged the Feds to do. Failing that---not that Harper put the kybosh on that idea---a provincial pension plan would help, as Ont and some of the others seem intent on doing. This nickle and diming it with 'seniors, discounts and free fishing licences is for the birds!!
  7. even if you're not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!!
  8. My wife gets upset if I don't hit the brakes for a small animal but that's a price I'll pay. I have no intentions of braking and put people in danger. Now, deer and moose is a different story of course.
  9. Or you could pull over into the slower lane and let folks go by. Any lawyer, no matter how slow on the draw. would cut the 'keeping up with the flow' excuse to ribbons.
  10. Thx guys. We were up on Wed and used Foots bay. We wanted to go to the Chown Rd area. The Clear lake one seemed to be further away.
  11. I'm not sure what weight, if any, the courts give 'intent'. As the old saying goes----the road to hell is paved with good intentions. As I see it, it's the actions, not the thought process, that count.
  12. Part of being an adult is thinking about the consequences of and being responsible for your actions. She was being irresponsible to the point of being criminally negligent.;
  13. Ok, did you guys actually find that funny, or did your wives tell you it was funny??
  14. Of course they don't fell any pain, Otherwise they would scream when you landed them!
  15. Just cut to the chase and PM Mike Borger. He's got a whole list( catalog??) of places he's gone!
  16. as a well educated and informed Liberal voter I must say I agree with you!!
  17. Not allowed to take that many crappie. They make such good food for gamefish!!
  18. Wadda mean?/ Doesn't this qualify as informed political discussion??
  19. Not much to celebrate in the Ont election result but it was nice to see Hudak get a swift kick in the gonads. Maybe now the progressive part of the PC party( they haven't scrubbed the P out yet, unlike what's happened federally) can show itself again and push aside the Tea party wannabees that Hudak liked.
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