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Everything posted by boombap

  1. Been on this forum for a few years now and I frequent quite a few other forums... and many in the past. Not quite sure why there aren't more sub forums on here.. would make things a lot easier for everyone.
  2. The marina I bought it from is restoring one very similar to it.. a '89 I believe. My biggest concern when buying used was the motor.. but from what I have read they are pretty bulletproof.
  3. Thought I would post what I purchased.. a fully restored '91 bluefin spectrum 1600 with a '09 50hp merc. A new boat just didn't make sense financially.. I hope shes good to me!
  4. I would keep looking. I was looking at a legend or a smoker craft, simply because of the price. If you shop around you can find great deals on used boats. I just picked up a completely restored 1991 16ft spectrum with a 2009 50hp merc for a lot less than what you listed, you get a lot more boat.
  5. The boat was used and looks like I missed out on it. Looking at 2 more today, thanks for the replies. Will report back when I make the purchase.
  6. Looking for some opinions or reviews on a smoker craft 151 resorter.. anyone here fish one of these? I can get into one with a 4 stroke 40hp merc within my budget. I fish the kawarthas and other small to mid sized lakes. Would love a nice big Lund but they are simply too expensive.
  7. So I sold my 14' at the beginning of last year.. it was a bit small for me. Rented a few times throughout the summer and ya.. renting sucks. I've been looking around and by looking at USD prices I can get into a grizzly 1860 for about $3500 USD. To try and keep costs down, I will go with a bare hull, add a center console myself, used trailer and motor. Anyone here fish a 1860 jon (tracker, lund, g3 ect) in the kawarthas? I like the idea of the mod v design and the massive 7ft beam. My 14ft was a PITA on a windy day to say the least.. but it also had a tiny beam. How would a 1860 in some rough chop? Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
  8. Hello everyone.. been a while since Ive posted. Just booked a camping trip for the May 24 weekend Will be staying at lake of 2 rivers campgrounds.. has anyone ever stayed there? I understand that this is one of the few lakes in algonquin that gas motors are allowed. Was thinking of taking my tin with a 9.9.. hows the fishing on this small lake? Nice to be back.
  9. A 2 part epoxy paint will do the job, maybe the best job if the prep is done correctly. Noahs boats sells a few kinds. A cheaper solution as stated above is to use bed liner. Edit: If you can afford it, line-x is hands down the best thing to do if you plan on keeping the trailer for a few years. My old man had it done to his bed on his gmc canyon, that stuff is tough as nails and looks great.
  10. Quite possibly the greatest cover ever
  11. Canada is a great country and I love it But we have some TERRIBLE laws here. Makes me think of when a friend of mine had his house broken into in the middle of the night. He was in his bedroom with his wife, his 2 kids in the room next to his. The burglar was roaming the basement when my buddy heard something, he gets up and proceeds down to the basement. Long story short, the burglar caught a beat down. My buddy zip tied him and called the cops. Guess what? He was sued!!! The burglar pressed charges on him and won!
  12. I'm right handed but reel with my left. I tried a right handed reel before and it felt very awkward. Mind you, when I'm shooting pool I hold the cue with my left and balance with my right. I'm weird
  13. Good stuff. That's some nasty bass thumb.
  14. I haven't tried either but my Oakley hijinx are great
  15. That's a massive crap! Carp! Whatever. I have never tried bowfishing and I'm not much of a hunter either (killing sparrows with my bb gun as a kid doesn't count) but I don't know how I feel about it.
  16. Le barons is usually pretty good with customer service, I say if it hasn't been a full 30 days you should be ok with a over the counter exchange
  17. That's what forums are all about.. Opinions and mixed feelings I have yet to see a Asian carp in person
  18. Highway onramps completely flooded, bridge underpasses completely flooded, streets closed in my area.. And my garage is flooded!!! IT'S CHAOOOS!!!!!
  19. Those are some good size eyes! Nice job
  20. Get yourself one of these http://m.basspro.com/Minn-Kota-Battery-Meter/product/91270/ And one of these http://m.canadiantire.ca/mt/www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/4/Auto/3/Batteries/BatteryChargers/PRDOVR~0111941P/Battery+Tender+Plus,+1.25A+Charger+Maintainer.jsp?locale=en Charger your batteries ASAP after every use, during the winter months store them inside and again keep them charged. You'll never have any problems
  21. Christoper.. Why not? Lol. It's good to see him finally lose a fight. I still say GSP > silva
  22. Go for it. I would also go Florida keys style and take a push pole.
  23. Good stuff man, would love to do a trip like this. I think it would require a bigger boat, I don't think my 14ft tinny and 9.9 merc will get me around to much
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