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Everything posted by boombap

  1. Traded in a crappy reel that sells for $19.99 and got $40 off a chronarch..
  2. Gar pike!
  3. Classic flick
  4. Yesterday in my backyard I put a small 1/4 oz weight on my 7ft crucial/chronarch with 20# super slick and it casts a mile! Was very impressed. No line digging in the spool.. We will see when I throw heavier lures on there.
  5. I picked up a spool of 20 # test in green. Do you notice there is just a tad bit of memory on it?
  6. Easy now, lets not get carried away.
  7. I haven't switched the hooks on many of my lures, but when I did I looked for hooks that were exactly the same size/girth as the original ones. Hope this helps.
  8. Here's a update on one of my braid setups. I picked up a chronarch CH201E5 and paired it with my crucial crankbait rod. I love the setup, extremely light. I also picked up some power pro super slick #20 test. I spooled the reel last night and it seems that the line keeps digging in to the spool. Although I havent used it yet, I think I am going to face some problems when I do.
  9. I'll be going out tomorrow morning, it will be a cold one tho. Last time I went out with roe bags and got skunked.. Saw fish about 50-100ft from shore but good luck casting your roe that far. I'll be taking a spinning setup along with a new crankbait rod/bait caster and some lures and try my luck.
  10. On ALL fishing products huh? May be getting myself a new rod and reel
  11. Anyone know a tackle store that has these dobyns in stock? BPS dosent have them on their website. Lebarons maybe?
  12. Thats what I was aiming for, the 7'5 flipping rod does look promising and my 7' crankbait crucial is great. Anyone have any experience with the st. croix mojo MBC76MHMF 7'6 flipping rod? med heavy, mod fast. Or the shimano compre CPCX77MHC 7'7 flipping rod, med heavy, x fast. They are both priced the same.
  13. Looks great.. but the price dosent
  14. I doubt it's very accurate. Pike and carp in rice lake?
  15. Actually.. my left eye is worse. My right eye is 20/20.
  16. I have a Shimano Crucial crankbait rod and I love it. I was looking at the Compre's at the last fishing show and they do look great for the price. Thanks for your input.
  17. I cast with my right, retrieve with my left with baitcasters and spinning reels. I'm right handed, but when I play pool I hold the cue with my left and use my right hand to balance it. Im weird
  18. So I'm in the market for a new rod. I want something that I can use for both flipping docks with jigs.. and throwing topwater frogs in some heavy slop. I would like something from the 7' to 7.6' range, the st. croix mojo rods look promising but since flipping is new to me Im not sure what to go after. I have read that a longer 7.6'-8' rod is better. Could you guys recommend something that I can use for topwater AND flipping docks? I am limited to $150
  19. Why is that "a bit much.."?
  20. irishfeild, thanks for posting that. That gives me a clear understanding of what I was talking about. It's almost impossible to keep bass off your line sometimes, if its pike fishing or walleye fishing.. bass eat everything. So this spring while fishing for walleye and pike.. if I happen to catch a PB smallie, I am taking a pic.
  21. I understand that the bass need to spawn, but I find it ridiculous how you can be charged for a accidental catch, ESPECIALLY if you don't keep the fish. I think laws regarding this matter should be a bit more clear, and not up to the officer. Perhaps they are and I just can't find any info on this huge thing we call the internet
  22. This is something that I've been thinking about, but cant find a right answer. Let's say I'm walleye fishing before bass season opens.. and I happen to catch a bass as the MNR pulls up to my boat. What can happen? Will I be ticketed even tho I'm releasing the fish? Would lure choice have a impact on this? I've caught walleye on cranks, spinners and worms.
  23. http://www.tinboats.net/forum Everything you need to know about fixing up aluminum boats. I have started my project on my 14 footer in December, should be ready by the spring.
  24. So I know I'm thinking way ahead of time here, but where will everyone be fishing for the bass opener weekend? I haven't decided yet, but I want to book a 5 day trip somewhere. I was thinking of going to sturgeon lake, but have never been there for the opener. Any suggestions?
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