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Everything posted by Deano

  1. Someones gonna catch a fish. And your gonna be the fish.LOL I can't beleive posters telling you to go, no wonder these scam artists will never go away. What's the old saying, if it sounds to good to be true, well never mind. Happy fishing.
  2. Here's some pics last summer when it ended even so hot, we had to cool off between fishing. Now That's Refreshing
  3. As I syayed in the other post last week, I drove a fuel tanker for the last year and a half. We were running low many times and had to travel to whatever load rack that had fuel to fill our trucks, we ran low all summer long and was always trying to catch up. You would be surprised the amount of fuel which is being used at even some of the smaller gas stations. One small town station I delivered to had about 6 days where they went through 50000 litres in a day. That's almost one tanker full, and this is in a small town. I did some calculating and we were (around the clock, 4 drivers, 7 days) delivering 2,000,000 litres to the sudbury area, and that was only forone company. There is no consriracy, the demand is so huge, no new refineries have been built, and as I stated before, it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
  4. Try not to think of what you lost, but all that you gained. Life is different now that's she's gone, but with her life, yours is blessed.
  5. That's totally awesome Dan, also brings back memories of my old dog. Great dogs, smart and full of energy, mined loved to fish also.
  6. Congrats, that's a great unit, you may have thought it expensive now, but in a couple of weeks you'll be thinking "how did I ever go without". It is an awesome tool which will give you so much freedom, things that limited you before are gone. Piece of mind and the freedom to just explore. I would recomend getting the Topo Canada maps also, they can autoroute you to most places and show most island, rivers and trails. The GPS is gonna revolutionize the world like the lightbulb and computers.
  7. Man's best friend is dogs. I have two too bad people don't learn from them. Take it easy, Lew, life gives us trying times to appreciate the good times.
  8. It's not a supply problem as that were gonna run out of fuel, It's a problem that the fuel cannot be refined fast enough. I just stopped working in Dec for a company that transported fuel to the esso stattions. It been a problem since last summer. And for those who haven't heard both imperial plants have had explosions (Sarnia and Nanticote). Which is causing a slow down of refining fuel. And diesel is gonna be hard to get also, nairn truck centre just west of sudbury, is out of diesel. My opinion is it's gonna get worse before it gets better.
  9. Another way to eat pike and not lose any meat is to cut off head, tail and fins. Slice along the belly and remove entrails. Wash well and leave the skin on. The pike is now wrapped in foil with carrots and onions and spices of choice in the body cavity. Cook on BBQ or open fire turning once in 15 min. once cooked the fish will fall off the bones and the skin will be stuck to the foil. The carrots were used to absorb any fishy taste so don't eat them. But the fish will be great and you wont lose any meat that might be lost filleting.
  10. Very nice painting, always share your painting post with the family, I love seeing great outdoors pics and paintings.
  11. Deano


    Great race, now that was an exciting 500. Most of previous winners ended up with DNF's. Mark Martin losing by a fender, Boyer crossing the finish line upside down, man what a finish.
  12. I have the 60CSX, basically the same unit, but different casing because the 76CSX floats. You'll love it, best investment for any outdoors enthusiast. You'll be able to get reception even in your basement. And the geocaching features will bring you to an all new world of outdoors.
  13. In the duels, Junior get's in front, gets spun out by waltrip, ends up a lap down and come back to finish 2nd, all in 60 laps. He's a true champion. I vote for junior, johnson is my second favorite, but with the new rule changes, I think Kasey Kayne will win the season.
  14. here's some of my favorites from last summer
  15. Watching it now, been waiting for NASCAR, the season off is short, but seems so long. First NASCAR season and then spring. Life is great once again. Oh yeah, it's junior's year. I like junior and Jimmie Johnson, since Johnson won last season, it's junior's turn.
  16. It's an everchanging world, the world needs changes to survive. the deserts weren't always deserts, did man cause that. the lands were connected, did man cause them to seperate. Previous ice ages and hotspells, did man cause those. It's naive to think we have that much of an impact on this world. The other day when I brought my mother to the airport, there was a display of a 747 with a fact sheet below. It stated that one transatlantic flight of the 747 would use the fuel equivelant of 80 years of a personal automobile. So one 12 hr flight uses the same amount of fuel I'll use in my lifetime. So if I cut back is it really gonna make a difference. And to think 35 years ago (I know I'm getting old) when I was young, they were talking about a fuel shortage. I am looking forward to global warming, as being up north, the only way for us to change is to get warmer, will suck for the warm places who will be getting colder. I do believe in cutting polution because we should respect nature, who wants to live in garbage, but I don't think global warming is caused by man or that one day we'll run out of fuel. lets start the next fear mongering, the sun is gonna burn out soon.
  17. my first guess would be low coolant level
  18. I am with Lew also on this. There crimes were escalading, if they didn't get caught, they would of kept on going until some got hurt or killed. I'm for a two strike law, 3 strikes is usually way to late. My other option would be draft them into the army and let them learn to fight for our country, not destroy it.
  19. I was out on lake wahnapitae years back and was fishing with minnows. When moving locations I passed over a spot that was 465 feet deep. I placed my minnow in the water and let the line go to the bottom, then after a few minutes I brought him back up. When I got him back to the surface, he was still lively and healthy looking. The depth didn't seem to make any difference. I didn't expect him to survive with all the things I've heard, but he did and even caught me a fish later.
  20. Rattletrap2: There both the exact same bike, just different color and year. Green = 2006, Red = 2005. Walleyejigger: That's a common problem, both my quads seals in rear/left axle had to be changed, but been good ever since. Here's a more recent pic.
  21. Love those grouse shots Dan. I usually do the same, click away till my hearts content. Here's another grouse pic I got this summer, as well as some horses that I really like. The last is the hugest mushroom I've ever seen. My next pics I want to get are of waterfalls, getting that silky looking water effect.
  22. 2005 yamaha 400 4x4 2006 yamaha 400 4x4 got a plow,winches, back seat/storage box and a ice fishing sled to pull on the back. These bikes are great all around. 4 wheel drive at the push of a button, independant suspension, a 12 volt lighter plugin and the price won't break the bank. Great bikes, i've got over 6000kms on one and about 3000kms on the other.
  23. 2 Dogs totally opposite of each other, one a big black male sheppard (Max), the other a small white female Maltese/Shitsu (Mishu), but they love each other to death. here's Mishu Here's Max And here they are together, guess where there going?
  24. I stopped working also in Dec, not exactly the same story, but look on the bright side, lots more time for fishing.
  25. there was a big (explosion) fire at the sarnia plant last week. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...1214?hub=Canada funny thing is it has dissapeared and no mention of the cause.
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