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Everything posted by Deano

  1. The thing is they learn young from schools, scouts, hockey and other things. You can't go to the mall or any store without seeing these kids with there parents trying to raise money for one thing or another. If the kids in hockey, his parents should have enoygh money to send them to play games, or on a trip or whatever. It's seems it's OK to teach kids to beg (I mean raise "money") for privileges, but not good for the hungry ones. Kind of mixed messages if youask me.
  2. Yes I agree then, it does look more acurate. My, you shot up and down that lake a lot. Terry. LOL With Canada maps going free, hopefully we'll see more acurate maps and better prices also. For now, I'll stick to mapsource. Came in handy when I was out in B.C.
  3. yes first time seeing them also TJ, seem to be lots around too. Thanks for the link. Lew, i was looking at the old post (i think Gerrit posted a link) last week and went back to some of those (pics of the day) LOL I sure have a lot of pics since then, still like taking pics.
  4. I bought a soft storage tackle boxes 2 years ago, you just switch between the smaller stowaway boxes, according to the fishing you'll be doing. Works well except you just get more of the stowaways and keep filling them. Some of my stowaways look like there displays. So I know where your coming from. Good luck to ya, looking forward to your reports.
  5. Well, I searched around and found out it's a Hummingbird Clearwing Moth. A Daytime moth that commonly is mistaken for hummingbirds. Strange bug and they are pretty big, almost twice the size of those big bumble bee's. Learn something new everyday.
  6. Saw these things in my neighbors trees, flying around like hummingbirds, but more like bee's. Never saw them before and was wondering if anyone knows what they are. We were laughing and saying it was a humbug, hummingbird like a bug.
  7. I tend to believe mapsources version of the 560, although I haven't been there. The other looks way to smooth for a road up that way. I've been using mapsource for a while now and for the most part it's really good, only newer roads are not updated, but for trails, it's pretty good. Also does it autoroute?, really like the autorouting in mapsource. It is expensive though, considering TopoCanada is under $200 and you get all of Canada
  8. I've got the garmin 60csx. put in topo canada, metroguide canada and a 1 gb card. It's a little smaller than the76csx, so it's nicer for hiking (still has same size screen) but it doesn't float, and is waterproof. With the ram mount, I can easily change from car to boat to ATV. I think it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. Recommend checking out the geocaching on them, it'll open up a door to the outdoors like you never seen before. They are pricey, but i'd pay the price again tomorrow if I had to, it's worth it.
  9. My first thought was "sorry to hear about your loss", but after reading your post "tribute", I think you guys were blessed. The loss will be the memories that could've been, but the blessing is the memories you have. God bless you, your family and your brothers family, may you all cherish his memories forever.
  10. Even before we ever had to register, that takes me back, found one of my posts, and the pics was still showing. Can't beleive I'm been around that long. Nowadays I just mostly read.
  11. The sad part was the MNR set the fire that got out of control this past week. So don't do as they do, do as they say.
  12. the new study out is just to convince people that getting gas at around a dollar is good, and as Canadians, we'll think settling for around a dollar will be a good deal. One year ago, everybody was ticked if they mentioned gas at one dollar. With all of Canada's resources, we should be living tax free, but with all the crooks getting rich on what belongs to all Canadians, they keep making more taxes. Now soon we'll all be paying the green tax, what scam can they think of next.
  13. DEI makes alot of money, but without JR, they'll be lucky to survive. I think JR needs to be his own owner/driver. His sales are more than all other NASCAR drivers combined. I guess I'll have to get a new wardrobe in 2008. LOL
  14. I don't follow hockey much, but since the wolves are in the playoffs, got me wondering, Why does the OHL (Ontario Hockey League) have american teams? Asked around but no real answers, figured someone here should know.
  15. Congrats Lew, you'll be really happy to have a gps on board. You'll experience new freedoms you didn't kmow existed. Like Dan, I have the handhheld Garmin GPS 60CSX, i have the ram mounts, it goes easily from my van, to my boat, to my quad and just put it in my hands for hiking. I've had it almost a year now and i use it every other day. Even came in handy when I was in BC. Was able to get all around Vancouver and area with autorouting, so we didn't have to ever worry about being lost. Priceless on the lakes also, always know how to get back no matter how many islands and bays you pass. Once again congrats and enjoy.
  16. It's already over, replaying at 7:00. Missed it, was out, will watch at 7 till Nascar starts.
  17. sitting in the back yard, shorts on, laptop on lap, lawn furniture out, enjoying the sun all the way up north just pass Sudbury. Great weather, started the Honda four stroke, running great and ready to go. All the ice should be gone before the weekend over, except for the big lakes. The days we all cherish. So nice it double posted. LOL
  18. sitting in the back yard, shorts on, laptop on lap, lawn furniture out, enjoying the sun all the way up north just pass Sudbury. Great weather, started the Honda four stroke, running great and ready to go. All the ice should be gone before the weekend over, except for the big lakes. The days we all cherish.
  19. Why didn't you name Marvin "Gigantic" seeing tiny was the total opposites. LOL I love big dogs, my dogs max is big, well everybody always telling us that, but we don't notice it as much. Big dogs are so content. Great memories Lew, i had a second cousin who had a St. Bernard, he was huge, but he'd come by you and when he left, you had this big drool spot on your pants. LOL
  20. Weather in the Sudbury area is looking great for the next four days. Gotta get out and enjoy before bug season starts.
  21. A little late, but hope it was a great day and a great year. I'll be there in 5 months. We must of went to seperate schools together. LOL
  22. Same here, i always liked German Shepherds, was never crazy about the smaller ones. So I have Max, But now we also have a small dog, a maltese/shtzu named Mishu. She is so affectionate. She's a daddy's little girl now. It's awesome how Max and Mishu get along, they're always watching out for each other. Enjoy your new pup, it's good to see her get a great home.
  23. yep, that's a Canadave rant, always told it like it is.
  24. Take care of yourself, Gary. The board will still be hear when you get back.
  25. I agree Joey, the zero tolerance just makes kids store the anger until one day they blowup. Terrible tragedy
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