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Everything posted by Deano

  1. Here's a pic my son got with my Sony camera DSC-H2. I took over 2000 pics in BC. My camera stopped working. Sent it out and was fixed under warranty by Sony. Hopefully I get a much longer life out of it now. Great pics with the Canon.
  2. Yes it is, because my weatherman, who is sometimes right about the weather, has stated so. Rumor has it, we also are warming up mars, that mars explorer must be hard on gas. Just having fun. I'm holding my breath to do my part. LOL
  3. This is funny Protesters were marching in the snow and cold and sleet (14 days to May) against GLOBAL WARMING
  4. Sounds like most should stick to fishing. Open mouth, insert foots. LOL
  5. A big problem is too much of our tax money is in administration and less and less is in action. We pay more taxes, have a bigger population, and yet we get so much less services than ever. Also goverment is wasting so much money on Global Warming, something that man has about maybe 5% impact on. Wasting money when that money could be used for a real polution problem. There's no reason to charge people to dispose of garbage, and most garbage can be recycled and even a profit made on it. My biggest beef is with broken beer bottles, these are refundable, yet they can be found all around shorelines and at most crown land campsites. These pose a danger to our kids, pets as well as us. So many beautiful places I've been to, couldn't spend any time to enjoy, because I didn't want my dogs or kids to hurt themselves. I've even thought of talking to the city and see if they would pay me to go out and clean up all the trash with truck and trailer, and not charge me to put it in the dump. As for just picking up other garbage, it would cost you money to bring others junk to the dump. Many people don't have any respect for themselves, so they sure aren't gonna have respect for nature.
  6. Just got back fro B.C. and there as plentyful as seagulls out there. Awesome birds, had to see at least one eveyday I was there. And along highway 99, in the fields, there had to be about 40-50 of them. I also saw one 2 weeks before going to B.C., it was on the way to Manitoulin Island.
  7. I used 3/4 inch plywood (sturdy) put some good woodstain on it and then covered with carpet. Almost 10 years now and still good
  8. Competitive: Man against nature, doesn't get any more competitve than that. I'm happier if I don't see another person on the lake. I bring my son, not cause I want him to become a fisherman, but, because it gives us memories.
  9. Looks like a wave coming, beautiful and scary at the same time, thanks for posting those, gotta get back to building that ark now. LOL
  10. you can go to hide and seek, you can also put in your home co-ordinates, and the find caches near your home. There is a how to at the site.
  11. As of today there is over 377,000 active caches worldwide. One of the greatest things about it is you can almost do it anywhere in the world. And thanks to the newer GPS' , it's starting to really catch on. People placing caches are local to the area and know of some beautiful places that you won't find in the tourist information. In B.C., we did a cache that took us to some caves, my brother in law and sister who go quading around the area, didn't even know they existed. There's also one in North Bay that takes you up on a mountain that gives a great view of North Bay and Nippising. Geocaching can be done without a GPS, but it's sort of like fishing without a rod. The GPS is the main tool for the game/sport. Warning, it's very addicting.
  12. Not sure, but on my mariner, just bring it all the way up and a little more and she unlocks and goes all the way back down.
  13. Like Fishfinder said, if it ain't HDTV, it will be useless as a monitor unless your just watching video's or pics, you won't be able to read anything on it, well maybe you will but you'll have a headache in 5 minutes.
  14. I got the garmin 60CSX and love it. It does everything and then some. Got expandable memory (got 1 gig card in mine and have all Metro Canada and whole lot of Topo Canada), built in compass, updatable support and a whole lot more. 76CSX is basically same unit but the case is different so it floats. 60CSX is waterproof. Autorouting features with Topo Canada, and address searches with Metro Guide. Use it when driving vehicle (using Ram mounts). use it on my quad (takes me everywhere and back) and great in the boat and walking. Also works real well for Geocaching, downloadable caches instead of entering manually. Either the 60 or 76, you'll love, just make sure it's the CSX
  15. Been geocaching since sept 06. Even did the one in noelville (northern lights) 136 finds, got 6 hidden and my son has 2 hidden. got 4 travel bugs out and son has 2 TB's My avatar is a pic of my Lure me to water TB. It's goal is to be dipped in all bodies of water. Dipped it in Ramsay Lake (Sudbury), North channel (Lake Huron) and we just dipped it in the pacific ocean and dropped it in B.C. Did 39 caches in B.C. User name (simplyred) at geocaching.com
  16. My older sister told me tears ago that life begins at 40, and when I turned 40 (2 years ago), my life has been so much better. So get ready for life at it's best. Happy Birthday Monique.
  17. Man caused the continent's to seperate. Man caused the deserts of the earth. Man caused the ice ages. People, it's an ever changing world, always was, always will be. The same people who are wrong about the weather 50% of the time 365 days of the year. Funny what people will believe. Most people even buy bottled water nowadays. If there's a way to make a buck, a good salesman will sell it. I guess if you beat a drum long enough, people will march to it. Funny, the world has survived for billions of years, man comes along and it ends in one hundred years. Soon we'll be taxed for the air we breath, sounds crazy now, but years from now people will be having the same debate.
  18. Really sorry to hear that, I went through a similar episode quite a few years ago and it was tough. The posters on this forum really poured their hearts out. It really helped getting through the tough times. I now have 2 dogs and sometimes think if my other didn't pass away, I would've never known the love these two bring. My heart goes out to you.
  19. Well we all got to die sometimes, at least I'll die happy (with a belly full of fish).
  20. Just like the Honda 4 stroke outboards, top notch quality. I wouldn't buy anything else if I was gonna buy NEW
  21. geeze, my wife is 6 years older than me, Now I'm only get 1 year of peace! Lord, I appoligize
  22. It's now officially called Universal Warming, most planets are warming just as much as earth. Damn earthlings.
  23. That scare tactic sales worked so well years back, now will be the Global Warming scare tactic. To keep it fishing related, there catching alot of fishes again.
  24. First off, Canada is only 5% of big American vehicles sales, then divide the amount of people who will actually do it and you'll be lucky to be in the .1% bracket. Also 1 transatlantic flight will use as much fuel as you'll, (1 individual) will use in 80 years. So personal vehicle usage of fuel is barely a drop in the bucket of the fuel that used. The only thing a boycott will do is help the fuel companies catch up on the demand.
  25. Must be because of the gas crisis that ontario is in, people aren't burning as much gas cause they can't get any. See how much we can all make a difference. Written with a straight face, serious tone, OK, now i'm losing it. LOL
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