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Everything posted by Deano

  1. Awesome pics, I've seen them many times over the years and never was able to get a good picture of them. Now I'm just waiting to try my newer camera and see if I can capture them. Thanks for posting those, love good pictures.
  2. I think Jr and Hendricks will be an almost unbeatable combination. We'll get to see what he can really do. Look forward to the move, although all my Jr stuff will be just memorabilia.
  3. I got a 25 honda 4 stroke on my 14 ft aluminum. The motor weighs over 100lbs so I'd be damned if I'm gonna remove it for transporting. If your transom is not strong enough for a motor while trailering, I sure wouldn't put the motor on, on the water.
  4. it's on the american TNT channel for the rest of the season. Still hasn't started, drying the track. It keeps raining every little bit. I'm watching it on bell also,got the NASCAR package. Just said it looks like it's gonna rain again
  5. I find that sad, you've never had fresh walleye before. Well you'll be eating more now for sure. I only got one in my freezer right now and am in need of a couple more or else I'll have to have it when no one else is home. LOL. Not getting the walleye like I used too when I had camp.
  6. I have to admit also, first thing I thought when I saw the pic was, smile, you're not Lew. Great outing Roy, that would sure put a smile on my face.
  7. If that didn't solve your problem, some TV's (such as RCA) have audio output select, external speakers would need to be turned on.
  8. The reason it works on VCR is because VCR are analog by default because they didn't have digital VCR's.
  9. Your sound input is on digital, it has to be switched to analog. Then you'll here sound from your TV. You should be able to switch it with remote. Not exactly sure on your system, how to switch it.
  10. I've always liked to keep it simple, one word ENJOY
  11. I second the white spinnerbait
  12. Congratulations, you get instant hero status. My baby boy turned 16 this year, so my hero status has been declining for years now. LOL Enjoy, it really does go by fast.
  13. Well,it's a good thing she was catching those baitfish, she'd be waterskiing if she got one of those carps on her line. LOL Love to see people who still have rules for there kids, my kids always had a bedtime also. The kids are happy and appreciate when they get to stay up late. Not only are you a great fisherman, your great parents also.
  14. I find the easiest way (with XP) to resize pics for the web is to highlite the pics you want, right click and go to "send too- e-mail recipient". It will ask to resize them, make all my pictures smaller. Then when the e-mail pops up, just drag the pics from e-mail to your desk top. Then you can put them wherever you want. It's a lot faster when resizing numerous pics.
  15. I was in BC for the first time in March, beautiful country. Awesome pics, makes me want to drive there now, we flew to BC.
  16. "magnetic pickup coil" That would be my guess. Had a similar issue about 10 yrs ago, and cost me about $1000 before the real (magnetic pickup coil) thing was fixed.
  17. He won't be on for a while, he's got musky to clean. LOL Couldn't resist. Anxiously waiting to here his report also
  18. Everybody seems to forget about this, seems like it is happeneing more lately and I've yet to see the real explanation of what went wrong at these plants. Alquida-More attacks on Canada refineries
  19. Well do, thanks again.
  20. Well I found it, dusted the cobwebs off it and will carry it in my wallet from now on. Thanks for the heads up. I learned something new today, so now I can go out and play. NASCAR was cancelled today, so I got an extra 5 hours now. LOL
  21. Well it seems I don't, and never have carried that paper in my boat for over 10 years now. I do recall when I got the license, being told only the numbers had to be on the side, and the paper was to be left at home. Did the law change somewhere down the road? I know I would of for sure put it in my boat, and knew about this if it was law back then. Now I'm turning the house upside down just trying to remember where I last put the license. I have been stopped and checked quite a few times in the ten years and never had any problems.
  22. Moments and memories, Enjoy.
  23. Never got to fish with Grandpa, so I guess that's why I got alll the gadgets. LOL Cool sign though.
  24. "$300 or more for not producing a vessel licence" What are we talking about here, the numbers on the side of the boat? I don't carry any paper license, at least I don't think I do. I'll have to check now, you got me thinking.
  25. Was out and about today and remembered this time about the sign. Thought I'd get a pic of it. Who else has a pic with them and the "SIGN"?
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