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Pickeral eater

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Everything posted by Pickeral eater

  1. Just at work and the police told me that a tornado has touched down in York region. Anybody up there see anything? Sitting at Toronto western and the skies looking pretty ugly. Be safe Bill
  2. Wow!!!! Catch them by the dozens looking for perch on erie some days but nothing like that!
  3. Great report! Sounds like a great day with your son. Nice feed as well
  4. Great report as always Mike! Glad you all had a great time.
  5. No threat in southern Ontario Niagara region. Praying for cooler temps lol!!!
  6. I've been following this since it began, hard to believe it's been one to four years. The pain the family must have endured. Very sad.
  7. Good to hear! We stopped going for opener like most people I have spoken with. Outfitters must be taking a hit with the new regs but looks like the future could be bright!
  8. Wow looks like southern Ontario is infested. So how does the ministry plan on controlling it? Other than when fully grown it can easily be mistaken for other native species. Does the plant have to be damaged to secrete the sap or will brushing up against it cause harm as well?
  9. Was there yesterday and managed 8. One keeper everything else too big which was nice to see. Good chop out there. Half came with jig/worm and half came on the troll.
  10. Great report! Good to see ya hit some eyes! Haven't been out yet but planning on it this weekend.
  11. That's a monster crappie!!!
  12. Nice fish!
  13. Nice fish dude, boats been in for over a week and yet to get out! Your bro's looks chunky!
  14. We did so hoping things change over the next few weeks!!
  15. Oh man we're booked for the 7th!!!
  16. Wow! Beauty pics, congrats!
  17. Ah that's rough! I have two small schnauzers and love every bit of them. When i walk them I usually bring along walking stick (carved from ash) just in case. Like lew I'm an animal lover but my dogs are my dogs and I'll protect them. If you're not comfortable with that idea then id take pics of the owner and dogs and any damages to yourself and your dogs to bring to the police. Hopefully she finds another place to walk her dogs and nobody gets seriously hurt.
  18. Great report! Had a few marathon nights on erie when we didn't get out until 11 and stayed until early afternoon the next day. It's actually quite nice being out there without the traffic and blazing sun. Again awesome fish and great recap.
  19. Saw the same plane flying very low over Jordan on my way to Hamilton on Saturday morning. Just had a feeling that something had gone wrong
  20. That's brutal. He needs a serious beating. Hopefully someone recognizes him and he faces some harsh punishment for his actions. Good on the guys to confront him.
  21. That's a great recap of the summer. Looks like one happy family! I hope to be able to share moments like those with my daughter one day. Congrats and awesome pics as well! Bill
  22. Just a thought. Mountain equipment offers great gear, some at a better price than what you are looking to spend. I use their brand, the mec hydrofoil. While they're not gortex or anything fancy, I've stayed dry on numerous fishing and canoeing trips. They don't breathe but have zippered vents the entire length of both legs that manage to keep moisture from building up on the inside. If I have any issue with them it's that wearing only boxers under them can be chilly. Bill
  23. Nice report and nice fish! Haven't been to LSPP but it's on the list!!
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