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Pickeral eater

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Everything posted by Pickeral eater

  1. That's great man!! Special time with your daughter! Have a 3 year old and can't wait!. Again....that's awesome!
  2. Own two of them and do a great job. im a bigger guy so it's really a personal hut
  3. Well haze nothing's ever a guarantee. Let's not complain about the nfn netting or fish stocks if we're going to continue to support them by buying the netted fish. AND it's medicinal!!! Without it I could get even sicker! Lol.
  4. Love my annual trip to nip, been going for the last 10 yrs for a week with an outfitter. Yes the fishing has declined over the last 5 yrs that I have noticed. Many of you probably can say been longer than that, BUT last years walleye fishing was much better imo, no doubt due to stricter regulations. Not a lot of keepers but good sized fish that will be even better this year. Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't closing walleye on rice lake for a few yrs work for the fishery? Seems like rice is doing a lot better these days. Is this an issue because nfn is requesting this? I love nip and am looking forward to my January trip and I do feel for those who make a living from the industry, but I won't be totally upset if I have to head some place else this winter.
  5. I tend to stay away from these conversations! I firmly believe there are good and bad in all occupations. It's too bad actions of some cause an entire profession to be called out.
  6. Hey guys what did I miss??
  7. I have a volcano vaporizer. "Highly" recommend it!!
  8. Ok so just spoke with the lady from algonquins help desk. Told her we have reservations for May 4 and she told me that we should be good to go. Said that the park hopes to open may 4. From what I gathered from the talk it's different depending on what access point you start from. East side is at a lower elevation, therefore, a bit ahead of the west side which is "still stuck in winter".
  9. Hey guys, just got off the phone with Ontario parks and I was told as of the last email they received from the park it will be opening this weekend. She suggested to call the park directly to verify this but they haven't heard anything of a May 6 opening. Have fingers crossed she's correct, we go in May 4.
  10. Well said. Not enough quality shots. Guess we're used to being one of if not the top teams. Not this year I'm afraid. Oh well, the Finns are solid so Saturday morning could get ugly!
  11. Nice report! Can't wait to do that with my little girl:).
  12. That's awesome mike!! Love the video man!
  13. Ok so found it online. Appears it isn't self reeling. My bad! Called poletap smartrod on tackobox.com. To me it just takes any skill or fun out of the sport. Holding the rod anticipating the hit, working the lure is all part of the fun.
  14. Caught bits and pieces of it, I believe on cnn. Doing dishes while trying to listen to the full report so may have missed a bit about it but defiantly was referred to as "smart rod" and detects hits and sounds an alarm. The part about self reeling was relayed to me by my father. Just wanted to know if anyone had heard of it or could confirm. But definately on the news tonight!
  15. So was just watching the news and a guy from the states has invented the "smart rod." Forgive me if everyone knows about it but this is the first time over heard of it. Apparently this rod detects hits and an alarm sounds. upon picking up the rod it begins to reel in the fish on its own. Has anyone else seen this?
  16. Well I'm one of those civil servants you speak of. I did work yesterday and am picking up a shift today. I'm there to provide medical care for injured athletes as its mandatory in order for the games to go on. I work along with doctors, physiotherapists and chiropractors in the medical outposts. I guess I feel a little offended from some of the comments I have read but at the same time I'm not shocked. Many times I work for an uncaring and uneducated public until we are needed. Am I saying that all the monies spent are justified? Absolutely not but let's not paint every everyone with the same brush.
  17. Sorry to hear. Best of luck and a speedy recovery
  18. Beauty pics! Great season so far for sure
  19. Great report and awesome fish! Congrats!
  20. Here here! Happy Canada Day!!
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