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Everything posted by grimsbylander

  1. I'm glad I can't quote... By the posts on here it looks like some of the fans are the sucks. Win 8-0 or you're a bunch of over-paid, lazy bums. Try to understand more of the game than just how many times the flashing red light goes on behind the net.
  2. A point a game while playing those numbers would be good in regular NHL games. Doing it against the best hand picked players in the world is terrific.
  3. No sitting on the floor of the bathroom with your junk hanging out while eating a hotdog and waving at your buddies. Happens everytime Sobey'ski puts wieners on sale.
  4. Valiant attempt Mosquito but this is the jumping off point. This discussion will drop to any level you are willing to allow yourself to go.
  5. I don't know him either. I just know that there are enough disputes happening that dredging up a 4 year old one is ridiculas. You don't want to go? Don't. If we all needed to be warned every time he posted, I'm sure the good people that monitor this forum would have removed him long ago. I just don't think it's anyone's place to throw it in his face years later.
  6. That link was to posts 4+ years old? Are you kidding me? Unbelievable. Nice offer BRF. I hope you hook up with someone in your area and you slay 'em.
  7. The goalies know what's going on at ice level. If the percentage of pucks being deflected into the net was so high as to not substantiate getting a stick in the lane, it would be the goalies freaking out on their dman. After all it's a hit to their stats mainly. It's tough to have active sticks, cover passing lanes and block shots without some "friendly fire". They're like root canals...we only remember the bad ones.
  8. Lots of talk about what will pull the boat but that's only part of it. You have to stop it too and do it in an emergency on wet pavement. You also want highway speed stability. I had a V8 explorer and now have a V8 Silverado for pulling a 20' Ranger. The biggest difference is how the boat can't 'push' my Silverado around. Does the trailer have brakes? Single or tandem axle?
  9. It will be a great convenience for anyone needing a last minute item or two or for those without easy access to the US. I will no doubt stop into the new BPS in Niagara for things not worth crossing the border for but no one should expect the pricing or selection to be anything close to their US counterparts. The Cabelas I've been to Stateside are in Pennsylvania and Michigan. Those stores are between 225,000 and 250,000 sqft and are amazing to check out. The new Barrie location will be 70,000sqft and while that's better than nothing, it's half the size of BPS in Vaughn.
  10. Are we forgetting the Bronco II? They should have picked a different name.
  11. I'm waiting for the Cheektowaga, NY location. Closer and cheaper.
  12. Looks like a brand new 1979 International Scout..with much nicer wheels. Wish I had one, the Scout that is.
  13. Congrats to Team 5!! Nice fish in all categories is impressive.
  14. I'm going to remember that one! "How to go to twice as many Xmas parties as last year"! Great idea! LOL
  15. I have a yellow lab that I swear is one chromosome away from being a seagull. Opening our frig door is like throwing French fries in a McDonalds parking lot. That perch looks awesome!
  16. Maybe it's me but I'm getting too fed up with idiots to feel sorry for some of those drivers. They're the same ones that go past you on the QEW/40x doing 130+ and yet have no idea how to handle a vehicle if the back end steps out, if they need to stop suddenly or change lanes to avoid something. Watching that video was interesting, other than the people that just slowed down, I spotted only one driver that was smart enough to get off the snow-free icy lanes and use the snow covered right shoulder to scrub off speed. And yes, the people out walking around the crash area are just out of their minds...not to mention the bigger meatheads who decided that standing on the other side of the median, where the drivers are not having to slow down and most likely looking at a pile of smashed up cars, would be a better idea. It's just too easy to get a driver's licence and for some, too easy to keep it. This concludes today rant. Back to our regularly scheduled lives. LOL
  17. To bad the name for crappie fishing has already been taken.
  18. Nice looking catch! Braving the cold paid off well for you.
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