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Ron last won the day on February 12

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  1. https://www.psseasoning.com/products/no-504-german-salami-seasoning?_pos=1&_psq=No.+504&_ss=e&_v=1.0 This one we have used in the past. Enough for a 25lb batch.
  2. Hey Doug. We use a combination of commercial and home blend seasonings. There are a couple of FB groups with different seasoning recipies. The 1 German recipe was from PS Seasoning from the states, that's where the "Venison" casing came from. The other casings coligan and natural, came from a local supplier, Outpost Packaging in Hastings, Ontario. Their website is a little to be desired but they are a large commercial distributer. Majority of the local grocery stores that do in house sausage making get their supplies from here.
  3. Nice solid lamer! Man look how black she is.
  4. Well.... go big or go home... I built a smoker capable of holding about 300lbs of meat. The last few weekends, my nephew and I got into processing our wild game as well as pork and beef. Over the 2 long weekends we did up 110lbs of summer sausage, 15lbs pepperoni, 5lbs fresh Chorizo, 12.5 lbs dried Chorizo (7 week wait), 50lbs Willie's pepperettes, 12.5lbs Maple Habinero pepperettes, 12.5lbs Teriyaki pepperettes, 25lbs Homey BBQ, 30lbs moose sausage in hot Italian, mild Italian, and a new one to us, Philly cheese steak (will do this one again). To top it off, about 50lbs of brats. After all the processing we had 9lbs of cubed bacon left over. It got a 7 day cure and double smoked.
  5. That cold snap turned everything upside down!
  6. Welcome to one of the best forums still around Darrin. Cheers!
  7. I had 2 favorite cars. First was a 73 Cutlas with the 350 Rocket for a motor. A lot of high school memories with that car. One story, working at a gas station, I got to know the OPP guys quite well as they always got gas here. Working midnights, one buddy cop came in with a couple spray bombs of green paint. He told me to get the rear quarter panels painted as there was an APB on my car. After high school, I owned a 1981 Subaru Brat. That thing was bomb proof! I raced it on weekends, spent Monday getting it back together so I could get to work, only to race it again the following weekend. I even made Petersons Offroad Magazine with it! (these are just images off the net).
  8. Nice!
  9. Great memories of years gone by. Thanks for the read.
  10. Yup yup. Same as you, my truck ain't big enough for all the fishing gear I would take to fish multi species.
  11. By the looks of the this pic, you're older than dirt! HAHAHA. Oh, nice rebuild by the way. Time for a phone call, been a while. Cheers!
  12. HEY! Your on my spot! LOL I've spent many of years on that lake. It's sad to think I don't enjoy going there as much now. I've seen lots of changes, mostly how people disrespect the Lake and surrounding lands now. I've caught many respectful fish on that lake.
  13. So sorry to hear of Norms passing. I've spoken to Norm via messaging from here. He was a long time Angler on Rice Lake. His son had a trailer down at Sandercocks Camp. We hooked up 1 day and to my surprise, we have met in the past. Ironically, fishing on Rice Lake. We shared a lot of the same fishing holes that we figured "no one else would know". It was an honour knowing that gentleman.
  14. Hope you celebrated your anniversary in style. Congratulations to the pair of you. Oh, and I believe Monique would deserve a medal for that many years! Cheers!
  15. I caught my largest Rainbow on this rod. Float fishing in a boat with slip float 20ft down on a marabou fly I tied myself.
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