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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Screw the Ugly stick it's a piece of crap. If you have decent rod than it should be able to talk to you regardless . I have a 7ft comprey cut down to 5/6 and it's my go to trolling/throwing rod for big game. Mind you the reals have had some work outs. Don
  2. Try the old method. Throw a dart at the map and chase it down. Ya never know? Don
  3. Nice but the 26-7 whitey still rules on ice Still looking for a mentor on the rivers. hint Hint Salty
  4. keep your chin up and stay strong
  5. This is a warning to all looking to have renovations on their homes or properties. I have had the displeasure of running into this person. He goes by the name of Mike on the internet but as far as I can find his real name is Lee? I live and work in this region and have never met him before. He promotes himself as a flooring/finishing contractor/general contractor. HE IS NOT!! His work is sub standard to say the least. Lee contacted me in order to help him out for 2 days for a set price . I made the mistake of helping him out on a reno for 2 days outside of Shelburn he now owes me 1000$ and he is past due with no response from him for ten days. The owner of the house has now taken me on to fix a 4 page deficiency list as well as to finish Lee's contract obligations. I have put out the word on him and have found info on him . NONE of it is good. 3 Job sites incomplete . He takes a deposit gets the customer to pay for equipment and works for a day or two and gone . I have also found out that he does not pay the labourers as well. This guy is in need of a lesson in the back field!!!! Don.
  6. Always thinking eh bud. Cool product but you would need an above average understanding of building techniques and skill set to make it work in a remote setting . Don.
  7. Good question. I would think that the cowling around the engine is for the most part a sealed unit and it pulls air through ports on the back side closer to the prop shaft thus pulling clean damp air into the carbs. That would explain why marine oil is different than other types of engine oils.
  8. Is it just me or did we just get a wake up call? Cold north west wind in August?Brian just might be rite this time. Looking at my ice gear. Bring it on....

  9. X2 If it's the only property you own and you don't live in it than forget it !!! Save your money for the kids education and think about starting a part time business that you enjoy doing when you don't have the kids. I have gone through this twice . There is no easy fix. Good luck Don.
  10. Sounds like it may be time to take it to a marine mechanic . The motor is 20 yrs old. The recoil may be worn out causing it to lock up. As for the power check the compression and work back from there. Good luck.
  11. Until then the best we can do is shake things up buy voting against harper and hoping that the 3 parties WAKE UP.... It has been a long time since this country has had a leader with the balls to stand up and face the truth and be proactive. The lies and blame game is getting old....... Not one of the 3 main party leaders are able or worthy of running Canada.
  12. About 10 years at least.
  13. NICE Nothing like a big clean large mouth.
  14. You ever get the feeling that thing's just don't seem to add up?

    1. GBW


      If you run out of fingers and toes to use to count on then get a calculator ;)

    2. HTHM


      I'm limited to a 21 count.

  15. I went through this years ago the result was that my drag was to tight on the hook set because it was set for pulling fish out of slop. Now when I get the hook on I tighten up the drag. salty.
  16. Hard to go fishing when your working with turkeys....HMMMM

  17. Nice job. What are you pulling it with?
  18. Another good day on Simcoe. Hut is off and not one problem(Slick as Ice) and one more Whitey. Didn't stay for the witching hours....Any one want to go out on the weekend?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. dhickey


      It will go down hill quick when the snow starts to melt.I would think that the weekend will be a hard go if you don't have a sled.

    3. porkpie


      I have a sled, no worries. I just haven't had the bike out since the snow came and wanted to take it for a rip!

    4. Freshtrax


      I'll be out on the weekend. Firs time out on simcoe this year.


  19. Going to take the hut off Tuesday. That sucks. Hoping for a good day. Any one want to go get some fish on Sat or Sunday??

  20. Another good day..3 whiteys on Simcoe.Can't seem to get the Laker .Hmmmm

    1. Fisherman


      You are doing well, whities taste just a bit better than lakers.

    2. misfish




      Nice job Don.

  21. Where to get zippers replaced on a portable ice hut???? Hmmm . Looking for something in Barrie or south to Toronto.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dhickey


      I am kind of Looking for references..Any members with good experiences ? I don't want to guess on this.(It was a very cold day last Thursday...)

    3. misfish


      Canvas Worx

      14 Winstar Rd Oro, Ontario L0L2E0 705-487-3853


    4. Fisherman


      Barrie Tent & Awning, in behind the old Formosa Brewery

  22. 2 broken zippers on the portable hut and a 23" whitefish..It was a cold 13 hours on Simcoe today..3 whitefish iced today. 2 guys.

    1. Gerritt


      better then being at work!

  23. Hitting Simcoe on Tuesday any hints on how to please tho fish Gods???? Other than hopping for a good day.?

    2. misfish


      You picked a great day weather wise. BEAUTY DAY UP HERE

  24. Strange bite today on Simcoe..?Tail slap's /hit and runs 7 hook ups and nothing top side. Action all day ???? Frustration ... Arrrrggg

  25. I have fished Simcoe for the past 40 years and the changes make me wonder what's going on? My Dad and uncle fished it long before me and told me great tales of fish and I as a avid ice fisherman chased them and have had some insane experiernces . Are big fish still there?? I don't think so. Lots of perch and herring . Some whitefish but no where near what it was 10 years ago. Lakers not enough to chase after. Eyes/musky and pike hardly worth the effort. The lake has been over fished for the past 70-100 years and is becoming nothing more than a dead lake north of Toronto due to over population and fishing.
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