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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. If I were you I would head to my local archery shop they will probably have every size and thread... The store in Oshawa comes to mind it might be worth a call? Just a thought.. Don.
  2. The wake up call was loud and clear... Go Chicago ...
  3. Any way you look at it this is an odd year with the cold fall hard winter and late ice out the fish are reacting to different conditions. The long and short of it is YOU have to hunt for them and figure out what's going on. Don. Most of us are shaking our heads wondering what's up. Trout guys are happy.
  4. Looks like Chicago is getting a wake up call.... Go Chicago Go
  5. Its hard to come up with a price until the old floor is out. It could only cost 400$ but I doubt that. It would probably be closer to 1000$ including tear out /fixing sub frame and new install of floor. Materials./ labour 5/8 marine ply wood 240$ +/- supplies /adhesives/screws? rivets? 80 +/- Labour demo and install 30$hr(cheep) 12hrs 360 +/- fixing wear and tear under the floor I.E structural /alterations ????? (wild card) 200 +/- _____ 880$
  6. Sounds like you might need a cabinetmaker/finish carpenter ? Gee I wonder where you could find one close to you? Don. Go chicago
  7. That could be you one day.
  8. Spent the last 4 days chasing lake trout near Bancroft and a we got nothing but a small shaker and small mouth. The interesting thing was that I didn't see 1 bass bed? It's a deep lake and the water was frigid (like ice) Any other observations? Don
  9. Lots of black flies and no lakers. Wont go there again till the bass opens.
  10. Looks like Cherry had a little to much booza sitting on the dock..
  11. Well I guess we will find out if they have the skill and talent to get to the final. Glen if that was a dig at me . I have been a Chicago fan as well as a Boston fan for 40yrs. I haven't seen the hit on Price but I'm sure I will see a replay during the game. Don.
  12. Get rid of the junk first and start from there.
  13. What's going on here ??? I've been away for 5 days fishing and I come home Price is out?? What happened? I guess that only leaves Chicago. And yes no cells or tv..
  14. If there wont be any fish left than you might want to think about leaving them alone for a while? you got to let them breed .
  15. Concrete should never be covered/painted unless its below grade.(foundations) The problem with concrete is the its like a sponge it loves water and it never stops curing it fails with age and this causes cracks witch lets in moisture and the dreaded freeze thaw cycle . If it is not cracked then you may want to look into a stain colour and that would still allow the concrete to breath. ch312 is on the rite track surface prep is extremely important as well as understanding what your looking at. Just keep this in mind . If its old concrete /cracked than nothing will provide you with a long term solution.. Don.
  16. Sounds like science is winning. I read an article last year stating that the walleye slot size was to small because the females were being kept before spawning age. It also stated that walleye were growing at a faster rate than predicted when the slot size program was implemented . It also stated that the health of other fish is good and flourishing ie. perch /bass and pike. This also suggest that that the lake is healthy. It is going through a transition with the return of cormorants / increased angling pressure/ and stakeholders who invested in tourism not to mention aboriginal claims. I think the MNR is doing a great job of being the man in the middle of all these outside pressures . Don.
  17. Well this game sucks... Im going to bed.. Go BOSTON Don.
  18. Beer works best and if its any help the alcohol evaporates almost instantly . I have tried water (its ok) and milk as well as milk and water 50/50. If you use water only then add a pinch of garlic and steak spice and whole wheat flour. Its good. The kids will love it. Don.
  19. You guys are in a world unto your own. If you think the (habs) have the talent or skill to get past Boston never mind making it to the final than its either me or you that's delirious.. According to you boys its me. BOSTON Don.
  20. Meanwhile Chicago is getting a wake up call.
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