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Everything posted by mukluk

  1. Nice fish. I have been over to the bog several times this year; caught a number of eyes around 1-2 lbs. but nothing that large. Lots of crappie . congratulations!
  2. Atv's and snowmobiles are travelling the western arm of Scugog at least up to Goreskies. Beyond that could be dangerous in spots. Check first.
  3. Saw 2 half ton pickups out on Scugog yesterday morning. They left the launch in Port Perry heading north along the shoreline which had open water in spots last Monday. Went clean out of sight; horizontally not vertically!
  4. In Thunder Bay; I hear the 'porky's even hijack the salt trucks!
  5. All the best Lew. Have a great day.
  6. Shouldice is the best place to go in my opinion. Had my hernia fixed about 12 years ago; no problems since. People were even arriving from Europe to get fixed up.
  7. Priceless jwl! lmao
  8. Lowrance all the way for me. I would be sceptical on purchasing a unit that combines both fishfinder and gps; in case one has a brain f$rt. The gps H2oc I use on my 4 wheeler and boat; all seasons. The fishfinder X-67c ; excellent clarity and speed. Both user friendly. Both get a work out on Lake Simcoe when it"s sometimes -10f no problems.
  9. Man I sure enjoyed those pictures! Thanks for sharing.
  10. Looks like a Water Moccassin to me. They are found throughout Muskoka and Haliburton Highlands. Not poisoness; but sometimes aggressive!
  11. Had a similar problem with my rototillar. Removed the bowl on the carburator and inspected the operation of the float and valve. Found the small and I mean small spring was missing which links the two. Float dropped as gas was used but valve would occasionallystay in up or shut-off position. Went to the dealer and purchased a carb kit for $2.38; problem fixed.
  12. I can tell by Frasers picture that he was a #1 friend and companion. Eager to please ; hurry up and throw the stick will you. Sorry for your loss Barnie.
  13. mukluk


    I am an electrician (construction and maintenance) also union and proud of it! Started the trade in 1967 and just retired last month. Going union gives you and your family (future) plenty of benefits such as pension plan and health plans. Sometimes work can be sparse however if one were to specialize in fire alarm, PLC's, motor drives etc then most likely clear sailing. Hours of work are 37.5 /week with anything over at double bubble. I personally loved my job and would do it all over again.
  14. Lady luck loves you Lew! (tongue twister). Congratulations. Over the years I have donated $1100.00 but like you mentioned to a very worthwhile cause.
  15. Man those pictures are fabulous; enjoyed the trip immensely. It's like I was sitting in the canoe with you. Beauty fish. Thanks for sharing again.
  16. Better take 11.5 loonies with you! Heard tonite launching fees at the park went from 7 dollars to 11.50. Unreal eh!
  17. Awsome pictures Moosebunk! Thanks for sharing. It's been a lot of years since I last visited Moose Factory.
  18. Nice one! Looks good on you. Congratulations.
  19. Question: Do you have cormorants in the house? Sorry bro could not help myself. Try a plant lice spray available at the garden /nursery centre.
  20. Hope the young muskie can outswim the black plague (cormorant). Small fish are sitting ducks for those scavengers. One bird can eat a pound of fish per day.
  21. The picture of the young lad with the perch reminded me of the times Dad would take my brother and me perch fishing off Viginia beach. We had an old hut and could see them bite as the water was only 8ft. deep. That was 52 years ago and I'm still "hooked on Lake Simcoe fishing today! Hope the same thing happens to your boys.
  22. If I see your car on the 401 tomorrow; I will be calling the law on your behalf! Hope you get it back safe and sound.
  23. Tried a lot of different batteries over the years and found "Interstate" 12 volt deep cycle to be one of the best!
  24. The starting battery in my 450 Honda will no longer hold a charge. Any advice on a new type of replacement? Which battery is the best priced and most dependable? Thanks in advance. Jim
  25. Wow! Sure has horseshoes up his a--!
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