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Everything posted by JFR

  1. Thats great news Rick, happy for you that everything is going to work out, and shortly Jack will be back to his old self. We all worry when our pets are sick or inured, you are not alone. John
  2. Rick sorry to learn about your budz mishap. These animals gives us unconditional love and loyalty and in return they expect us to care for them. Money is not an issue when it comes to my pets health and well being. Rest yourself, and try to have a Merry Christmas. John
  3. We wish everyone and very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year John and Diane Ross
  4. Nice toy, Joey. Congratulations.
  5. What you want is a dual stage snow blower, the minimum of 8hp and 24" cutting path. Anything smaller and you will be working the machine and your self too hard. I have a 8hp 24" Toro snow blower, and have been using it for the past 15 years. My own drive way is 80' by 30' and capacity of 6 vehicles. Other than routine maintainence, I have not had any problems. Toro are sold through a dealer network, and all have service departments. With other makes you have to source your own small engine repair shop, and warranty issues can be a nightmare. You can spend the extra money now and buy quality, or..............
  6. It's quite heavy now in Stroud. When I got up at 600 this morning, other than wind there was no snow to speak of. I just shoveled 4" off my walkway, and the missus is shovelling the same amount from the back deck. She is clearing away the BBQs so I can cook her supper Stay save and don't drive unless it is absolutely necessary. John
  7. The results look good on the pompous windbag, and he has to do 85% of the sentance B4 elegible for parole
  8. Well done, Chris Thanks for sharing
  9. WOW! congrats on your "kill" and thank you for the excellent narrative. John
  10. My deepest condolences to you and your family. Relish in your memories. John
  11. Saddened by the loss of your mother. Our condolences to you and your family John and Diane
  12. Steve, thanks for coming on board and clearing this up. The loss of your friend no doubt will be hard, you and others did the best you could. My condolences to you and to Serge's family. John
  13. Thank you for sharing your Canada experience. I wish you all the best upon returning to England. Keep in touch, look forward to your rports from home. John
  14. Have a great day, fellas
  15. I too, would like to add my best wishes for a safe, happy and bountiful g2g. Looking forward to the reports and phishin' porn next week. John
  16. If necessary, I use raw sugar which is ground sugar cane. I only use this sugar when I make BBQ spice rubs, otherwise I do not use any. You can buy this groud sugar and is sold as Turbinado Sugar. Our society has been brainwashed into thinking our food must have all these additives. Foods taste much better when you can illiminate white sugar and salts and other preservatives, and you will be healthier for it. I did try Stevia once, it left a horrible aftertaste, much like the artificial sweeteners. John
  17. Cliff, Sounds like a good deal for ice fishing and snowmobiling. The Ice Riders IS NOT APPROVED by Transport Canada as a personal floatation device in a watercraft. Two years ago late Nov. my buddies and I were stopped by the OPP/MNR marine unit, my buddy had one of the Ice rider suits, and was advised by the officers that it was not approved. Fortuantely we had extra PFDs on board and he let it pass. Perhaps if you had a couple of PFDs in the boat while wearing these, you should be OK. John
  18. Buy yourself a good set of bolt cutters such as Knipex. I prefer cutting the hook.
  19. Have a safe trip and take care of yourself budz. See you next spring. John
  20. absolutely beautiful. Tears a plenty as I remember the posts. Be strong John
  21. Stuntman, Here is the link you will need. http://www.tc.gc.ca/BoatingSafety/menu.htm good luck John
  22. Our deepest condolences on the passing of your father. our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. John and Diane Ross
  23. congrats. That's calm water John
  24. Harry, my deepest condolences on the passing of your father. Reading your tribute, your father had a good life. Keep all your memories in your heart, and Dad will always be with you. Regards, John and Diane Ross
  25. Congrats Ron! Nice fish. Now everything else will be anti climatic John
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