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Everything posted by JFR

  1. Hey, Budz, I'm still waiting for a response to the PM I sent you two days ago. John
  2. Mike you are so right, time is fleeting. thank you for sharing your trip with your Dad. May you be blessed with many more John
  3. Check with JB's in Rexdale, he has crimps, sleeves and crimping pliers available, as well as heavy Fluoro-carbon John
  4. Jen Those pieces of salmon are starting to look good. If you have an instant read thermometer, check the internal temp at the biggest point. Temp should be about 155-160degrees F. The internal temp of your smoker should bee about 200-225 degrees F at the dome, and you can control this by opening and closing the bottom vents. The top vent should be opened full all the time. More air flow= hotter temps, less air flow=lower temps. Once you are satisfied that your salmon is to your desired doneness, take from the smoker and refrigerate. Once the salmon has cooled then you will be good to sample. Tasting right off the smoker, the fish will be a little soft or mushy. Here is a link that I have used when I was starting to smoke salmon http://www.salmonuniversity.com/rs_htss01_index.html If I can help any further, drop me a PM Good luck John
  5. Use the smallest ball bearing or barrel swivel you can feel comfortable with to attach main line to leader, the use a small cross lock or stringeze snap to attach leader to lure. Visibilty factor is not an issue. A 24 to 36" leader will suffice in most instances. Your leader should never be longer that the rod you are using. Tight lines John
  6. Very sad indeed. Anytime a child looses the battle with cancer is a very sad day. A very class act by Mike Fisher, and it just shows you that most sports celebrities are a class unto themselves, always reaching out to the infirm and less fortunate. For Elgin-Alexander Fraser, Go Sens Go John
  7. I use a Weber Smokey Mountain. This year I purchased a Char-Griller offset smoker/grill. Here are a couple of sites that will get you started with low and slow ribs and other meat & poultry http://www.bbqtalk.ca/ http://bbqu.net/ http://www.virtualweberbullet.com/index.html http://www.thesmokering.com/ Good luck, John
  8. Chris You will have to comply with Transport Canada requirements for equipment. Here is a link that will help: http://www.boatingsafety.gc.ca/ You are required to have a Radio Operators Licence to operate a VHF radio. Check with your local Power Squadron and find out when the next course is. You will also require a copy of the boat registration in the boat, ie: the numbers on the side of the boat. (At purchase, you should have received the licence from the seller) You go to a Service Canada office and change the ownership into your fathers name. Enjoy your first outing John
  9. I have never used Power Pro in the low # test, but I would imagine that 15# test would be sufficient on a spining reel. I would use an 6-8# test fluoro leader. John
  10. Good news, my thoughts and prayers with you and your family. John
  11. Why not try Swife Canoe and Kayak Co in Dwight Ontario http://www.swiftcanoe.com/ The company make fantastic canoes, and at the end of the season sell their rental fleet. When you contact them enquire about their travelling sales show. I think they make a stop in Kitchener. When I was able to trip into Algonquin Park, I would always rent their canoes, stable, lightweight, and can carry a large load. John
  12. Great report, thanks for sharing. Haven't read any of your reports for a while, your school ciriculum heavy? John
  13. Late arrival today, seems like I missed quite a bit, or maybe not. Thanks Rick for taking care of it. John
  14. Welcome Hedfish to the show that never ends! Contrary to what you might have read, we don't mind answering questions. Enjoy your stay. John
  15. A little late, but have a great vacation, take care of Leah, and enjoy the new toy. Regards John
  16. Go ahead Joey, have a great day times two. John
  17. Great report as usual Joey. Too bad about the pictures. How was dinner, how did you cook the pike? John
  18. Sam Not a rant. Thank you for the insight. I must be one of the few that does not purchase fishing tackle through Bass Pro or Cabellas. I have enjoyed visiting the Bass Pro shop, other than some clothing, they really have nothing that appeals to me. All my purchases are done through small local retailers, and I like it that way. John
  19. Enjoy your day, whatever it holds. John
  20. Steve, Excellent report on your opener. Healthy looking pike. Thank you for sharing. John
  21. Sweeeeet, red cedar?
  22. Let's put this matter into perspective. Dale Jr and his sister Kelley are entitled toa fair share of DEI. Step mother Theresa, did not want to be part with the majority (51%) of the company. DEI is not spending money on their shop, and new technology to run with the bigger teams, therefore, #8 is only running in the middle of the pack. Jr. as he has stated in yesterday's press conference, wants to concentrate on racing and winning the cup. By going with RCR (his preference) this will become a reality. Read it all at http://www.nascar.com/ John
  23. Closed during the week, but will be open weekends.
  24. Check out the classifieds on this board, I have a gently used G Loomis IM6, 6wt rod for sale, as well as a Lamson Reel/spare reel for sale. Personally, I wouldn't be spending lottas $$$ for your first outfit. What would you have to look forward to when adding additional rods/reels. If you have an interest PM me and we can discuss prices, etc. John
  25. Here is a link to a well written essay on Navagible waters in Ontario. There may be links contained that will direct you to the appropriate statutes relating to water rights. http://www.greybruceoutdoors.com/guestwrit...blewaters.shtml John
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