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Everything posted by Beans

  1. $0.88 per liter...WOW ! I thought we did well paying $0.92.5 yesterday in town... Glad you and Pete got into a couple of them shoal carps...
  2. Looks like coloured tapioca to me...
  3. Good one Hammer...first time I've heard it! At my age, there aren't too many "firsts" anymore...
  4. What the @#$%^&* !!! Still coming down on the north shore of Pigeon Lake...
  5. Hey Terry...16 Nov 2006 (or thereabouts) is when we all joined OFC I believe...
  6. Congrats on getting a deer...this report will have Tony and Meely chompin' at the bit
  7. Adrianne...WTG girl !!! How come no picture of you holding the fish ?
  8. I remember reading your post vividly that day Gerritt...couldn't believe my eyes...and the outpouring of love and affection from all your OFC friends... To me, that was the day that OFC became family...
  9. I add stabilizer to all my gas cans when refilling on the advise of a good friend... 3.33 ml per liter of fresh gas...
  10. Congrats Wayne and Dano !!! Dinner at Roy's and no Paella ??? Well I never...
  11. Hey Boss...Don't know about the other suggestions but mine paid off to the tune of $17.90 for a $2 win ticket at Sudbury Downs last night...
  12. Just notified my sons of the swill...I hope they can make it...
  13. Ya did good Dawg...congrats !!! Guess you got home in time to trim de turf eh ???
  14. A bit too soon for taking on another cat just yet Ernie... Thanks for all the kind words folks... If this thread helps save one animal from suffering the same agony then Rocky's death served some purpose... Cheers Mates Beans
  15. I hope you have a speedy recovery...mine took a bit longer but then I'm getting a little long in the tooth and don't bounce back as quick as I used to...
  16. Warning Anti-Freeze Spills Due to somebody’s neglect to clean up / cover up a spill, our small cat died a horrible death…(burnt mouth and stomach, complete renal shutdown of kidneys and liver) No animal deserves to die this way be it a dog, cat. skunk, raccoon, fox, etc. We are posting this in the hope that your pet does not suffer the same fate and that our beloved “Rocky” did not die in vain… I know that lots of us on the board drive old cars or like to do their own "flush and fills" but please be carefull to mop up afterwards... So long Rocky...we sure miss you... Geeeze...Who da thought a hard-bitten old wino from the corner of Coxwell and Queen St would get all blubbering over some silly little cat...
  17. I'm hearing good things about the four horse in the sixth race at Sudbury Downs next Saturday...
  18. Great father/daughter repot Dave... Reminded me of the times I spent fishing with my daughter...Oh my how she loved to go fishing with her dad and the feeling was mutual...
  19. Well done Mike !!! Canada, OFC and CAG are all proud of your accomplishment...Awe youth...
  20. WOW !!!...that video sure put a yo-to in my throat... I hope he makes it !!!
  21. There are a few of us in the Lindsay/Peterborough area and further north in the Kawarthas... I'm about an hour from there...
  22. The big horse is running in the 10th race at Kawartha Downs on Saturday Night... Trouble is...If you bet more than $200 the horse becomes odds-on favourite... Oil companies seem to be doing well...
  23. Great job on that tune... Maribeth stood here to listen...she thought I was playing a "Peter, Paul and Mary" tune at first...
  24. If you had purchased $1,000.00 of Nortel stock one year ago, today it would be worth $49.00. With Enron, you would have $16.50 left of the original $1,000.00. With WorldCom, you would have less than $5.00 left. If you had purchased $1,000.00 of Delta Air Lines stock you would have $49.00 left. But, if you had purchased $1,000.00 worth of beer one year ago, drank all of it, then turned-in the cans for the aluminum recycling refund, you would have $214.00. Based on the above information, the best current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.
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