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Everything posted by Beans

  1. You shoulda been up here at 01:15 pm Cliff ... We had a doozey of a storm hit...like you, I like to watch...sat on my screened-in back porch...probably have to bilge out the "Tin" before I use her...
  2. Geeeeze..."bout time you posted...I've been waiting for your report ever since we met out by "Gordon's Rocks" on Sunday... WTG Lisa (Musky-Goddess)... I hope the boys thanked you for driving the boat to all the "hot" spots...
  3. I believe you too Cliff (when thousands wouldn't )
  4. Welcome to the club Taper...My bro-in-law and fishing partner both agree that our minds must shift into "stupid" mode when we start thinking of going fishing... Things like forgetting the auger when going icefishing...leaving the days lunch sitting on the kitchen table...etc. etc...
  5. I dunno Dawg...even though one of our regular "swims" is still producing the fish seem to be smaller...(well the ones CPH has landed...mine were about 12 to 15 lbs but fewer) mind you he did get a couple around the 25 lb mark and two "mirrors"...too bad we stopped carrying our cameras but we got way too many pics of us with carp...Previous years the average fish was 20 pounds...
  6. You're right Dawg...it happens right after my alarm goes off on my bank stick and I feel the rush of of my first carp of the season...
  7. Oh No...it seems the lakes that were spared the carp die-off last year are getting hit this year...
  8. BUT...will it withstand the run of an angry 30 lb CARP ???
  9. 1957 Ford Fairlane...Black/white like this one: My bro-in-law (fresh outa the pen in Kingston) had it so fine tuned it ticked like a clock and oh my how it could scoot away when the lights changed... If memory serves me right It was repossed by the finance company because we were two months late in our payments... Then started my love affair with Volkswagon beetles: Oldest was a 1953 with the turn signals on arms that popped out beside the doors unless some mother's child had bent them enough that they stuck... Brand new 1966 Bahama Blue with a gas heater...could get it up to 90 mph on the long grade coming south from Lindsay on hwy 35...my kids learned to drive it on the ice at Lake Simcoe before they were of age...
  10. Breakfast TV had a short blurb this morning in recognition of license free (conservation limits) family weekend July 4,5,6... The official they had doing the demonstration of tackle etc. mentioned there are 52 different locations to catch fish in the GTA...
  11. Ya Dawg...watch it eh ! We still got a couple of rusty muskets left over from the last time and our Navy has a leaky boat or two...be afraid...be very afraid ... Kidding aside...Have a good holiday ...Y'all !!!
  12. Hey Roy...don't believe him... by sticking to his diet he is fading away to a ton... Way to go guys with the shoal carp!!!...Steve and I did well with the other type... Well except for yesterday...I was straight from skunk city while Steve caught 4 and missed 3...didn't care for my dog chow ground bait I guess...
  13. Not sure about Wall Mart/K Mart...my bro-in-law and I got ours at Bass Pro Shop...
  14. You could try the fishing only pier outside the Harbourmaster's building at Couchiching Beach Park...usually a few pike roaming around and the odd bass...
  15. Sometimes right off Big Cliff's dock but don't tell anybody...
  16. Maribeth and I had a grand time at Lakair... We are sorry to hear that Leslie's mom passed away and we offer our sympathy and prayers...
  17. Too many useless pike, pickerel, bass, and musky (sorry Lew) around our lakes also...lets hope these species get hit next with some sort of virus... There...how does it feel to have your species of choice attacked ??? Do you not understand that while we are fishing for carp we are leaving all the others for you to catch... OFC Carp Anglers Unite !!!
  18. No dead carp seen on the upper side of the dam at Bobcaygeon today...Saw several live jumpers that seemed to be laughing at me as none would pull on my string...miserable sots !!! Oh well...maybe the bass will be more co-operative tomorrow...
  19. As expected with the die-off of thousands of carp last year there are not as many being caught at our favourite ''swims'' this year in the Kawarthas and those that are seem to be smaller...haven't seen any dead ones this year but will have a closer look for some later today while I try my luck...
  20. Me too...Didn't miss much carpwise around here while at Lakair last week according to Crappieperchuunter...maybe give the dam a try tomorrow AM then get my bass stuff ready for Saturday...so many species....so little time... Nice catches guys!!!
  21. 'Skeeters were the worst culprits last week at Lakair... Check out the bug report on the weather network for the area you are headed for... Dang bugs !!!...
  22. Must have had sumpin' to do with that snazzy blueish rainsuit he was wearing...
  23. Oh cripes !!!...speakin' of the blind leading the blind... My parting words to some were..."I am not committing to next year yet...at my age I don't make any long-range plans or investments"...
  24. Seriously...the minimum up there is 48 inches...
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