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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Still one of my favorite ways to fish...love to see a good pickerel chop on the lake when I get down there... I always keep an orange marker to throw out to mark a "catch"...along with my fishfinder to mark mid-lake humps...run back upwind and try to drift past the "marker"... Motv8tr and I drift fished for our fish up at Lakair...
  2. As a member of thefishinglakesimcoe.com board I knew the other members got real uptight if you asked questions of any other lakes etc...Someone posted the OFC site and I gave it a shot as I had retired and was looking to move to the Kawarthas...There was a lot of dissing going on at that time (early 2002) so I got no answer...about a week later I posted my thanks but no thanks..."I can see you boys are too busy flaming each other!" Not sure if it was Roy or Big Cliff that replied back and apologized and said to stick around...Like Lew said, "the rest was history"...
  3. Happy 39th Cliff... You and Jack Benny eh?
  4. No Timmies...but...Kevin and Leslie make a mighty fine brew over at the lodge... I wasn't supposed to post if'n I ain't comming...
  5. Sorry to hear this news Paul... I was sitting beside your group just before the trophy presentation...I'm glad it was him that won it... My condolences to you and yours...
  6. Just as well...I never could figure out how to flush one of those Johnie-on-the-spots...
  7. Way to Go...Jack and Jackie !!! And a Happy Birthday to the Missus also...
  8. Very informative first report Lorne... Reminds me of a British friend of ours that likes to bury his hair rig into his ground bait ball on his method feeder or puts it in his PVA bag so that it is right in the mix when it breaks down... Again, welcome to OFC...
  9. ''If we had known grandchildren were so much fun... We would have had them first''... Congrats and enjoy...
  10. I wish I could help but I am zero for six trips at present... Other than pass on what was told to me...Keep trying !!! BTW...welcone to the wonderful world of OFC...
  11. Just got in from being on the lake and read my e-mail...Dang Maribeth and I send our condolences to Gary's family... I only met Gary in person once up at Lakair three years ago and spent a pleasant afternoon with him and Amy out in his boat...it turns out we had a lot in common besides our love of fishing...I'll miss our exchange of e-mails...
  12. Hey Art... You're dog has a striking resemblance to Spiel's...
  13. Hey Paul...was wonderin' where you was...
  14. Wise guy eh Dawg ??? Everybody wants to be a comedian...there are no straight men anymore... Hey Meely...What is uncle Vinney (the chin's ) number or Guido's...
  15. Geeeze can I borrow your book on humility when you finish writing it douG ???...
  16. Gotta agree with Rich... They do make a good read !!!
  17. You should visit a Bass Pro Shop at least once in your lifetime just for the experience...try to make it on a visit to Florida... Same could be said for Cabela's I guess... I get to go to Vaughan once in a while as our family doctor is still in Richmond Hill and that is only a twenty minute drive further...no way would I drive the 2 1/2 hours to BPS only...Hell, I don't drive to Lindsay or P'boro unless it is for several items at today's gas prices... Like I said it is an experience...
  18. Welcome to the wonderful world of retirement... Hopefully you will soon wonder how you ever had time to go to work !!!
  19. Never did hear how 'lookinfor walleye' did at Limerick ???
  20. He'll look like a white Marvin as soon as he grows a 'stache... Cute pup you got Jack,a real beauty...Congrats!
  21. Not to worry...some of us believe you when thousands wouldn't... CPH and I have not taken any pictures since last year...not much to take pictures of anyways... Maybe a change of scenery will make a difference this week...
  22. 17 lb XT mono with a 12 lb flourocarbon hair rig... Hopefully the hair rig will break first and I only lose a hook...feeders are hard to come by up this way !
  23. Years ago a person could buy a spinning reel that came with a large capacity spool and a smaller capacity spool...(Mitchell 300)... Zebco spools came with a plastic core that you could remove to make them larger capacity... I notice most reels today come with 2 spools but both are the same capacity... Most bait runners for carp come with large capacity reels...
  24. Damn !!!....I knew I should have taken a mechanic's course instead of accounting when I finished grade twelve at the age of thirty-six... And we kid about the newfies being slow...Sheeeese !
  25. Seeing as how I was driving...It was a constant Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep... I'll try to get down to the docks later to see if I can get you the rest of the info... Stopped by one of the local marinas after carp fishing and they said if it is the water pump/impeller they gave me a ball park figure of $150 for parts plus $95 per hour labour (prob at least 2 hours)... I haven't the slightest idea if this is fair or not ???
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