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Everything posted by Beans

  1. I'm thinkin' some of those white ones or pink/white might catch a crappie in the spring depending on the size of the hooks... Might replace the "Tony Specials" EH ?
  2. I gave up that nasty habit many moons ago ...but I always thought the Atherly Arms on the east side of the bridge over the narrows looked interesting Last time we drove by, it looked like it was closed but I'm sure some on here can confirm...
  3. A ball point pen was the model for the first Senko...
  4. I saw it on CHEX-TV 06:00 o'clock news...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I'd of had a heart attack, I think...
  5. I have no idea what Beans was going on about here LOL. Actually I was asking the Fishing Gods "Where in the Hell is my fish?"...
  6. We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your mom Lew... I know from some of the pictures you have posted of her over the years, she must have been a lovely lady... Our condolences to you and your family... Maribeth and Beans
  7. What's with all this foul language ??? WORK is a four letter word don't you know !!!
  8. I was up at 04:00 am... Cripes it is dark at Lew o'clock...
  9. Anybody got any recent info...ice conditions? snow depth? lure choices? Small group of OFNers heading up early tomorrow...targetting crappie mostly...
  10. "It is our opinion that you would be lucky to get him to work for you !" Sueable ???
  11. I've always used a two-way spreader with my tip-ups...I found the three-way was one too many hooks to get caught on the ice at the bottom of the hole when bringing up a fish...mostly used 2 to 2 1/2 inch emerald shiners either live or salted for whitefish...
  12. Great shot Lorne...Thanks for posting...
  13. A thermos of chicken broth and a couple of spam g'weeches...lots of fat content to help keep you warm...some shortcake cookies... unless... You are at the Tyler G2G...then it is a sausage-on-a-bun mit saurkraut (worth at least a $5 donation)
  14. Great report guys...where was Meely ???
  15. Can't help you with the shipping but I thought you might enjoy this: TURPENTINE VS HOLY WATER A little boy was sitting on the curb with a gallon of turpentine,shaking it up and watching all the bubbles. A while later a Priest came along and asked the little boy what he had. The little boy replied, 'This is the most powerful liquid in the world, it's called turpentine.' The Priest said, 'No, the most powerful liquid in the world is Holy Water. If you take some of this Holy Water and rub it on a pregnant woman's belly, she'll pass a healthy baby.' The little boy replied, 'You take some of this turpentine and rub it on a cat's ass, he'll pass a Harley Davidson.'
  16. Any coffee shops close by ???
  17. Jeff...try sending Ron a PM Seems to me he used to icefish there for crappie...
  18. This is all I could come up with Jack http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/travelcosts/ Don't know if you need a separate form to clam these expenses or if there is a schedule included in the F-1 General form...? Further:...expenses can be claimed on line 330 of the tax form. also...meals/accomodation can be claimed... If you can drive yourself it is all kms over 80 kms x 55.5 cents per km and only your meal can be claimed even if your spouse accompanies you but if she is with you because the doctor sez you need him/her to drive you home you could claim meals for both...then you would claim all kms over 40 kms x 55.5 cents per km I hope this helps...
  19. Nice promo for the upcoming Fishing for Tyler Event on 14th Feb and for the OFC community site on "A" news this morning... I felt sorry for Lou from the Simcoe Bait And Tackle store...fished real hard for the three hours but ...NADA...oh well...that's fishin'...
  20. And then, you could also try some after-shave...
  21. I learned that from you Shelley...LOL
  22. Wash your hands with a blob of ketchup...
  23. Cripes...not only do I lose my ride but we lose the little ole sausage-on-a-bun maker too... Sorry to hear you can't make it Cliff...
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