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Everything posted by Beans

  1. Damn glad to see you didn't have that bluegill on a chain...
  2. Way back when during my bartending/drinking days I invented a drink we called a "Rifleman" after the TV show of the same name... It was basically a rye and gingerale highball with a dash of anisette...goes down easy like drinking a glass of beer but watch out trying to stand up after a few...
  3. Just remembered one of the excercises my therapist gave me to do at home between sessions with him... Sit sideways at a table with your hand dropping over the edge at the wrist...start with a 10 oz.tin of soup and lift it up and down a few times using only the wrist and then stop and rest...repeat a few times...I used my wrist brace on my forearm in the beginning...eventually increasing the weight...
  4. I got mine from screwing...liturally ! I ended up going to see the Blue Jays doctor...at that time he ran a sports medicine clinic at The Mount Sinus Hospital... Lots of heat, cold treatments, excercise and ultra sound... Took about three months to clear up but I would get the odd twinge once in a while afterwards Good luck BTW...I bought a cordless screwdriver soon afterwards...
  5. There was CAKE !!! Nobody told me there was cake... DANG ! I likes cake...
  6. All the best Lew... You'll soon catch up to Nanook and me...
  7. Dawg's ok...Big Chuck is there to protect him...
  8. This can't be by our crusty old 'Bama Dawg !!! That would take the fun out of reading his posts...
  9. Hey Art...get your mayor to call in the army and tell them to bring shovels like Toronto did...
  10. That must be why the Pizza place closed early for the season...
  11. What Art sez Peter...and I hope things work out well...
  12. Maybe it's just some ash blowing over from California ???
  13. WTG Guys !!! Must be 300 some odd pounds...looks bigger than Meely... If you're making sausages for the barbie next spring...can you make a couple of mild ones for me ?...
  14. I am a year younger than my good friend Nanook so I know first hand what he sez...I need to bring a chair with me or be sitting down in a boat as my back won't take standing to cast for hours on end anymore... This is where carp fishing lends itself to us older anglers...once we are all set up we park ourselves in our chairs and tell each other lies while waiting for a hit... Thanks to Crappieperchhunter as he is still agile enough to scramble down to the shoreline to unhook the odd carp I manage to bring in at Carp Point...
  15. You can do it Rich but as long as you tell yourself you can't, you won't... If you need a couple of good reasons take a look around and think what harm your second hand smoke is doing to them... Hang in there Bernie...The best is yet to come !
  16. "Spose I should take a run down to the shoreline and try one last time for some crappie...weather calling for a rain/snow mix later this afternoon...sounds like perfect weather for them...same conditions as last spring, only the big boys (12 to 15 inchers) were around...Watta Hoot !!!...Bloody cold tho...
  17. Hemostats/forceps are a much easier tool to use to extract a hook from a fish especially when fishing from shore as when carp fishing...unlike long nosed pliers you can clamp the hemostats/forceps to your clothing in any handy spot and they are always with you when needed...Rapala makes a good one as pictured below, but most surgical instrument suppliers have them at a cheaper price...
  18. Above the dam at Hastings on the north side of the river about a kilometer west of the stoplights there is a launch that I believe is free...the bass tournament guys use it often and have their weigh-ins close by... Only 7 days left to fish there...The Kawartha Lakes close November 15th...
  19. I got back into fishing for carp about four years ago...congrats on your catches... One thing I would like to suggest before some of the other carp fishermen on here get upset...try not to land your fish on cement or rocks as thrashing around like they do can harm them internnaly...try to lie them on some grass if handy or better yet buy a carp fishing mat... Crappieperchhunter and I like to release them with hemostats at the shoreline without taking them completely out of the water...
  20. Unfortunately most websites are area specific...Lake Simcoe, Scugog, Cook's Bay Bay of Quinte etc. Try doing a "Google" search...
  21. ''I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades, and there had better be a lot of money to take its place! '' I've learned that no matter how hot and steamy a relationship is at first , eventually the dust settles...then you got to do some dusting...
  22. CTV News @ 06:00-Toronto had a clip of some guys surfing off Bluffer's Park...huge waves !!! You sure didn't want to be out in that water...
  23. Good on you Bernie... Just keep the mindset that nothing...absolutly nothing is worth lighting up another smoke... Nothing so grand, so great, is worth lighting up to celebrate... Nothing so bad, so sad is worth lighting up to mask your sorrow... I am over 21 years smoke-free and rarely think about smoking and feel sorry for those I see out standing in the cold outside having a puff...especially outside the Hospitals with their IV poles attached...
  24. I would have put the Mitchel 300 Spinning reel at the top of the list... It sure opened up a whole new world of fishing for me...
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