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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. 1023 and counting, please vote cause cohos are 10x the fish chinook will ever be, and readily bite in rivers
  2. Great lookin fish there Darren, muskie is in perfect shape and very peerty
  3. Seasons still open for another week and a half in zone 17, and all year in 20, or take lots of pics of her to get you through the winter, nice ride Scott
  4. Come on Garnet you have lots of money, are you not related to the couple in the Shwa that won the 50 million on the Lotto Max, everyone else is
  5. Great vid Lemmie Kilmaster would be proud of the motorhead shirt, been in Hamilton I thought TEENAGE HEAD ruled their
  6. The story is in the forum section of muskie hunter, as told by Captain Rich Clarke, in his words he was going for the scales and sling to weigh the fish, to put the controverseys to rest, and on his way by the fish, decided that the extra time needed might jeopordize the healthy release of the fish, which fought long and hard, and decided against the weighing. A truly conservation decision
  7. The new Shimano Tranx looks like a Revo Toro on roids, The reel sits very close to the reel seat, with its lowered reel stem, and has been referred by some testers as the most comfortable and most efficient reel for double 10s. you can google shimano tranx for a youtube video with Larry Dahlberg showing the reel in action
  8. I knew id find my daily laugh in here some where
  9. Larry Ramsall wont sleep until the records back in Wisconsin, maybe he should go where his name is and see if he can catch one himself, instead of shittin on everyone elses good fortune.
  10. RIP George theres been alot of weeping guitars since you left us
  11. The lucky angler is Daniel Polniak Jr. you can check out Sign Man Charters website at 1000islandsfishing.com and click on the muskie page to see more muskie porn
  12. Rich Clarke knows that section of the River like no other, congradulations Rich and to the very happy angler as well, and most important for the Rivers future, the decision to release that great fish
  13. Mac QB thru for over 500 yrds and ran over 150 himself
  14. Still musky fishing open water, and hope it stays that way till Dec 15
  15. The scenery out in the Blue Zone must be outstanding, looking at blue water all around you for miles, see any deer or grouse out in 300 feet of water, id rather catch 3 fish in a beautiful creek than 50 off the rigger anyday, thats my preference only, might not make any friends from the boating committee, but im sure the river runners will know theres more to fishing then catching fish
  16. Welcome, nice walleyes and I especially love the silver one, a grand intro if i do say
  17. Buy it now youll get a free Banjo Minno, and a Paul Popiels Pocket Fisherman to boot, wait if you order within the next 10 minutes well include the shipping as well. ah what the hell ill also throw in a bottle of bikini line cream for you wifey or GF, unless you use that stuff yourself, then maybe you might want one of those pink rod and reel combos aka Fisher Girl
  18. Hum is their any Tibor Signature series fly reels in their preferably 8/9wt
  19. And I thought Ron had finally put a name to his homemade Ceasars Nok Out does it work for Musky slime Ron let me know
  20. If those muskie in simcoe were big, and they were open, id go, but im solo muskie fishin tomorrow, hopefully the big kahuna will see some slime
  21. Also lookin for another ex she had a pretty good rear-end in her day had some milage on her when i had her, but theirs probably a hell of a lot more milage on her now man did she used to purr, but towards the end she started to growl she had a decent set of head lights as well, but one day she went to the body shop and they can back much larger and prettier then before she she went in to the shop If you see her say hi, she told me its either the fishin, or its me, i said good-by
  22. Im still looking for RS23UOG217181 a 1970 Deep Burnt Orange Mettalic Plymouth GTX factory 440 super commando factory 4-speed 833A transmission Hurst pistol grip shifter and factory air-grabber hood, with a trac-pack Dana 60 with 354 gears, sold it to buy a boat, boats paid now i want him back his name is Snortin Norton, there might still be a piece of hard sponge on the lower part of the dash, by the shifter, cause you used to ram your knuckles every time you jammed her into3rd gear, sold in 1993 to a lad in Oshawa, i tried to do a VIN locate, but a police told me that he could loose his job for doing that, privacy laws
  23. Happy BD Lew and many more to come, with a generous smattering of ol esox mixed in there as well of course
  24. Send it to me it will be froze by the time it makes it to Drifters house Congrads ladies and gents for the tips and most importantly the laughs kepp em coming for another 65,000,000 hits
  25. Very nice fish, and not a finer way to spend the day
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