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Everything posted by esoxansteel

  1. Good luck Mike, the reasons you listed are the reasons I quit fishing tournies, the stress of pre-fishin, the night before etc, took away the enjoyment, plus the egos, and the cheaters looking to either get sponsors, or pleasing sponsors.
  2. Nice fish Mikey hope Tom McCutcheon doesnt see them or he might want a donation for the friday night K Lakes outing
  3. 39inches WOW there big already go get em G-man, show the old boys how its done
  4. I am running a 6ft 8in Cumara med/hvy fast action model CUC-68med/hvy, and like Mike says if big toothies are a possiblility i bump up to a 7ft 6in Crucial model number CRC-X76med/hvy extra fast both great rods for trolling and bottom bouncing.
  5. Nice fish Larry, a thing of pre-historic beauty,
  6. I love my Compres too, but they dont come even close to the St. Croix Legend Tournaments, and the new compres are very tip heavy in the 8ft 6in and 9in models, and fatigue will be a factor throwing big baits with them im sure, a very sweet combo Lew, just 18 short days to load er up with the slime factor.
  7. Not much lighter, at least not noticable, its just cheaper to build with less cork which is at least 5.00 per inch on a rod, and more expensive on a musky stick with a larger diameter ring. Lots of companies are going back to Eva foam as well to totally eliminate the high cost of quality cork, which you would think that large companies like Shimano, StCroix and so on would have large volume buying discounts.
  8. If there are peanut allergies in your family, you can go with cheese whiz, or just the cottonballs by themselves, or a small piece of caramilk bar as well, that way you can finish the rest of the bar
  9. Mice in a cold room, pickup the Victor wooden snap traps preferably with the yellow plastic paddle, with the little hook to fasten your bait, mice are always looking for nesting material, and food, so take a piece of small cotton ball, and dab a very small amount of peanut butter on the cottonball, then hook the cottonball with peanut to the hook on the mouse trap, that way he or she has to work to get the bait, also mice can get through the opening the diameter of a pencil, so if you can see lite through it ie a door, mice can get through it, check all the lines coming into the house ie cable, gas, hydro etc, and make sure the caulking is still in place, mice are great climbers so dont be afraid to look up, etc where your hydro meter and line go through the soffit etc giving them access to your attick, any other questions pm me, and I will try to help you further as ive been an exterminator for 30 years
  10. I just did mine with a 19 year old aluminum hull, using mothers ultimate car wax and a high speed simonize buffer, that was on sale for 50.00 2 weeks ago at CT, regular price on the buffer was 100.00, that other car care store that affiliated with CT might have that buffer on sale as there sales are usually a week or 2 later then CT not sure of the name though, did 2 coats on my grand cheerokee, and the flies slide down the hood
  11. The video and music choice was excellent, pease and tranquility, which is what i look for when fly fishing, and exactly what i felt watching your video, could have watched that for an hour
  12. Bucktails and cranks are sharpened and ready for Saturday

  13. Now thats photography at its finist
  14. Angleo Lombardo was the rep for Lund, but he has taken over Mike Readers job at OFAH, but would have some very good contacts for you no doubt.
  15. Luv the Beasties, we are loosing far too many lately
  16. Beer oh did i mention BEER
  17. Cuzza checked out your groups HAFFTW website very nice
  18. Mike P will be thrilled to know those Handle Barz work just as well on those Southern Muskies, as they do up North, thanx for the overdue muskie porn
  19. Is the kill switch tether strap hooked up or did you remove it last fall?
  20. Psylicibin mushrooms way too much fun, the last time I ate them I was talking to Syd Barrett
  21. You werent down here lookin for those pretty browns again were you
  22. Sorry the travel lodge is on ferry st. not lundy's lane
  23. Travel lodge by the Falls, was very reasonable around 70.00, its the one with the smittys rerstaurant in it, on Lundy's Lane
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