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Everything posted by Daplumma

  1. I always thought Greencoachdog was Alabannannas slang for not catching fish north of the mason dixon line.Daplumma is a nickname given to me years ago cause my last name is unpronouncable to most people that dont live in the swamps of Louisiana or Canada (Melancon).Good thread ,Bernie. Joe
  2. Good to see yer home again Jack.I cant believe they kicked you out so quickly. Joe
  3. Thanx alot Dan.Now I have yet another website to waste time on!I collect old Popular Mechanix as well as Mechanix Illustrated.Good stuff Bud. Joe
  4. Now thats funny,I dont care who you are! Joe
  5. Thanks for the update Cliff and Norm. Joe
  6. Thnx for the update Norm.Does he have a room with a phone? Joe
  7. We are pulling for Jack and Jackie down here.Thanx for the heads up Beans. Joe
  8. Happy belated to ya.Shoulda said something during chat last night. Joe
  9. Just the usual suspects there now. Joe
  10. Glad it worked for you Beats.It doesn't always work down here.I guess the operator can not tell where you are calling from in some cases. http://www.911voip.org/
  11. Very funny read Rick.I think I heard that VOIP has problems with 911 calls.I may have it mixed up with something else though. Joe
  12. Y'all are lucky to have so many leagues to choose from.There is a rink not to far from here but all the leagues are for the younger crowd.Great idea Roy,I'd love to see Dawg on some butter knives strapped to his Nike's. Joe
  13. I used to love to skate and play hockey as a kid but when we moved here to Virginia in 1970 ice skating was not popular here.I just got back into roller blading in the last few months and have some street hockey equipment.Its not the same as on ice but it is a great workout. Joe
  14. I would say that paying a bit more at the little/local guy is a good idea because you may need service one day and you will not get it at the big box place.If you need to get some live bait on your way to the lake at 5:00 am Bass Pro is not gonna help you out.I'm not saying you should buy everything at the local guy but it is to your advantage to have him in business.Believe me ,he is not priced higher so he can retire early on a Carribean island,he prolly makes less per item than the box stores do. From time to time a discussion will come up on which trolling motor or chainsaw or car is the best.For the most part I go with the brand of that has the best service in my area.It does me no good to buy an Husquavarna saw when there is a shop that sells and services Stihl saws 5 miles up the road.They sell Husquvarna at the home depot but they offer no service.The nearest Husquvarna sevice place is an hours drive away.The Husky dealer that was up the road quit carrying Husky because Husky said they would have to sell thier crappy lawnmowers if they wanted to sell their saws.Home depot agreed to sell the mowers and so they sell the whole Husky line of products(homeowner grade)but offer no service.My next saw will be a Stihl from the local little guy because he can service what he sells. Sorry bout the rambling but if all we do is shop price then we will utimatly loose service and selection and competition,When that happens we will pay more for less service with fewer choices. Joe
  15. Funny,my first thought was that you was gonna be ticked if that fence gets knocked down! Joe
  16. Art will comment on this one but I have found some of the 12v (bilge pump looking ones)pumps do not pump enough water to keep up with heavy demand.You also have to be careful about how far the run is and how much head you are pushing against.They also have problems overcoming any sort of check valve.There is a full size pump with both 24v and 110v windings that Art has installed that seem to work quite well and are easier to install.Hopefully he can give you the comapny that makes them. Joe
  17. Best of luck with the procedure Jack.Was great to talk to you in chat last night. Joe
  18. Might be the dumbest statement I have seen here in a while.Thats the logic that the thieves use to justify their stealing.In the NAVY they have no use for a thief and violenece against thieves works very well.No one steals on a ship and if they do they have a blanket party for the guy.Very effective. Bill,dont dwell on the scum that did it,they will make you their prisoner.Go on about your life just as you were and have faith in your fellow man as most of them will do the right thing and not steal your stuff.Cept for the ones who think its half your fault,they will steal whenever they get a chance.Nothing but bad will come from ill gotten gains. Joe
  19. More than few there now
  20. Best wishes my friend.Sounds like they have a handle on the problem and you'll be just fine. Joe
  21. I would say that sports injuries are much less of a drag on the health care system than fat smokers.Skydivers dont cost healtcare systems much at all,they make thier own hole to bury them in!Down here if they have to make a water rescue or cliff rescue you will get a bill for it!I would say that maybe alcoholics should not be given the option for a liver transplant if they choose to ruin their own liver unless they can pay for a new one.Maybe the alcohol and tobacco tax could be lowered if the individual who chooses to use those products would take resposibility for their health choices and pay for the extra services they may need.If they have no ill effects from the alcohol or tobacco then they would not have to pay and their smokes and booze would be cheaper!Just have the ones that get sick from their choices pay for the services.The defribs are a great idea and saves money downstream from long term damage due to delayed medical treatment.We have one that we payed for in my church,not a lot of sports stuff going on there. It is true that most people will develope something that will require medical attention.Imagine how many less would need care if they lost weight,drank less and didn't smoke! In the interest of full disclosure.I smoked for many years,still drink and am 6 ft tall and weigh 183 lbs.I also will say that Corey and I get along just fine and have spent many evenings in chat discussing lots of stuff from hunting to the war in Iraq. Joe
  22. The bottom line is that smokers and obese people are a disproportionate drain on the health care systems in both of our countries.I have no problem with people doing either,it just sort of sucks for people who make better health decisions.Maybe overweight and smokers should have to pay a higher health care premium like with life insurance companies. Joe
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